The book

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No set pov
Fundy is escorted to a room by a small man in a beanie
"Thank you" fundy smiles but the small man sneers and leaves the door slams and the room turns cold,
The bed has a giant black bed and red silk sheets the rooms practically empty but a black wardrobe and dark metal chandelier,
Dream choose to go off on his own to catch up with his friends promising to be back later that night,
With nothing to do and no where to go because no one is allowed to roam the building at night Fundy just choose to sit in bed and wait for dream,
The door creaks open
"Dream?" Fundy turns to the door with excitement to only see Wilbur standing there
"No just me"
"Oh hi" Fundy shuffles into the middle of the bed
"Bad time?" Wilbur asks slowly walking towards his son,
"No whats up?" Fundy yawns still tired from earlier
"I just wanna talk... can i sit?
"Of course" fundy pats the bed beside him
And Wilbur crawls on sitting by his son,
"You didn't tell me you were engaged" Wilbur re adjusts his hat
"It just happened on the way here"
"Im proud of you"
It had been years since the two had spent any time together it was weird but it was nice,
After an hour or so of taking
Wilbur leans forward giving Fundy a reassuring kiss on the forehead
"Get some sleep".

3:30 exactly 2 hours after Wilbur left dream came stumbling into the room, fundy squinted through light sensitive eyes drowsy from sleep, feeling dreams laughter fill the air as someone out of view of the door hugs onto dream,
Dream turns closing the door and his demeanour drops seeing Fundy sitting up to look at him
"Hey what's up its really late"
"Oh I'm sorry i had a drink with the guys"
The lack of an invitation stung but they clearly haven't spoke in a while so it was swiftly swept to the side,
"Oh ok well um are you coming to bed?" Fundy rubs his eyes desperately wanting to be back asleep getting more and more intolerant
"No i-"
With no reasoning but being awoken for no reason and a small part for being left Fundy snaps
"Then get the fuck out and don't wake me up again for nothing" fundy huffs swinging his body round dropping back into bed yanking the covers over his head
"I- ok"
The door opens and pauses before closing signalling dream had left the room,
This was peculiar for Fundy he is relatively tolerant and rarely jealous Pinning it on sleep loss, he falls back asleep preparing for the day tomorrow.

The morning came around and the building was still dark, subconsciously they had decided that dream and Fundy were going to spend some time alone after Fundy snapping last night,
The bedroom door opens and the same small man from last night enters
"Here is the seating plan for the meetings and dinner" the man extends an arm holding a sheet of paper which
Fundy takes from him and examines it,

Quackity- top right side
King- bottom
Clay- bottom right
Fundy- bottom left
Philza- centre right
Tommy- right of philza
Tubbo- across from tommy
Wilbur- across from philza
George- next to clay
Sapnap - next to George

Sorry just so everyone knows

All escorted down to the dining hall and into their seats by men in dark purple toned armour the whole situation was very intense and frightening,
Dream and Fundy share a glance from across the table and then to the books in front of them,

Peace treaty
Inside was a list for a context page
-shared agreements
And a page labelled
-new shares

"Good morning everyone" the tall man sings as he walks in with his smaller friend by his side, they sit and almost higher than everyone else looking out of the sea of almost terrified people
"Now everyone open your books and read me and the king had a long talk and wasted a lot of time on this"

Getting a better look at the man clearly in higher power he had brown scraggly facial hair and slick backed hair completed with large spiral horns extending down the side of his head, he is a very intimidating man his voice is deep and loud it almost booms across the room,

The book
Chapter 1

Long ago the king from the east and the king from the west went head to head in war over a break in the agreement
The agreement was the king in the west would receive 50% of  the production such as
Medicines, clothes, food, money, water, spices, sugar, tobacco and anything else they had,
This left everyone in the east in a state of poverty and over working making the death rate rocket to an all time high from  over working, starvation, freezing from lack of coal for fires, and lack of health care,
When the east chose to protest against the west not giving them what they wanted the west retaliated by blowing up and terrorising surrounding villages to show dominance and what would come of them if they didn't partake in the initial  agreement,
The king of the east sent forth his son during battle with the west to meet with the king of the wests son to come to an agreement,
The agreement they came to is
The west receive 15% in exchange for protection and alliance but if the east fail to produce their side of the agreement the easy with burn them into the ground.

Chapter 2
Who rules
•East- the king
His son - Clay
Their men- Badboyhalo
And Skeppy
•West - king Schlatt
Second hand man- Quackity
And more men who live Anonymously
•south- king philza
His sons- Wilbur
•north- unknown

Chapter 3
•East is in alliance with west for a mutual agreement
•west in alliance with the north on mutual disliking for the east and owing the west a favour
•east allied with surrounding villages after helping with the war
•east is allied with south

East is the largest of all
But west is stronger in power

Chapter 4
Easts only enemies are north But protected by west
West is against south

Chapter 5
Shared agreements
Easy gives west
• 15% of their production such as, Medicines, clothes, food, money, water, spices, sugar, tobacco and anything else they have
In exchange for
• the west protects the east

The south gives nothing to the easy they allied because the east saved the south in the war

The west and north have a secret agreement

Chapter 6
New Shares
10% more product

"10% more product" a hands slammed on the table
Fundys eyes dart up to see dream standing fist on top of the book
"You cant be serious Schlatt we cant give you any more we are all still recovering from the last time you did this to us we-",
His words interrupted by loud obnoxious lip smacking chewing noises coming from The dark king who cares more for his bowl of cereal than the emotional distress from the prince,
"It's simple" the king slurps the milk from the ceramic bowl
"Give me what i want or-" the dark king launches his bowl shattering it off the wall
"-i will destroy everything you own!"

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