take you home

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No set POV
Fundy sits backed up on the pillows knees hugged into his chest staring out his window thinking about the events that happened previously today with dream,

grabbing his wrist pulling him towards him and pushing them both against the old 90s diner style refrigerator
"Can you hear me out please"

Gulping down air fundy crawls along the bed to the edge stepping off and reaching for the window latch, he pushes it open till it hits its safety latch with a harsh clank

"I don't even know anything about you dream" fundys voice is lower almost timid
"Ill tell you anything you wish to know about me"

Fundys own words repeat in his head like a broken record playing over and over again, fundy steps back falling backwards onto the bed, fall softened by the mattress.

Dream lays on the couch placed on his side looking towards the flickering fire next to the staircase, pulling the soft brown blanket up over his shoulder avoiding touching his back against anything from fear of ripping his stitches,
After a moment's silence only filled with the snapping and cracking of the fire theres slow foot steps creaking down the stairs, both men turn and stare at each other
"Sorry if i woke you" fundys panicked by the shock of dream being awake
"No no i was already awake" he sits up letting the blanket fall of his chest
"Everything ok?" Dream leans back against the arm rest
"Yeah i...just couldn't sleep" fundy hold his arm against his chest leaning against the cold brick frame of the fire place
"Do you wanna sit and we can talk?"
Dream re positions crossing his legs and patting the couch in front of him,
Fundy silently says yes by just shifting up and walking over to the couch sitting down beside dream.

"Im going to start with a list of questions ok,-" fundys asks not giving dream time to answer "-Where did you come from?"
Dream shifts up now sitting straight
"A small village in the east"
"Why were you out here?" Fundy spins knees now touching dreams
"Hmm" fundys stumped for questions,
Fundy leans elbows on his knees balancing his hands on his cheeks
"Anything else?" Dream leans back staring into fundys eyes,
"I will take you home tomorrow"
"So soon?" Dream smirks at fundy
"What if-" dream sits up placing a finger under fundys chin making him look up at the confident man "-i Don't want to leave"
Fundys face flushes in a failed attempt to hide his modesty
"Dont you have a family?" Fundy tries to not stare into dreams eyes too much
"They wont miss me too much"
"You cant stay..." both mens voices are low and serious the tension in the room is so strong it feels heavy, dream moves his hand from fundys chin running it up to fundys cheek
"What are we doing dream"
"Are you uncomfortable?".

The two mens faces are inches apart
"No..im not"
"Good" dream whispered as he pulls fundys face to his lips colliding together,
The kiss is warm and sweet.
After a few seconds dreams moves his hands down to fundys hips gripping them and pulling the skinny man onto his lap lips still connected, fundy cups dreams face in his hand euphoria flowing through them both as their lips move in a perfect rhyth, the boys break apart panting trying to catch their breath
"Come with me" dream asks kissing along fundys jawline
"What? Where?" Fundy grabs dreams face moving him back so they're looking at each other,
"To meet everyone else please they're gonna love you" dream smiles returning to planting small delicate kisses along fundys neck
"I- but- are you sure" the smaller mans at a loss for words unsure of what to focus on as the larger man pulls fundy closer if even possible raising himself to eye level with fundy
"One million percent"
Both men smile before dream plants another kiss on fundy
"Can i sleep with you its cold down here" dream jokes bringing out lighthearted laughter from the two of them.

The boys lay in bed peacefully dreams arm round fundys shoulder as fundy is placed on his side head on dreams chest They're both basking in the sunlight like every morning,
Dream plants a soft kiss on fundys head
"Good morning" his voice raspy and deep from sleep, fundy shuffles up to be on level with dreams face, fundy gently cups dream opposite cheek  in his had and plants a soft kiss on his other
"Good morning".

Dream heads out the back door following fundys specific directions, down the cobble path right into the forrest past the mushroom patches and left over the miniature bridge that extends over the pond to a barn, dream pushes all his body weight into sliding the barn door open revealing a large black horse inside,
Dream approaches the horse with a steady pace to not frighten the animal as he is a stranger to it, reaching the calm horse he runs a hand over the soft surface of the horses neck
"Hello budy" he softly pats the horse before moving over to a stack of hay bails that holds a saddle and reins.

Fundy arrives at the old barn seeing dream laying on the floor im exhaustion caused by tacking the horse
"The mighty hunter tired out by tacking up a horse" fundy burst out laughing to himself
"Yeah yeah very funny" dream sits up and instantly silenced by fundys appearance used to only seeing fundy in joggies, seeing him in his black jeans white t shirt and black jacket with red yellow blue and white lines crossing horizontally under where his collarbones are (idk man T-T) it gave fundy a whole new look,
"Are you ready to head home"
Fundy walks towards the horse hand out stretched meeting the horses face for a soft stroke
"I guess so" dream pouts on the hay covered floor like a huffy child
"Lets go dream" fundy chuckles rolling his eyes, Stepping round to the side of the horse fundy places a foot in the stirrups and jumps pushing all his body weight on that leg and swinging his body on top of the leather saddle,
"How am i gonna do that?!" Dream looks up at the man in horror
"Simple-" fundy gives the horse a slight tap on its shoulder spinning it in the direction of the hay bails pulling the reins for a stop "-hop up here and then hop on"
"Yeah because that's gonna be easy" dream wines in protest but still makes his way to the hay
"Stop being a baby",
Dream wobbles standing on the uneasy surface and shakily crawls onto the horse immediately taking a strong grip round fundys waste
"Ready?" Fundy laughs feeling the unstable fear in dream
"Yes i think so maybe" dream clenches his eyes closed burying his face into fundys back.
Fundy nudges the horse so spinning it in the direction of the barn door heading through the forest to a small dirt path that leads along flower felids and winding rivers, from there they follow the river along to their destination.

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