Wedding bells

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First off I apologise this is so late I broke my phone and ive been rly sick, if its bad or poorly done its bc i did it in an hour bc i feel so bad about leaving it so long,
That being said I hope you enjoy.

No set pov
"Fucking hell!"
Fundy screams in pain
"Please no- its too tight.... fuck"
Fundy pleads bent over head burrowing into his hands

"Stop being dramatic... its a corset"
Puffy laughs
"Yeah well...its hurts"
Fundy pouts,

Fundy straightens up looking into the mirror,

He's dressed in a white button up shirt with a black corset that wraps around his stomach that dips up at the top like two cup shapes,
The rest of the outfit is basic suit pants and formal shoes,
"God this hurts"

"Are you ready for this?"
Puffy reaches out cupping Fundys hands
"Yes I'm ready"
They exchange warm smiles before the large doors creak open

Change sides

The wedding was held in a big church down from the castle then everyone would return to the castle for the party,
Dream stood at the bottom of the hall by Wilbur who is the stand in wedding officiant,
Sapnap walks up the steps slapping his hand down on dreams shoulder as he passed to take his position at dreams side,
"Don't look so nervous"

When the classic wedding music starts dream looks out over the rows of people his eyes immediately drawn to the brown eyed man in front.

The small band comes alive with music as Tubbo and Tommy make their way down the isle tossing small assortments of flower petals onto the floor from small wicker baskets,
They make their way to the bottom of the room where they split off sitting down in the front row,

Dream tugs at his tie as he attempts to swallow the lump in his throat,
Looking over the sea of peering eyes he spots his fathers deathly gaze

"You need to get married the fate of this kingdom depends on it"

"But i don't want to get married I'm not ready"
The boy looks out of the giant window,
a desolate feeling looming over him,
"Im getting to old to lead and i need you to take over"
The older man lands a heavy hand on his son's shoulder,

In the reflection of the window he flashes him a futile smile.

Change sides

Gripping to puffys arm they floor becomes a wobbly facade,
They trail down the path of flowers avoiding the hundreds of judgmental eyes.

Everyones dressed beautifully in their respective colours,
Fundy looks down at puffys dress,
Its a soft white dress with a similar corset.
Walking down felt like walking on a treadmill, it took forever

walking with zero progression,

The music blurs into the whispers,
The faces become distorted and
The room floods with fog,

Theres no going back now.

Change sides

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