You're safe

71 3 18

No set pov
Please read the an at end thank you
The bar door slams shut with an ear piercing bang,
The guard twists the key in the lock and turns to walk away
"Hey wait!"
Fundy shouts flying forward to the bars
   the guard turns his head slightly
"When can we leave"
"When the king sees fit"
"When will-"
Before Fundys next words left his lips the guard huffs and exits the room taking the torch with him which was the only light source.

Change sides

Breakfast was almost impossible after what he saw last night,
Quackity hadn't shown up for breakfast but Schlatt had he sat in his seat so perfectly unbothered,
Sapnap whispered to his friend by his side
"What?" He whispers back
"Have you seen Alex?"
"Alex? Who's alex?"
He furrows his brows at his dark haired friend
"Quackity...the dude that always follows Schlatt around..."
"No why would i have seen him"
He cuts up his pancake dismissing the rest of what Sapnap had to say,
"Im going to go look"
"Stay out of trouble nick"
Sapnap rises from his seat and speeds out of the room having a rough idea of where to go,
Returning back to the office Sapnap analyses the hallway making sure no ones around before stepping inside,
He was exactly where he expected
"What do you want"
The small man looks up from the desk chair
"You didn't show up for breakfast i was just uh... doesn't matter"
Sapnap closes the door and stands against it
"Go away"
Quackity looks up in anger at the man
"I wanna see if you're ok"
Sapnap slowly approaches the desk
"Im fine so you can go",
Quckity balances his elbow on his deck and leans his hand against the bloody bandage that conceals the wound hiding it from Sapnaps view,
Sapnap reaches down to the hand covering the eye and slides it away looking down  at the man with genuine sorrow,
Quckity looks up not fighting with Sapnap
"Can i see your eye?"
Quackity looks away from the man in front of him
Sapnap walks around the desk and leans down pulling the bandage up exposing the raw skin,
Quackity winces from the wound being exposed to the cold air,
The wound has caused Quckitys once brown eye to be cloudy now blinded forever,
"What did he do alex..."
Sapnap whispers,
Quackity slaps Sapnaps hand away
"He didn't do anything"
Taking a stand to leave but Sapnap pushes him back down
"Bullshit!" Sapnap raises his voice unintentionally,
Quckitys folds his arms on the table and burrows his face into his arms,
"Hey I'm sorry"
Sapnap lays a hand on Quckitys back,
"Don't fucking touch me" Quckitys snaps jumping up face flushed with and eye flooding with tears,
Sapnap freezes
"Stop shut up"
Quackity screams landing multiple punches on the taller mans chest who stood taking it unfazed by the sudden burst of emotion,
"Shut up shut up shut up"
Quackity drops to his knees
"Alex I'm sorry..just-"
Sapnap follows following to his knees in front of the upset man,
"-just let me help you"
Quckitys falls into Sapnaps arms on the floor
"He didn't mean to hurt me".

The men walk into garden hidden from sight by the tall hedges,
They sat cross legged on the bench facing each other
"Are you hungry you never came down for breakfast"
Sapnap reachers round collecting the basket pulling it onto his legs,
Pulling back the cloth he pulls out a small jar of fruit and 2 slices of toast wrapped in a type of paper,
"Here eat I'm going to clean your eye before you get an infection and the eyes has to be you know...removed"
"Shut up and eat",
Quckitys pops open the jar and eats a few of the strawberries to Sapnaps demand,
Sapnap reaches into the basket once more pulling out a small green bottle and a torn cloth,
Opening the bottle Sapnap soaks a section of the cloth in the pungent liquid
"This might sting"
Quackity nods showing he understands as Sapnap pulls off the bandage,
Sapnap holds a finger under Quckitys chin tilting the others head up to get a better look at the eye,
"This wont take long don't worry"
Sapnap flashes a smile to reassure the other man,
Dabbing the small cloth onto Quckitys under eye he works his way up to the bigger part of the wound on the eyelid,
Quckity occasionally winces in pain but continues to eat his food,
"And...all done"
Sapnap packs up everything back into the basket
Sapnap turns putting the basket down on then returns his view back to Quckitys
"So? what happened"
"I just messed up..."
Quackity lowers his eyes from sapnap to the his hand
"I pissed him off and he threw a glass at me thats it..."
"Thats it!"
Sapnaps voice raises out from sheer shock and disgust Which causes Quackity to flinch,
"Im sorry but thats just abuse"
"No he cares really... i don't wanna talk about it anymore",
Quackity swings his legs off the bench and starts walking off,
A hand yanks Quckity back as Sapnap pulls Quckitys face into his chest for a hug,
He didn't fight away the hug he just accepted the kindness.

For a few days after Sapnap would eat breakfast then go get Quckity for a walk around the village or a walk in the yard,
They had gotten a lot closer over the small amount of time.

Change sides
It could have been days weeks or months spent in that dark room,
Fundys stomach ached from lack of food and eyes burning and puffy having cried since he first arrived,
He sat hunched over in the corner freezing and shaking when a small light slowly approaches filling the room up with a small glow,
"Get up"
A guard slowly approaches the cell door fumbling with they key in the lock,
"Where am i going"
"I don't know and i don't care move"
The gate opens with a stomach curdling screech,
Outside the prison Fundy stands inhaling large amounts of the sweet outdoor air,
The light burned Fundys eyes but it was a positive change from the dark dusty cell,
Before him stood a man dressed in green hat down low

"Come on lets go home"
He gives Fundy a sympathetic smile,
Philza looks away in the direction they would head standing there hands in his pockets when he felt a tight grip on his sides,
He looked back to see Fundy with his arms wrapped around him
"Your safe now"

Hi 1st
Happy birthday to the best boys Sapnap and dadza
2nd imma commit murder on dream rip tommy
3rd boyfriend arc book? Or should i add in occasionally chapters of the boys?
In plan theres this book the second that is dreams view and maybe 3rd being the boyfriends lemme know you're opinions please
Thank you
Love you all

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