Blood is thicker than water

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No set pov
The sky darkens to a heavy Prussian blue
Fading down into purple and pink from the last light from the sun, still on the river path dreams grip on fundys waste slackens and the skinnier man is pushed forward by dreams weight on his back
"Umm dream' fundy calls out still focusing on steering the horse in clear path but fundys words were responded by a low snore signalling the taller male had fallen asleep, fundy chuckled before halting on the reins pulling them to a slow stop,
"Drean hey wake up" fundy calls out
"Huh what?" Dream woke up with a jump
"Would you like to stop for some rest?" Fundy drops the reins and stretches his sore arms up
"Yes please" dreams voice drops to a soft baby voice
"Ok then",
Fundy swings his feet out the stirrups and swings his body over and drops to his feet on the floor with a thud
"You're turn"
Dream laughs like fundys comment was a mindless joke
"Come on then" fundy discards his laugh digging through the saddle bag for a the tent
"Ok um sure" dream unsteadily swings his legs over in an attempt to copy fundy,but as he hits the floor his feet slip from under him sending him flying to the dirt
"Dumbass" fundy buckles over to his knees from laughter but dreams not impressed.

Fundy hammers the last stake into the ground giving the rope a light tug to make sure its tight and holding the tent up in place,
"Tents done" fundy calls turning round to see dream sitting further down the river bank on a rock,
"Dream?" Fundy calls to no answer,
The skinny man jogs up the river hanging over dreams back
"Hey whats up?" Fundy nuzzles his face into dreams neck
"Nothing just thinking",
Fundy plants soft kisses on dreams cheek in an attempt to drag out a smile with no prevail
"anything i can do to help" fundy goes back to having his head on dreams shoulder
"No everything's ok lets get some sleep"
Dream stands and takes fundys hand in his walking side by side back to the tent.
Tw Lime? Minor smut? If thats not you're thing skip to the next lines
Fundys sat on his knees sealing the zipper to the tent when dream pulls him by the hips onto his lap
"Woah ok" fundy laughs caught off guard by the mans action
"I just wanna be with you before were back in my home town"
"Why?" Fundy extends his neck so his head could rest comfortably on Dreams shoulder,
"No reason...dont worry"
The blonde boy holds fundys hips down on his lap as he dots gentle kisses along fundys neck gently nibbling on the soft skin,
The smaller boys face flushes pink before twisting himself round straddling dreams lap
"What are we?" Fundy finally asks
"Whatever you want us to be" dreams confident voice melts into fundys mind as  he pulls them both into a heated kiss,
Fundy places his hand on dreams shoulder pushing him down on to their makeshift bed made from 3 blankets and 2 pillows,
Fundy lowers himself chest to chest with dream smashing their lips together returning back into the kiss, dreams hands find fundys waste flipping them over dream now between fundys legs hands placed by fundys head supporting him so he is hovering over fundy causing both men to laugh,
"You should sleep have a long journey" the smaller boy speaks through the panting
"Good idea" dream plants one more soft kiss on the boy under him before pulling the soft blankets over them nuzzling down onto fundys chest.

Dream stretching his arm out in a half asleep daze to find fundys not in bed with him, sitting up dazed and confused on where the other man had gone he steps outside to search for him,
Greeted outside by fundy picking berries of a broken off branch of a bush
"Dont foxes like eat meat?"
"Yes but i dont like hunting too much and i live in a forest full of nutritional berries roots mushrooms and flowers"
"Uhuh" dream furrows his brows in a confused stare as he joins fundy sitting round the ashy debris of what was the fire,
"Dont complain I'm feeding you" fundy joking prods dreams sides
"I am grateful"
He leans in planting a soft kiss on fundys cheek that sparks warmth on his face,
The boys finish up their fruity breakfast salad and sought out for dreams home again.

swaying with the steps of the horse the view of the town appears in the distance,
The town is on a giant hill and at the top stood a castle,
"When we get there i have to take care of "
"Thats very ominous".

Reaching the path to the walls protecting the village, walking inside along the stone flooring the horses metal hooves clank with every step,
"Just keep heading straight"
The view from the bottom of the village is kind of intimidating, fundy hadn't been around people let alone a full civilisation since the accident, straight ahead was a row of layered old mid evil styled housing mixed with shops bars cafes and black smiths, passing by looking at kids running giggling in the streets followed by stray dogs and looks from tired parents standing by their houses.
Almost at the top the houses run thinner and lesser
"Hey where are we heading exactly?" Fundys suspicious kicks in as they come closer to the castle
"Just keep going",
Heading along the bridge in front of the castle, peering over the side from the safety of the horse seeing the deep drop to the river below that leads to a steep fall to the waterfall leading into the ocean,

The drawbridge drops
"Go on" dream reassures fundy,
Fundy nudges the horse to a walk over the bridge and into the courtyard viewing up the steps to the castle,
"So um surprise".

The boys head in the giant castle doors, the room is filled with red carpets and giant chandeliers the walls lined with oil paintings of pervious monarchs placed safely in golden frames,
"So would you like to explain now" fundy stops I'm his path refusing to move until his curiosity is laid to rest,
"Im uh kind of a prince"
"Kind of!" Fundy yells in disbelief
"Im sorry are you mad" the prince pouts reaching out and holding fundys hand
"Yes you lied to me" fundys voice tremors with slight betrayal
"You didn't ask"
"Its never a first thought kinda question dream"
"I get that you are mad just please come meet everyone".

The prince leads the scared man into the throne room, at the top of the room sat a large golden throne either side sat a smaller golden throne,
In the centre sat a large man with dark hair his voice boomed down at us
"Clay! You're home mr soot and his accomplices are visiting-" his words cut by fundys presence, fear set in as the powerful mans stare burned through the skinny man "-who's this",
Dream goes to introduce him when a nostalgic voice chimes in
raising his head he sees a familiar man
The two men run towards each other embracing each other falling to the rich red carpet on the floor crying
"I thought i lost you" the man sobs into fundys shoulder.

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