Midnight wind

69 6 9

No set POV

The small fox lay in a pile of leaves on the forrest floor,
Groggily waking up and rising to his feet he starts darting through the woods ducking under logs and diving over holes,
Running through the dark greenery the birds sing and call from the dark stretch of sky above the ground that seems to extend into a black pool dotted with white  dots that seem to grow and shrink in size,
Soft paws dance along the floor carrying the small ball of fluff to wherever he was going

Where even is he?,
Stopping into a perfect circle of trees he stands panting for Air shaking his body making his fur puff up,
Back to running the path gets darker and within minutes he is back at the tree circle,
Running in the opposite direction now the path gets dark before returning to the light tree circle,
This time in the circle stood a tall lady with long brown hair in a salmon coloured dress,
Fundy transforms into his normal form stepping forward to the lady,


Out of shock fundy sets off running again feet stabbed by twigs branches and stones not caring and just wanting to run.

Waking up still in bed he stretches his paws along the bed still in dreams grasp,
The dream played on loop like a broken record in his mind,
Dream stirs awake lips sink into the fur in Fundys head for a soft morning kiss
"Good morning",
Fundy scoots out from under the other mans arm and immediately flashes into a ball of light returning back to his original state,
"Good morning"
Dream rolls onto his back rubbing his sleepy eyes
"How did you sleep?" Dreams voice is groggy
"It was fine" Fundy crawls onto dream burying his head onto the other chest.

After their complimentary breakfast of toast and strawberry jam they make their way back to the horses for their trip home.

Sitting in silence on their trip he was swallowed by thoughts

TW transphobia
They walked hand in hand bell ringing as the shop door opens and closes,
The breeze is light in the young boys hair having a good many inches cut away

"What do you think?" Sally asks ruffling the boys hair
"I love i-"
A soft female voice cuts off the young boy,
"Oh my hello"
The two share a hug
"What are you doing in town?"
She asks adjusting the woven basket on her arm,
"Just here getting this one a hair cut"
She ruffles Fundys hair again picking him up and placing him on her side,
Fundys legs dangled down his mothers body feeling the soft fabric of her dress flow in the shallow summers breeze,
"Its a bit short don't you think"
The lady sneers at the small child
"Well its what he wanted"
"She doesn't know anything about what she wants"
The words cut deep stinging both mother and child,
"No he does know what he wants-"
Sally over pronounces the he to state her point "- don't disrespect my son",
"Come on you gotta be kidding-"
The harsh slap could heard for miles,
The lady holds her face in her hand tears pooling in her eyes,
Sally huffs and storms off with her child.




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