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Tw slight gore
Fundy awakens from his sleep curled into a ball basking  in the gentle light beam shining through the gap in his curtains, he lay there in a ball tail waving along the soft sheets behind him as he listened to the small birds tunes from outside his window, ears flipping to face anywhere with a new noise.

After a moment of admiration for the birds he sits himself up yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes, he shakes his body lightly making the tail and ears disappear almost instantaneously,

The heat beams down on the mans brown hair exposing every little white stripe as he sits on his back door step breathing in the sweet forest scents of spruce trees and stream water, he sits there eyes closed soaking in the sounds of the flowing current just out of view from the door step and the birds chirps echoing from tree to tree.

The man rises to his feet's only wearing joggies not worried about any decrease in heat as its always warm out here during the summer time, stepping barefoot along the evergreen grass spotted with flowers such as daisies and dandelions, he takes one big steep into a jump turning into a small ball of light before falling back to the ground, where the man who once stood tall there now replaced with a small orange and white fox.

The fox darts through the trees under logs and weaving in and out of bushes crunching and snapping feeble twigs and branches underneath his soft paws, after running for such a distant he came out in to a clearance split in half with a wide bending river in the middle, the fox takes a running jump hopping along surfacing rocks that lead to a bigger flat rock almost central of the lake, from here he views the entire oval space seeing the trees looming over from above as a below flowers and grass dance in the early afternoon breeze.

The fox plants himself down wrapping his tail to his body and bows his head yet again turning into a ball of light bringing back the man with the fuzzy ears, sitting on his knees moving onto all fours peering his head over the side of the rock gazing down and the crystal waters, the algae houses many aquatic animals like crabs and small fish They are truly satisfying to watch.

Fundy leans his head back gazing into the trees and how tall they all look when suddenly the bird chirps stop. A quick snap sends fundys reflexes into overdrive whipping his head in the direction to the tree line to see a man frozen in his tracks in pure shock, fundy returns the expression.
The man stands tall ish with a like sweater and blue jeans and a mask of a simple black smile half covering his face, the mystery mans expression turns from feared to amazement seeing a fox man sitting in the sunlight perched on a makeshift platform in the middle of a river, the man takes one step closer causing fundy to jump back up transforming into a fox and darting through the water safely on the opposite side of the water.

The two men share a stare both uneasy and unsure of what to do just as it seems like nothing will happen next the man calls out "hey please don't leave" but fundy stays up tight and on guard, turning back and hiding slightly in the shadows of the trees
"What do you want" he calls back
"Im really lost" the man drops to his knees from the opposing side of the opening, fundy slowly creeps from the shadow and back into the light slowly
"You looked beautiful" he calls out to fundy again
"I will help you but-" he pauses looking at the defeated man shrunken to his knees
"-tell me about yourself"
The man lifts his head seeing fundy now sitting on the banks of the water
"My names clay my friends call me dream...i came out here with my friends when we were attacked by wolves i got cut up pretty bad" dream says very weakly before collapsing lying flat out on his stomach in the grass exposing 3 crimson lines scored into the lime fabric oh his sweater.
Fundy dives across to the water falling by the wounded mans side panic rising in him every second the man lay unconscious on the floor, its a split second decision but he makes a weak attempt to lift the man up bridal style stumbling to stay stable as he isn't strong enough to do this but he also can't leave the man to potentially die on the forest floor.
Stumbling and running through the forest they run up to the small cottage in a field viewing the forest, fundy runs up the step re adjusting his grip onto dream as he slides into the kitchen thats separated from the living room by an open arch way, stepping into the living room gently placing the man on the couch before returning to the kitchen side swiping his arm on the table tipping all the candles and placemats onto the floor with a harsh clatter. Fundy returns to the living room collecting dream in his arms again bringing him to the now empty table placing him face down to examine the damage done by the wolves.

Taking scissors for a safe box on the counter fundy cuts the sticky fabric up the middle pulling it away gently from the raw skin underneath, seeing the harsh indents in the mans back flowing with blood makes fundy a little nauseated.
The slender man returns to his kitchen squatting down to a small cabinet filled with Small brown bottles and vials labelled with tiny messy pieces of paper,
Pushing through the bottles that admit little clanking noises as they click together finally pulling 2 from the far back,
Fundy pops out the small corks and rushed back the man tipping the bottles all along the harsh wounds luckily the mans asleep or this would have been excruciatingly painful, now its clean and theres no risk of infections fundy can begin to sew up the large wounds.

Dreams pov
I awaken in a small darkened home lit only by candles spotted around and a steady fire in the other room it all admits a soft warm glow, i lay stomach down pain in my back had lessened but still painful, i turn my head to the other side to see the same lanky man sitting beside the table sleeping in his crossed arms planted gently on the side of the table, from this day on I'm forever grateful for that strange entity in the woods.

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