First day at school

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No set pov
Dreams pulls out the chair 2 down from the kings right side for fundy to sit at pushing it back in when the man was seated then returning to his own seat between fundy and the king,
The king taps a fork lightly to his glass sending silence over the room the only sound heard is the creak of the kings seat pushing back allowing him to take a stand,
"Good evening everyone" the king clears his the throat his voice is powerful and strong like the leader he is it sends fundy to shrink in his seat later followed by dreams comforting hand on his lap,
"Welcoming our trusted friends, philza and his sons-" extending a hand to point towards each as he spoke "-wilbur soot-"
Shifting his hand directly across from wilbur to philzas left "-tubbo" then finally to the taller boy next to tubbo "and tommy" clearing his throat one more time
"And my close men badboyhalo and skeppy",
The kings words meant as a formal introduction left Fundy confused 'sons' so is this man is fundy's grandfather but he had no clue who this man is but younger boys spark vague memories from his childhood.

First day of school Fundy struggles to balance the big back on his back as he skips to school held back my his mothers walking pace
"Woah calm down" she chuckles softly
"Come on mum lets go" the small boy tugs on his mothers hand begging her to move faster,
Arriving in the school grounds the building was small stood in the middle of a small area surrounded by a hip sized brick wall metal bars on top that gives a slight ominous feeling, running along the side of the building to the back past the half torn propaganda posters of wars swing lightly in the wind barley hanging on to the brick walls,
The mother plants a soft kiss on her boys forehead as the bell chimes telling the kids its time for school.

Inside of the small classroom sat 2 circle tables and small plastic black chairs in front of the teachers old broken down table thats long over due an upgrade, on the ground lay a washed out colourful rug, Fundy was sat at a table with a small brown haired boy who's face was puffy and nose runny only speaking occasionally sniffles and hiccups next to him like an angry guard dog was a taller blonde body screaming to the smaller
"stop being a fucking baby tubbo",
Fundy sat down beside the taller boy in silence scared to speak
"Who the fuck are you then"
" swearing" the soft spoken teacher tells tommy off for his language
Fundy looked up at the tall boy and hesitantly spoke
"I-im fundy"
The tall boy lowers himself slightly getting closer to fundys face
"Did you know you have fucking ears"
Fundys ears tuck back in embarrassment
"Yeah i- i um cant control it".

Later in class the teacher asks all the students to draw things they love, after asking everyone she points to the still sniffling boy who has to stand on his chair to show everyone
"I um i drew some bees"
"Bees?" The teacher asks
"Yeah i really like bees"
Fundy analyses the small boy and sees in his hair was small round stumps of horns and a small goat like tails on his lower back, he was much like fundy in that way,
Bees? They weren't common round here as theres not much healthy nature.

Hard thinking back that the tall boy was the same as the one from his childhood and the other boy is that same small boy who cried at being away from home and smiled so brightly when asked about how much he loved bees, the same people from before sat here in the presence of a king and were his 'trusted friends',
"Tonight we are joined by my sons friend-"
the king raises a hand in the direction of fundy
Everyone looks at fundy as he looks around unsure of what to do
"Stand up" dream whispers sending fundy to immediately spring to his feet knocking his cutlery lightly around,
"Please introduce yourself" the king takes a seat allowing fundy to talk
"Well i um-" words cut by wilbur standing and speaking out
"Sir if i may?"
"Go ahead" the king gives a nod to his request
"Fundy is my son.."
A few shocked gasps escape from people lips
"Something tragic happened a while back and we thought we lost him around the same time i lost my wife" wilburs voice shakes with emotion
"Im sorry for your loss" the kings voice is full of condolence
"Thank you sir".

All men are seated feasting on the loaded plates of food filling the table but
Fundy opts for a salad option as normally, Everyone speaks over general conversation but fundy sits head down with nerves
"I know it's awkward I'm sorry" dream whisperers into fundys ear
"No not at all" fundys chuckles,
"So fundy" a voice speak from the bottom of the table the man being philza
"Um yeah" fundy looks down at the blonde man who's using his cutlery to cut up the large steak on his plate,
"We never got the chance to meet but i want you to know that as you are family im always here for you"
"Oh thank you phil-"
"You can call me grandad"
"Oh well then thanks grandad"

Philza takes a stand dabbing a napkin on the corner of his mouth
"Tomorrow we have a long journey to meet with schlatt and his men and anyone else who answered the invites"
"Meeting?" Fundy turns to dream
"You don't have to come but I'd love to have you by my side" dream places a soft kiss on fundys cheek.

Standing on the balcony viewing down the village the night is dark and cold which fundy isn't used too it was always warm back home, leaning against the cold stone wall shivering bare feet on the stone floor just listening to the winds
"I thought you died"
Wilbur leans against the archway
"You too" Fundy doesn't turn to see his dad he doesn't want to to be sad right now
"Where have you been?"
"I raided the ruble took some old books in a bag ran off found an abandoned house in the woods went from there, the books taught me about what i could eat what would help me if i got sick and how to build and forge for myself"
"Im glad you're ok fundy I thought you were gone forev-"
"Why didn't you come back for me?" Fundy straightens himself holding back his tears
"I tried i really tried"
"Its ok dad dont worry about it i just need to be alone to think about it"
"Ok" wilburs voice is low with sadness but he complies with his sons wishes and turns to leave bumping into dream as he walks out,
Dreams shoes click on the stone as he walks towards the skinny boy placing his chin on fundys shoulder
"Everything ok?"
"No...but it will be"
"Yes please" fundys voice pitches to a baby voice making both men laugh.

"Invitation to a dinner" the man holds the letter in his hand under the lamp that barley illuminates the words scrawled along the paper
"Are we going!"
"It'll be nice to see everyone again"
The man pushes up his glasses
"If you say so"

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