Ballrooms and bouquets

66 3 11

No set POV
Short chapter bc I'm extremely busy and stressed I'm sorry :(

It was really late when Sapnap groggily opens his eyes,
Staring up at the ceiling he huffs out a sigh now struggling to fall back asleep,
Turning his head he catches a glimpse of a person in the corner of his eye,
Staring for a moment at the figure to let his eyes focus to see if it was there or a simple figment of his imagination,
Just as he is about to dismiss it the figure darts away,
Curiosity peaks and Sapnap slowly starts
Shifting Quckity off him to
Slide out of bed,
Diving to the door sapnap starts chasing who ever was watching him and his now boyfriend sleep.

Just before every turn he sees someone quickly running away,
Chasing them all the way down through the castle like its a maze,
Finally the person dives into a large doorway,
Sapnap stops stood still in front of a  giant doorway preparing to go inside,
Slowly stepping in he sees the giant ballroom,
The room is dark and the only light source is the moons soft glow that flows through the large windows,
In the middle of the dance floor stands a man

Sapnap shouts to the man
He Slowly turns in response which drags a small gasp from Sapnap

it was karl again
"What?..why are you?"
Sapnap stumbles back shocked at the sight.

Staring at each other from across the room Karl extends his hand out
"Dance with me".

Change sides

"1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4"

The pairs shoes squeak as they dance

Fundy slouches panting from exhaustion
"Can we take a break?"
"No silly we just started"
Bad chuckles straightening his back pulling Fundy up with him
"Lets try this again",
Fundy grunts in annoyance.

Fundy flops down onto a chair exhausted from all the dance lessons,
The room is giant and empty holding nothing but piled up towers of chairs that accompany the tables in the basement,
Sitting in the chair Fundys eyes wander around the room and he can only imagine the parties and events that took place here,
His thoughts are interrupted when bad hands him a glass of water which he quickly gulps down,
"Are...we done?"
He speaks slowly trying to catch his breath
"Yes but you are horrible at this"

As they are about the leave Fundy stops them at the door,
Fundy shushes bad and shakes his head aggressively causing his fluffy ears to spring up,

Pressing an ear to the door Fundy hears a familiar voice and cant help but eavesdrop into the conversation.

"Yeah pick up flowers for George....yeah the blue ones..."


Fundy pushes open the door to see dream now standing alone in the main room,
"Oh hey didn't know you guys were here"
He laughs awkwardly avoiding Fundys scowling glare,
" lessons to prep for the wedding....what are you doing here?"
Fundy asks hoping for a honest explanation ,
"I was just asking for flowers to be collected for you"
"But you said George?" ,

"I did? Shit sorry I'm so tired"
He laughs it off but Fundy doesn't join in he just walks away

Walking away soothed the empty tight feeling in his chest,
What could he really be doing.

The full day was spent picking cake designs and table cloths along with seating plans and guest lists,
It was exhausting.

The water splashes as it parts and falls off of Fundys arm as he raises his hand to run it through his hair,
Fundy sits in the bath back to the doorway,
The steam rises up off the water leaving the room steamy,
Sighing Fundy slouches into the water shoulders just sitting above the water.

"Is it warm enough"

That same damn voice

"Yeah its nice..."
He walks up behind Fundy standing on the outside of the bath
"Im sorry about earlier"
He gets down on his knees and places his chin on Fundys shoulder
"Dream i-"
His words are cut off by the small kisses planted on his shoulder,
Fundy turns and their eyes meet,
They're still as beautiful as the first time he saw them,

Just like that all doubt is gone.

I just wanna add in here that cheating is an absolutely disgusting  and heartbreaking thing and if you're in that situation get yourself somewhere safe people love you and care for you and you don't deserve that, with that said this is all fictional and shouldn't be taken seriously.
I care about you :)

Change sides

Philza comes darting into the dining hall where everyone sitting eating lunch
"I need!"
Phil raises and hand gesturing for everyone who will help to follow before turning a speed walking away,
Wilbur tommy and Tubbo quickly follow confused about the situation
"What's happening?"
Wilbur finally asks
"I was out travelling and i found something on the floor-"
They walk over to a small room and stop at the door
"- i went over and found someone he looks like he's been out there a while.."
Phil sighs and pushes open the door.

Inside the small room a tall lanky person sat on the bed blanket draped over their head And down their body concealing them from the peering eyes staring at them from the doorway,

He turns his head now letting everyone see,

Half of his face is pure white like a porcelain doll contrasting with the other side thats a deep black,
His eyes are dull and heavy clearly tired from spending so long stranded outside for god only knows how long.

"Ranboo?.. never heard that name before"

Change sides

The hall was cold at this time of night

"For me?"
He holds his dainty looking hands to his chest in shock
"Yeah do you like them?"
Dream holds out the bunch of flowers to George
"I love them"

"Im really bad at this"
George fumbles his feet over dreams as a futile attempt of dancing
"Just follow my lead ok"
George tucks his head into dreams chest as dream holds him tight spinning them round dancing in neat circles along the dance floor,
Dreams face burns brightly as he plants his face into George's hair which causes George to giggle.

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