Dark stone and old bonds

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No set pov
The two men walked into their bedroom giggling away to themselves when dream snakes an arm round fundys waste pulling them into a soft embrace,
The door clangs shut and the rooms left silent
"Dance with me"
"Dance?-" fundy pulls away chuckling mindlessly "-oh no i cant dance-"
Words silenced by dream pulling Fundy back in, hand on his waste the other holding Fundys hand up to the side
They dance slowly in circles laughing as Fundys 2 left feet stumble around dreams , occasionally he would stumble stepping on his toes dragging a small grunt of pain from dream but he remained patient still coaching Fundys movements till they finally reached a steady rhythm'
"See you got it"
"Im sorry" the smaller man gives a nervous giggles
"Dont be" dream kisses Fundys forehead,
The smaller man burrows his face into his lovers chest swaying and turning with his partner leading the way soaking in everything that's happened recently.

Their love was vibrant and warn the kind of warm you feel when you come home from a hard day to your dog or cat the kind of warm thats like a log fire on a snowy day, it completes everything and you'd feel incomplete without it,
Fundy hadn't truly realised how much dream meant to him the small things melt into his heart making him truly happily like-
The cheek kisses that made his face burn
This hand holding and squeezes that are like a silent 'I love you'
The way his words instantly made his mood much greater
All together he knew he loved him.

Together they lay in bed Fundy lay on his side while dream lay back down arm round his lover holding him tight to the side of his body,
The smaller man trials a finger in circles on the other mans chest
"When do we leave?"
"Bad will come get us"
"What is it about?" Fundy props himself up on his elbow looking down at dream
"Keeping the peace between everyone and going over the agreements we have seeing if anything needs changed"
"What is theres no agreement?" Fundy asks
"Then there will be war",
War the word sends fundy into a state of nausea and vertigo
"Hey its ok-" dreams leans over to Fundy. scooping him up and bringing him onto him "-it ok i wont let that happen"
Fundy lay head on dreams chest eyes squeezed shut

Different POV
The carriage comes to a stop
"We're early"
"Im sure thats fine"
The man steps out friend following behind gawking at the large dark stone stairs in front of then
"Welcome!" The man at the top of the stairs erupts into laughter

Different POV

Dream walks hand and hand with Fundy out of the castle doors into the courtyard where 3 carriages are lined with giant black horses strapped to the front,
Tommy and Tubbo stood out front of the first waiting for philza, the middle was prepared for Fundy and dream while the last was for Skeppy and Badboyhalo.

Inside was two black bench like couches across from each other but the two chose to sit on the same side,
"Why are we leaving so late?" Fundy yawned snuggling up to dreams side
"So we can get there sleep and be prepared for a full day of planning"
Just as dream finishes talked the carriage jerks and starts moving bumping along down the hill of the village.
Implied smut/ lime
And time change few hours into the journey
Lightning strikes outside of the carriage

Love is fragile

Fundy kisses dreams cheek

In most circumstances everything would have been just fine

Dream lightly lifts Fundy onto his lap hands meeting the lose fabric on the other mans waste

Maybe it was the stress

Dream tightens his grip lips meeting fundys neck

Maybe he just didn't feel the same anymore

Clothes lay scattered on the floor

Maybe it was just a moment of weakness

The air became thick and heavy and the hear within the small raised

Maybe if they had never separated things would have pulled through

Dream raised face over Fundys both red and sweaty
"Fundy?..." dream pants heavily

But Living on what could have been wont fix it now


Or maybe

"Will you marry me?

It was never meant to be

"What?" Fundys voice sounds small and innocent prepared for this to be some kinda of joke,
"Will you marry me" dream repeats arms shaking on either side of fundys head weak from holding his weight for a prolonged period of time,
"I-" dreams eyes are full of love he truly means this "- of course",
Fundy reaches up holding dreams face in his hand
"Oh thank god-" dream cuts himself off dropping onto fundys chest exhausted.
Finally deciding to get changed the men gather their clothes from the floor and struggle to dress within the small walls of the carriage,
Fundy raises an arm bumping dreams nose
"Oh my god im so sorry!" Fundy shrieks cupping his fiancé's face in his hands
"Its ok im ok" dream laughs at the other mans urgent concern
"Im sorry" fundy chuckles planting kisses all over dreams face.

The cart pulls to a halt
"We have arrived" the coach yells,
The door is opened for them allowing them out all carriages once again lined along side the steep dark stone stairs,
Atop of the stairs stood a tall dark castle
"You made it!" A sister laughs erupts from  a tall man dressed in a dark suit with a red tie that stands proudly at the top of the steps
"Good to see you again schlatt"
"Shut up and get inside".

Walking in side by side in rows of 2 everyone makes their way into a giant empty throne room only holding one giant throne,
"Who the fuck is that" Schlatt calls from his throne clearly directed at Fundy
"He is my fiancé" dream calls back
"Fiancé?" A few shocked voices gasp
"Yes fiancé.." dream reaches and holds onto Fundys hand as a proud display of public affection showing it was no joke.

"Fiancé huh?" A voice calls out from the door which they entered
"Best friends and you didn't even tell us you got engaged" another add.

Emerging from the doors behind them was a two men roughly same sized,
One hand black hair with a white bandana,
The other has soft warm toned brown hair  with no noticeable accessories but a blue hoodie,
They stand guard high in the doorway their expressions are annoyed and tired,
"George...sapnap i-"

From that moment then the atmosphere was shifted completely and everything was an inevitable downfall


Hey i wanna take a moment to talk for a moment i wanna say thank you all so fucking much for the support my gawdd i hope everyone's enjoying and i wanna address some things about the book
1, all writing in italics are either foreshadowing for future events or a past event because uh character development,
2, yes this is a dreamnotfound fanfic so yes sadly fundy will be cheated on but this doesn't mean all ends sadly trust me,
3, there will be 2 books this one from how Fundy will see the full situation and then the next will be dreams and maybe a 3rd I'm not too sure,
Also information on me
Im 17 I'm nb as i said in the last chapter i don't show my face much as I believe its about my content not my appearance and people can be highly judgmental so don't built expectations:) i love you all sm mwah good day

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