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No set pov

"Rise and shine!"
Dream shouts ripping open the curtains,
"God what the hell?"
Fundy winces covering his eyes with his arm,
"We have guests coming today for the wedding you need to get up",
Fundy grunts in protest before flipping over to his stomach burrowing his face into the pillow,
"Come on"
He hears dreams footsteps approaching the bed
"5 more minutes",
"Nope sorry"
Just as the words left his mouth his cold hands reach under the covers snaking around Fundys ankles dragging him out of bed.

Everyone was dressed up in suits today for a small celebration of the arrival of friends and family,
Lined up in the in the main room everyone stands waiting for the greetings,
At the top stands the king
Then dream, Fundy, philza, technoblade, wilbur,tommy and tubbo
Sapnap, quackity and finally nearest the door is George,
(For mental image in a line from the door into the room).

"First arriving is ponk and sam"

In walked a tall strong built man and his companion who was small in comparison to his counterpart,
they walked in shaking the hands of everyone untill the reached the king from there they are escorted by bad to their rooms,

This was how it went for everyone

A mercenary

Royal Jeweller
(Haha get it bc he's a diamond idk man I'm outta ideas)

Trusted friend of dream

Trusted friend of Wilbur
And the caterer of the wedding

Stand in kind of the west

Erets trusted friend

"And finally...captain puffy everyone else will arrive at a later date"

The small child erupts into fits of laughter


Fundy stares in stunned silence At the small white puffy haired woman who walks up the isle,
Fundys stomach twists as his heart drops immediately rushing for an exit.

This event brought back memories that were long forgotten,
With the wedding just round the corner an emotional dilemma was the last thing Fundy wanted,
But sometimes we don't always get what we want.

The bedroom door creeks open slowly

Fundy sat hugging his knees to his chest hiding down the side of the bed not ready to explain to his fiancé why he ran off,
The footsteps got closer and closer till eventually the person was standing over Fundy,
But to his surprise he wasn't met with dreams eyes but the eyes of the woman he so rudely ran off on,

"Bad time?"

"Hey little guy!"
The woman slouched into a squat hands on her knees to be on level with the small boy,

The small boy erupts into fits of laughter
As the small woman reaches out scooping the boy up holding him high in the air.

"What are you gonna do?"
"Im not sure we can't leave we cant afford to...but if this is really happening...then we could all die.."
Fundy looks up from his bowl of apple slices alarmed by the words from his mum,
Not understanding he shoots a confused glance to puffy
"Don't worry buddy"
She reaches out petting the boys cheek
"I'll make sure no one hurts you".

She Joins him on the floor but all he can do is stare with teary eyes at the only thing left of the memory of his mother,

They were always close friends and puffy was basically family so when she never appeared after the incident it hurt Fundy,

His face flushed with anger ready to explode about everything he held against her but when he looked into her eyes it felt like he was looking at his mum,

Puffy shushes him and attempts to pull him in for a hug which he fights but eventually gives in

They didn't say anything after that,
Puffy silently held Fundy as he cried,
But in a way thats all he needed.

"Id never have expected to hear you getting married to a-a"
she stutters,
"A man?"
Fundy asks attempting to fix the broken sentence,
"Nooo a prince"
she chuckles dragging the comb through Fundys hair,
"So the man part doesn't shock you?"
He shuffles more forward on the bed to puffy who's desperately trying to fix Fundys messy hair,
"What one? The being a man or dating A man" she chuckles again at her small joke
"Oh please i knew before you knew"
She smiles placing the comb down on the bed beside her,
"You did?"
Fundy chuckles from surprise
"Hell yeah, you would be crying and kicking at the thought of a dress"
They both laugh,
Puffy reaches out and holds Fundys face
"Your mum would be so proud of you",

Puffy flattens out the creases in her red coat as she stands up off the bed
"I'll see you at dinner"

"Goodnight sweetheart"
Sally reaches down planting a soft kiss on her sons forehead,
Wilbur spoke out from the doorway where he stood leaning with his back to the frame,

Sally gently sits up from the side of the bed walking over to join her husband,
She stood hands placed to his chest as they looked over their son
"He's growing up so fast.."
sally whispers,

It couldn't have been anymore than 2 hours later when the soldiers came crashing through the streets,
Everything Quaked and trembled as TNT detonated in the distance,

The usually silent town was now and erupting mess of loud bangs and roaring flames,
The smog consumed most of the air as houses shops schools hospitals and everything else was reduced to nothing but rubble.

In the mess off everything some would fall it a miracle some would say it's misfortune,
But the same small boy was left almost unscathed and alone.

The bangs rings in his ears as he dives up from his bed drenched in sweat and shaking from fear,
Pressing his palms to his sweat soaked forehead He sighs relived to be awake.

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