Stay a little longer

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No set POV
Fundy awakes arms still perched on the
table next to the still sleeping wounded man, pushing the chair back with a low screech as the legs collide along the wooden floor allowing enough space for fundy to stand and make his exit into the kitchen for new bandages and cleaning supplies for dreams wounds.

Reaching back into the cabinet for the small green antiseptic jars and small brown bandages home stitched from old cloth, returning back he pops open the bottles dousing the bandages in the thin liquid and spreading it along dreams pale back, taking extra care to not to press to hard into the red sore skin and over the semi neat stitches that was sewn with shaky worried hands.

After applying the antiseptic to dreams back he assesses the damage done running a finger lightly up his back spotted lightly with dried blood extending up his neck and into his hair, pushing off from the table fundy spins back in the direction of the kitchen, in the kitchen he collects a medium wooden bowl carefully holding it under the hot tap filling it up with a mixture of soap and water, placing the wooden bowl down on the table and extending his arms up to a small wooden cabinet, inside was a small woven twig basket filled with pouches of dried leaves and flowers beside it is a smaller woven basket filled with spare cloth bandages and cotton balls, pulling the smaller basket from the cabinet fundy balances it in his arm and scoops up the bowl with his free hand.

Back in the dinning room fundy placing the bowl and basket down on the chair dipping a cloth into the soap mix ringing out the excess water before dabbing it onto the dried blood on dreams back,
After dabbing the same spot continuously a small groan erupts from the man below him,
"Hello again" fundy speaks slow sliding to the other side  of the table lowering himself to dreams eye level
"You helped me.."
The man speaks weakly still in the midst of recovering from both the attack and the shock
"Don't thank me and don't move I'm cleaning the mess that is you're back",
Fundy rises to his feet returning to the bowling dipping the ragged cloth back in the bowl prepping to continue cleaning
"All i can say is thank you"
Dream lets out the occasional grunt and groan as fundy accidentally applies a little too much pressure to a sensitive part of the painful wounds,
"If you feel strong enough i need you to try sit up"
Fundy steps back collecting the blood soaked water and cloths.

Dream swings a leg off the table and balances all his body weight on it as he swings off his second leg, now standing leaning against the table panting from the pain and supporting himself from the dizziness from having laid down for too long, fundy returns to the room drying his hands off on a towel
"Do you feel ok?" he asks as he flings the towel over his bare shoulder
"I feel really tired" dream slouches down further on the table
"It will be from blood loss" he stares through the window admiring the beautiful blue sky as he thinks
"Ill go get you something to wear and then I'll cook us some food"
Dream makes an attempt to stand and turns to fundy,
Fundy now getting a good look at dreams face.

Dream had a structured face with a strong jawline, his eyes a deep green with small brown freckles giving them more depth, a red sore like Scores through his top lip
"I didn't notice this" fundy reaches his hand cupping dreams cheek as he runs his thumb over the cut assessing the damage,
"I um didn't notice" dream stutters face turning a light shade of pink from fundys touch
"Don't be so dramatic" fundy laughs at his expense.

"Come in ill get you something to wear" they step in to fundys room,
There isn't much theres a giant chest of drawers looked to a have been homemade from a type of wood and a four post bed balancing on a platform it all seem to be made of large thin trees and driftwood, the entire room had lanterns hanging in each corners.
Dream sat on the edge of the bed as fundy rustled through his drawers fetching dream a matching pair of joggies and a black t-shirt, fundy walked over to the defeated looking man extending the pile of clothes towards him.

Dream hobbles into kitchen to see fundys ears a tail have made an appearance
"What exactly is this"
Dream lightly strokes the tail followed quickly by fundy twirling and slapping his hand
"Dont touch my tail!!" Fundy shouts at dream who's taken back by the aggression
"Im sorry I just haven't seen many shapeshifters...that are passive anyway" dream hugs his now red hand to his chest,
"Well then you should know its highly rude to just touch me I'm not some pet" he sneers at dream before turning back to the oven,
"Im sorry...hey i never got you're name"
"Is pancakes ok?" fundy asks while applying a generous amount of batter from the wooden bowl placed neatly on the counter beside the oven,
"Oh um yeah.." dreams confused by fundy ignoring his question "sorry are you ignoring me?" He presses for an answer
But fundy just flips the pancakes with his spatula and a small sizzle fills the silence as the batter hits the hot surface
"No im not"
"Then what's you're name?" Dream repeats himself
"Its names fundy"
"Fundy..? The name sounds familiar.."
Dream leans against the counter rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb
"Trust me its not" fundy removes the pancakes dividing them onto plates and garnishes them with powdered sugar and 3 small red berries.

The two men sat down at the table once used as dreams hospital bed eating in silence,
"I should do something about your lip" fundy places his fork down gently on the plate
"Oh don't worry about it" dream chuckles it off thankful for the small gesture "you've done enough I'm not sure how I'll repay you"
"Don't come back here"
Fundys words cut deep in the atmosphere
"What?" Dream drops his fork from the mans monotone answer "why not"
"I like being out here on my own and i don't like company and i especially want no one else to know" fundy stares down at the porcelain plate in front of him
"But i wanna see you again" dream reaches his hand over the table and holds fundys,
"You don't know me you're just thankful that I didn't let you die" he spits out sounding slightly annoyed standing up pushing his chair out and turning quickly taking his plate to the kitchen,
"Hey wait now" dream stands up quickly rushing after him "can you just hear me out"
Fundy ignores his question placing his dishes in the sink causing dream to get desperate for his attention, grabbing his wrist pulling him towards him and pushing them both against the old 90 diner style refrigerator
"Can you hear me out please"
The two mens faces flush pink.

"I know i don't know you well and i am thankful but I wanna know you better fundy" dream stares down at the man against him
"I don't even know anything about you dream" fundys voice is lower almost timid
"Ill tell you anything you wish to know about me"

Fundy POV
There's something about him that i cant quite figure out its like a warm fire on a cold day his confidence is enchanting and his demeanour is refreshing.
"Then stay with me for a while..."

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