past events

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No set pov
Fundy and his dad sat comforting the others sobs on the castle floor,
Fundy moves back sat facing his dad
"Wilbur sorry to interrupt but we must get ready to go" a tall skinny man in a green and white hat calls from the doorway wilbur appeared from to the right of the thrones,
Wilbur places a hand on fundys cheek
"Ill see you later my little champion" one last tear falling from the brown haired mans eyes before he stands and leaves following the other man from where they came,
Dreams walks over placing a hand on the man who sat sobbing on the floor
"Clay take your friend to the the bathroom and get cleaned up i assume he is joining us for dinner"
Dream says nothing but gives a nod to the king as he helps the silently sobbing man to his feet escorting him through the door to the left of the thrones,
Fundys eyes trail the stone walls already lost just after a few stairs and multiple hallways, dream pulls the circular black handles of the large wooden door that seems to extend all the ceiling curving just at the top.

The two men step into the bath room thats a large room with a stone box for a bathtub in the middle thats lined with a porcelain centre
"Its pretty nice here.." fundy chokes out between sniffles,
"Thank you-" the tall man closes the door and takes the smaller mans hand pulling him into his chest where he stood and sobbed
"We should bath" Dream petted the soft hair of the delicate man in his arms
"We?" Fundy looks up
"If you don't mind I'm scared ill bust my stitches" the taller man laughs.

Dream strips down in front of the bath that sends up streams of steam from the heat, folding each article of clothing neatly and placing them on a table by the door, fundy avoids looking directly at the naked man who makes his way over to bath,
Dream steps into the steamy bath sitting down letting out a grunt when the water hits the wounds, placing his arm onto the sides and laying his head back and relaxed in the warmth,
"Are you joining?"
"I-uh um i don't know dream"
Fundy stood staring up to the windows to ignore the situation
"Get in" dream laughs raises a hand splashing water in fundys direction but it falls just at his feet

The shy man say opposite the man who still had his head laid back but fundy still sat hugged in a ball to conceal his pale body,
Dream sensing the tension from the male before him and lets out a small chuckle before tilting his head up to look at fundy, fundy wriggles in discomfort under the princes gaze
"Just relax it's nice in here" extending his arms inviting fundy in for a hug which he accepted, fundy shifts forward between dreams legs and laying on his side head to dreams chest trying to pretend both men are fully clothed and somewhere else...anywhere else,
"See its nice" dream softly pets fundys hair "turn around"
"Uh why" fundy still flustered and un able to communicate much
"It will be more comfortable"
"But you'll see me..." his words trail off and dream understands
"Im not going to look don't worry" he laughs lifting fundy as he moves making an easy fast transition from fundy laying on his side to having his back pressed to the front of dreams body,
The boys lay together in the warmth of the bath
"Hey fundy?" Dream returns to petting fundys hair
"Can i ask you something"
"Sure whats up" fundy lays his head back on dreams shoulders
"So Wilbur is your dad?"
"Yeah.." fundys demeanour dips and seems sadder now
"What happened? If you dont mind me asking" dream plants a soft kiss on fundys head,
"Well..." fundy sits up and returns to his original seat across from Dream water swaying around him when he moved "when i was younger-" fundy lowers his eyes not wanting to see dreams reaction to this story "-i was little and...i was just sitting in the kitchen with my mother she was cleaning up as I was...i was sitting at the table drawing-" fundys eyes glazed over "-there was a large siren that was sounded I remember it so vividly...then there was a crash and everything went black... next thing I remember I'm stuck under something everything around me is char and rubble there was nothing left.... i was the only one left well that I thought of i had lost my mum and my dad" tear drops fall and hit the water with small plops,
After a minute of silence of sheer shock and horror dream moves over to fundy pulling him into a hug and let fundy release all the bottled up tears out on his shoulder.

"Remeber dinner tonight so we must 'dress accordingly'" dream speaks mocking his fathers words as the two step into dream room, the room consists
Of a giant 4 post bed lined with velvet and lace curtains on either side,
"So here you go" dream extended his arm to the skinny man giving him a black suit and white shirt finished off with a green tie,
"How fancy" fundy sneers at the clothing.

Adjusting the tie round his collar fundy attempts to tie the green tie with no success,
"Want some help" fundy looks up at his reflection in the mirror to see dream behind him dressed up in his suit looking tidy and fresh.
"Um yeah" fundy turns looking up at dream who stand inches away from him,
Dream fixes up fundys tie
"There all done" dream flashes fundy a smile
"Thank you" fundy returns the smile throwing his arms over dreams shoulders pulling him in for a soft kiss.

Dream leads fundy down to the dining room, inside was a large table lined with silverware and white porcelain plates each seat sat an unfamiliar face, looking around he spots Wilbur sat right side to the bottom chair which held the older blonde male from earlier, at the end closes to us held the king
"Welcome come in sit down"

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