Moon pond and fresh pie

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AN- I'm sorry its late valentines day is a lowkey big sad day for me so i was emotionally unavailable for a while and i had to adult and get new glasses,
Also haven't slept much and wrote this while half asleep so if theres spelling mistakes or it seems sloppy and rushed I'm sorry and its longer to make up for the short chapter last time anyway enjoy I love you all remember to drink and eat

No set POV

The two make their way down the steps dressed in their casual clothes approaching a small carriage,
Dream extends an arm for the door
"Em no i dont think so" fundy pushes the door back closed
"No what?" Dream furrows his brow in a confused look
"We're going in to town on horses not by carriage" Fundy smiles quick and turns walking towards a small stable in the court yard,
Dream follows shortly behind and leans on a gate to a stable that holds a large white horse
"This might be a bad time to say but uh..." dream gulps looking at the gigantic majestic beast
"Uhuh?" Fundy pushes for him to continue as he steps into the stable hoisting himself up onto the already tacked up horse,
Dream pulls back the gate hesitantly side walking around to the side of the horse
"I um i..."
"Come on what is it?"
"I cant ride a horse!" Dream squeals in embarrassment
"Oh" Fundy represses his laughter
"It's simple just jump up like i did",
Seems simple enough.

Dream places his hands on either end of the saddle and jumps up stomach laying flat horizontally across the saddle,
The jolt was mistaken for a kick on and the horse starts walking out of the stable
"AHHH fundyy!" Dream screams legs flailing trying to stable himself while begging his lover for help,
Fundy sat hysterically laughing tears brimming in his eyes as he kicked around gasping for air,
"Help!" Dream screams as he falls back off the horse hitting the ground with a loud thump,
The men both hysterically laugh at the situation
"I told you!" Dream shouts between laughs
"Come on try again" fundy taps his heel on the horses stomach to get it to walk out into the court yard,
"Im scared" dream pouts up at fundy
"Dont be a baby come on"
Dream stands up dusting the dirt off his butt and back before walking over the the horse again,
Looking up in dream he takes a deep breath and raises a foot to the stirrup and hoists himself up and on to the saddle
"I did it!"
Both men laugh enjoying the moment until dreams eyes is drawn to the castle doors seeing Wilbur standing there shaking his head in disappointment,
Dreams face drops.

They horses steadily walk along a small path through a small woodland area,
The sun beams down on the gravel path and the winds sends small rustling sounds through the leaves and branches that tower over them,
Fundy leans back into the leather saddle below him breathing in the crisp fresh air
"Its really nice out" Fundy sigh,
He looks over to dream who hasn't spoken a word since they headed out,
Dream had his head down staring strongly at the saddle swallowed by thoughts
"Hey?" Fundy raises his voice snapping dream out of his haze,
Dream shakes his head and turns to look at Fundy who is less than impressed
"Sorry what?"
"I said- its fine don't worry"
Fundy sighs shifting back up in the saddle straightening his posture
"Oh ok..."
dreams voice is small and sorry,
Further down the woods walk Fundy flops forward head down on the horses soft mane
"How long till were there?" Fundy asks
"Uh id say half an hour" he giggles at his fiancé flopped onto the horse
"Half an hour" he whines "can we stop for a bit?"

Leading the horses by their reins they tie them up to the low hanging branches of a large oak tree,
Fundy walks along the over grown greenery into a small clearing with a pond shaped almost like a crescent moon
"Hey its like a moon"
Dream shouts as he jogs to catch up with Fundy
"Yeah its really pretty"
Fundy kneels down by the stoney banks peering into the blue tinted water,
Fundy runs a hand through the water that brings up small blue balls that light up with glowing dots,
The small glowing creatures dance around the depths of the pond
"Woahh!" Dream gasps starting down at the pond "what are they?" He kneels joining fundy
"Baby glow squids i think",
The tiny creates flow around the algae and moss
"They're beautiful" dream whispers,
Fundy sat on his knees placing his hands on his kees staring into the pond when dreams hand is placed on his.

The couple sat cross legged from each other in the soft sunbeams that break through the green canopy above then,
At first glance Fundy did look a little intimidating,
Dream placed a finger gently onto Fundys bottom lip pulling it down exposing the large white k9 tooth thats slotted in front of the top ones, moving his hand back to his lap he looks more at Fundys appearance,
His eyes are dark and deep with a slim shape with big bushy eyebrows,
In his thick hair sat 2 big fluffy orange ears with a small chunk removed from a previous event,
Lightly running a hand up Fundys ears running a finger over the small indent
"Ready to leave" Fundy broke the silence after sitting there patient as dream silently analysing him,

Back on the path the trees start thinning as the come to the end stretch,
In the distance down a small hill and past a field sat a relatively small light village
"Hey dream" Fundy turns to dream
"Race ya" Fundy nudges the horse and sends them flying along the path before dream can even respond
"Hey! Unfair" dream races to catch up,
They both bounce around keeping as much balance as possible as they race down along the path,
They fly by the fields of sheep and other farmland animals,
The air is filled with giggling and loud bangs of the horses heavy feet racing on the path
"Catch up!" Dream yells as he overtakes taking first place,
They both race into the village walls stopping at a sudden halt that jolts them forward
"And i win" dream smiles sounded highly smug.

They dismount and tie the horses to a small wooden post thats in front of a small trough,
They walk hand and hand through the small village,
The first shop they enter is a small flower shop then they walked around but didn't stay long,
Outside dream spins Fundy around by the waste and pulls him close
"Close your eyes" dream whispers
"Oh?" Fundy obeys and feels something be placed on his head
"Ok you can look",
Fundy opens his eyes and turns his head seeing his reflection in the shop window,
On his head say a slim red rose flower crown,
Fundy gasps turning back to dream who's face is plastered with a big grin
"I love it"
"Im glad"
Their lips meet for a soft kiss this was the first time in a while it felt comforting.

Later in the day they enter a small bakery decorated with potted flowers and ivory vines,
The sun through the stained window lit the room with a soft pink glow,
Behind the glass counter of baked good such as-
And pies,
Sat a small lady with pink hair
"Hello!" She welcomed the men with a voice that was soft and angelic
"Hello" dream responded while Fundy was amazed by the baked selection,
"How was your day?" Dream asks her making light conversation
"It was good thank you I've just been baking some more stuff"
"Oh what are you baking?" Dream asks as the smell of burning pastry
"Oh no" the girl hurries away to the back room,
Dream follows quickly to help the girl as Fundy collected an assortment of cupcakes into a small white thin cardboard box,
The two return laughing carrying pies in protecting their hands with checkered towels,
The small lady lays them into the display cabinets
"Thank you so much" she extends her hand to dream "Niki"
"Dream" dreams hand meets Nikis
"And you are?" She turns to look at Fundy who is standing at the counter his box in hand waiting for niki to not be busy,
"Im fundy" he smiles
"Nice to meet you two-" she count how many cupcakes Fundy picked and calculates the price "-that will be 8 gold, do you two live round here I haven't seen you around",
Fundy digs into his pockets for the gold coins
"No um I'm the prince of the east and this is my fiancé" dream walks around the counter to stand with Fundy
"Your the prince?! Why didn't you say"
Fundy places the 8 gold coins down for niki who slides back 4 coins
"50% off" she smiles
"Are you sure?" Fundy asks
"Of course".

After a long day of shopping it starts getting dark,
Walking down the streets lit by street lanterns lit by a man with a large torch the stumble upon a small hotel
"Should we stay here for the night seems dangerous to travel in the dark?" Dream asks pointing to the small hotel,
Fundy is hesitant but decides dreams right its not safe to travel,

The two checked into a small room for the night,
Laying in bed face to face with each other when the silence is broken
"Hey Fundy?" Dream whispers
"Yeah?" Fundy opens his eyes to see dream looking back at him
"Can i ask something? it might be kinds weird i don't know" dream gets embarrassed mid sentence and looks away from Fundy,
"Can i cuddle you? But like fox you?" Dream looks back at Fundy,
Fundy sits up and the erupts into a ball of light that blinds dream,
When the light dims in place of the man say a small fluffy fox,
The fox walks over to dream and nudges himself under dreams arm thats laid in front of him,
Dream burrows his face into the foxes soft fur, the fox smelled like the forest and pine wood,

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