Assistance from the past

68 3 42

No set pov
"we need a doctor now!"
A man screeches as he runs down the hallway,

"Whats going on?"
The small brown haired boy raises his head from the bed pillows rubbing a sleepy hand against his eye,
"Im not sure but i don't have a good feeling"
The other man swings himself out of bed pulling on his clothes as be rushes out of the room,

"He's dead"

Change sides
The first few nights were hard on his own but it was something he would force himself to get used too,
Fundy twists the soggy fabric in his hands ringing out the water over a pale of now grey toned water,

Washing away all the gunk and dirt from his clothes was a almost a full day task that was repetitive and tedious,

Theres no real running water this far out so all his water came from a Well just down the hill if he wanted hot water It'd have to be boiled in a pot,
It was muscle memory by now
Go down to the well collet a bucket of water carry it up to the back garden tip it into the smaller pale,
Take the clothing he was cleaning and rub the soap into it dipping it in and out the water finally ringing it out and hanging it out to dry then repeat,

After the long process its now around 9am and Fundy has no clue what else to do today
"Hey what-"
Fundy goes to speak out before remembering theres no one to hear him now,
"Oh yeah...",
Fundy sighs rising to his feet stretching his sore muscles that release a few cracks from his spine,
A sigh of relief falls from his mouth after spending all night and day cleaning the house and doing other household chores.

Stirring the spoon around in the small china cup of tea listening to the small clanks of the metal hitting the sides of the cup,
Fundy leans back onto the small wooden dining room chair basking in the light beams shining in through the small window when a small knock can be heard from the front door.

Opening the door slow in front of him was an unexpected guest

"Hey Fundy"

"Um can i get you tea or anything ?"
Philza is sat opposite to where Fundy was on the dining room table as Fundy scrambles around in the kitchen boiling water to prepare some tea for phil,
"Yeah that'd be nice actually".

They sit down for some tea together
"So Fundy"
Philza places his cup down on the table with a small clank
"Im here to talk to you about the wedding"

Fundy sips his tea,

"Yes...your wedding"
The memory of his engagement has slipped his mind and the sudden reminder makes Fundy choke on his tea,

"I didn't think it was still happening"
"Thats why I'm here",
"What do you mean?"

Fundy places his cup down composing himself after choking on the tea,
"We can go ahead and plan the wedding and have it take place if you still want, Dream still wants it to happen if you do, you two don't have to see each other till the wedding day, or you can go back now and have the wedding like normal or obviously you can just say no",

He hadn't had much thought of it till now
"I need time to think..."
Fundy stares down at the table
"Of course"
Philza finishes his drink and leaves shortly after.

Is he really ready to go through with this wedding,

"I'll come back tomorrow"

Was that enough time to think this through.

Change sides

He hadn't noticed he had fallen asleep till he woke up to the cold reality that was last night's events,
Between his legs back against his chest sat his dead friend,
He didn't wanna leave him last night he didn't have the strength to say goodbye then,

"I can try help if you'd like...?"

It was a sweet gesture but it wasn't going to work,

It was time to say goodbye and he was gonna do it right even if he couldn't hear him,

Burying his face into the mans head he closes his eyes and lets everything go,

"I know we hadn't know each other long but i feel like I really got to to know you and I really got to relax and be myself around you, you know its funny i had a dream we were back walking down the village...completely forgot that you were dead-"

His voice breaks with a small chuckle and a sob

"-its hard to believe that you're gone, the hardest part is i never got to show you all the things i wanted to, what he did was sick and I'll make sure he fucking pays I promise",

With a small sniffle and a last kiss on top of the other mans head Sapnap is ready to leave.

Sapnap places his hand on either sides of Quackity read to move him off him when a small pained groan escapes the smaller mans mouth,

Shocked Sapnap freezes thinking he is going insane when Quackity shifts in His grip,

Sapnap releases Quackity letting him fall back on his chest,
Quackity tilts his head back teary eyed meeting Sapnaps who is now overflowing with tears
"Are you...are you alive?"
"I-i think",
Quackity sits up turning to face sapnap.

Sapnap lifts his hand forward holding it against Quckitys cheek it was so cold, mouth dropped in shock he finally got out some words
" is this possible"
"I don't know but...Im tired..."
Quackity lets out a nervous laugh
"I bet"
Sapnap joins pulling Quackity too him for a hug,
"I thought i lost you"
"Im ok...i think",
Quackity leans back forehead to forehead with Sapnap who is still sobbing,
"I wont let anyone hurt you"
Sapnap closes the gap between them
lips clashing together for a soft kiss.

Sapnap leans against the wall Quackity laying between his legs head on his chest not wanting to separate for a second,

"Im glad he is ok now"
That same voice is back in the doorway
Sapnap turns seeing the the same man from before,

"Its you again...did you?"
Sapnap speaks quietly to not disturb the sleeping man on him
"I said id help"
He gives a smile before turning to leave

"Hey wait.."
The man pauses mid walk
"What's your name?"
" was nice to meet you Sapnap"
He continues to walk away,
"Wait!...I didn't tell you my name..."

AN- apology accepted?

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