Bloody fist

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No set pov
The sound of the ceramic shards falling and bouncing on the ground that sends fear and silence over the room
"Anyone else got a problem with my demands" schlatt adjusts his blazer and tie
"You cant do this!" Dream shouts still persistent
"Um I already did" schlatt smiles at everyone
"Good day" he turns taking his leave,
Schlatt screams out of view which makes the small man that was by his side rise and rush out of the room eyes to the floor not looking at anyone,
"Dad we cant let him do this" dream turns to his father who has kept his head down in shame
"What do you oppose then?" His words calm but almost sound defeated
"Go against him and risk everything charge head first into war? Risk losing more neighbouring villages? Risk many many lives and for what? For 10% more of what he is already talking from us don't be so fucking hot headed",
It might have been how calm he spoke but the words cut dream deep his face turned sour and his pride took over
"None of this would have happened if i were king"

Thinking back he probably regrets it

A loud thud echos around the room,
Fundy looks up to see dream on the floor the king standing over him holding a red fist in his opposite hand
"Get out of my sight-"
Dream held his face in his hand

The rest of breakfast was quite the king left shortly after dream who scrambled.    off the floor and to the exit like a wounded animal, No one dared to speak after the previous events,
Fundy rose from his seat and a guard immediately jumped forward from the sides of the room
"Where are you going"
"My room?" Fundys voice shrinks pitching at the end from fear making it sound like he is asking a question

Fundy opens the door to their room Trying to be stealthy but is quickly exposed by the loud creek of the door hinges,
Dream doesn't bother turning to see Fundy he just lies back to the door
"Hey is everything ok?"
Fundy slowly steps in closing the door lightly behind him
"Mhmm" dream grunts still not turning to look at him
"Do you wanna talk?"
"No" the word came out blunt stopping Fundy abruptly, Fundy walks over to the end of the bed and sits by dreams feet
"Are you ok from earlier?"

It could be embarrassment or hurt pride but something snapped

"Could you drop it I'm fine stop being so fucking annoying and leave me alone" dream shouts flinging the covers off him and aggressively stopping to the door,
Fundy sat on the bed shocked by the harsh reaction from such a lighthearted question,
The door slams and fundy slumps backwards on the bed releasing a deeply repressed sob into his arms that lay across his eyes.

The door creaks open with a slow squeak
"Go away clay"
"Its not clay"
Fundy tosses his body over shuffling under the sheets to face the door seeing Wilbur standing there
"Oh um" fundy sits wiping his stuffy nose on his sleeve with a soft sniffle "sorry i was um...-"
Fundy barley gets any words out before he starts sobbing again dragging his knees up to his face,
Seeing his son in teats sent Wilbur into dad mode and he darts across the room to sit by Fundys side pulling him into his chest rocking them both back and forth to soothe him like a baby,
"What happened?" Wilburs words are muffled by his face being pressed into Fundys hair
Fundys releases the air he has held in his lungs
"I came in to check on dream and he snapped at me-"
Fundys words are cut off
"Shh its ok you should get some sleep, you got here really late and didn't get much sleep",
Wilbur releases his grip on fundy and helps him lay down in the bed pulling the covers up to his shoulders
"Thanks dad"
"No problem"
Wilbur shuffles and lays down outside of the covers by his fundy holding his sons hand in his.

After Fundy had fallen asleep Wilbur slowly crept out of the room and stood back to the door and dark look now in his eyes,

TW violence skip to next line if uncomfortable

Marching into the dinning room Schlatt sat back at his seat eating and drinking,
Down at the bottom sat George Sapnap and Dream all drinking together,
Wilbur Marches down to bottom of the table
"Hey wil-"
Dreams words cut by Wilburs fist colliding with the side of his jaw,
In the same motion George and sapnap dive up from their seats as dream is hoisted by the shirt collar onto the table,
"Wilbur stop!" George yells but Wilbur is deafened by rage
Repeatedly landing punches on the prince,
Schlatt sits at his seat laughing hysterically making zero attempt to stop it so sapnap pulls Wilbur off hooking his arms under Wilburs holding him away
"What the fuck!" Dream screams sitting up and backing away to a safe distance
"If you hurt my son again I'll make sure you will never walk again green boy".


"Hey wake up"
Fundys eyes dart open frightened by the voice
"Im sorry i scared you" dream chuckles looking down at fundy
"What do you want" fundy rolls his eyes eyes focusing to look at dream
"What happened to your face?" Referring to the black eye and burst lip
"Oh" fundy repressed a chuckle
"what do you want?" He sits up stretching his arms up that releases a crack deep in his back,
"I was hoping we could head into town"
"Why not go with your friends" he throws a sublet jealous dig at how he had been ignored for his friends,
Dream scoots closer to Fundy and places his chin on the other mans shoulder
Fundy turns to face the man on his shoulder and their noses bump together and it reminds Fundy of all the good times before now

AN short chapter because i have a lot planned for the next chapter and i really just wanted to watch streams today so if its sloppy blame it on that

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