Blood god

70 3 14

No set POV
Shorter chapter
An at end
The carriage fumbles along the path,
Philza and Wilbur are returning back to Fundys cottage when the carriage shakes aggressively as the horses are stopped freaking out by something outside,
Philza and Wilbur exchange panicked glares assuming bandits had stopped them to rob them or even worse murder them,
Just as they're about speak out and form a plan the door to the carriage flies open,
In enters a tall man draped in a ripped red cape, he sits down beside Wilbur and releases a sigh,
"Welcome back.."
Philza releases a stress relieving sigh as he releases the grip on his sword
"Thanks" the man grunts wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

Change sides

The hammocks rope rubs against the tree as the small hanging bed rocks slowly in the fresh morning wind,
Staring up and the green canopy
The small birds dart from branch to branch singing along to the tune coming from Fundys small 'well loved' ukulele,
Bathing in the sun Fundy strums away eyes closed listening to the notes flow well into a well made song,
Lost in a world of creativity and bliss he didn't hear the foot steps coming down the hill till the person jumps into the hammock too,
Quickly opening his eyes in shock he sees the man before him
"Oh hey when did you- never mind"
"Hey remember phil said we were coming today",
We didn't include everyone but its nice to see everyone,
Tubbo smiles back at Fundy
"I like that song you were playing...can i try!"
Tubbo extends his hand in a grabby motion for the ukulele,
Passing the ukulele to Tubbo Fundy sighs shifting around to be a little less cramped up to Tubbo,
Tubbo strums away at the ukulele making a really pretty sound
"Wheres tommy? You usually follow him around" Fundy asks
"Oh he is up there waiting"
Tubbo doesn't look up from the string focusing on the placement of his fingers so he doesn't mess up the notes,
Turning his head he sees tommy sitting on top of the grass hill picking at the small blades of grass beneath his hands,
"Should we go?"
Fundy turns back to Tubbo who now has a sour expression of frustration at the ukulele after a few wrong notes,
Tubbo replies dropping the ukulele in Fundys lap before jumping out of the hammock and running up the hill to see Tommy.

Walking into the house through the back garden leaving Tommy and Tubbo to run around in the woods out back,
Sitting at the old decrepit table was Phil and Wilbur and an unfamiliar man,
His demeanour was almost terrifying but is softened by his long pink hair,
Walking into the room slowly almost hesitant, anxious from the new person's presence,
"Fundy" Wilbur cheerfully greets his son
Fundy anxious speaks out avoiding eye contact with the stranger
"Good morning...uh id like you to meet a son figure of mine...Technoblade"
Philza extends his hand pointing to techno who sits across from him
"Nice to meet you" Fundy smiles at the stranger but its like he can see through the confident act,
Not returning the smile he just grunts out a 'hi'.

Sitting at the table sipping tea they have casual conversation when philza cuts it short ,
"So Fundy continuing from our talk yesterday...have you thought about it"

"Yeah i have..."
Fundy stares down at his cup



Tossing and turning in discomfort on the bed the fabric sticks to Fundys back,
The heat in the room is almost unbearable,
Kicking the covers off the bed Fundy lies sprawled out on his back panting from the heat.

His head spins with so many questions,
He wants nothing more than to be with the man he loves but he is doubting his fiancé's loyalty,
But dream wants the wedding to happen?
Does that mean he still cares?
Does he still love Fundy?

The wedding is planned to take place in 4 days...

He didn't sleep that night but instead was deep in thought fighting with his subconscious thoughts about this wedding.


"Yes...i want to marry dream..."

Change sides

"What are we going to do?"
Dream looks up at the king who is pacing back and forth in the the office,
"Im not sure..."

"How did he die?"

"Heart attack.."

Dream sighs.

Change sides

" are you feeling"
Sapnap creeps over to the bed,
Quckity was just told about the death of Schlatt
"Im fine.."
He mumbles from the covers he has bundled over his face
Sapnap sits on the bed by his boyfriends side laying a comforting hand on the mans shoulder.

Change sides

"So the weddings happening huh?"
George speaks from the doorway as dream is sat at his desk shuffling through the masses of paper work he still has to do,
"Yeah he is coming back tomorrow and were heading back home to prepare..."
He doesn't look up from the desk he doesn't wanna see the expression on George's face right now,
George leaves quickly his speed walking foot steps echoing in the empty hallways,
Dream sighs and continue to scribble his signature on to the documents.


And sorry this was rushed im lowkey really busy im applying for college and its stressful:( anyway

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