Home sick

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No set pov
Its around 6am when the door creaks open and a man steps in dressed in a black suit blazer rimmed with a red strip,
Fundy sat in bed next to the snoring prince who lay stomach down when the man enters the room
"Sorry if i woke you up" he stands in front of the door taken aback by Fundy being awake
"No no its fine i was already awake" Fundy  smiles at the man shifting the silk sheets off him as he slides out of bed bare feet on the cold floor,
"Would you like me to grab you some spare clothes" the brown haired man asks as he shuffles around the room collecting any washing and dishes while simultaneously cleaning the room,
"Um yes please if its not too much trouble" fundy stretches his body and walks over the the doorway that leads to the balcony,

Out on the balcony Fundy leans against the wall soaking in the early morning air watching down over the village of men women and children all waking up getting ready for their days at work and school, looking beyond the village into the vast emptiness he gets a sickly feeling in his stomach
"Missing home" a voice comes from behind Fundy,
Fundy turns to see the same man from the bedroom
"Is it that obvious" Fundy chuckles as the man walks forwards joining him against the wall
"Just a little...I'm badboyhalo by the way but just call me bad"
"Nice to meet you bad I'm f-"
"Fundy i know everyones been talking about you" bad cuts him off
Fundy frowns looking at the man
"Yeah nothing bad just some talking about you're surprise re surface from 'the dead'"
"They really thought i died"
Fundy releases a pained sigh from his lungs,
"Im sorry Fundy"
bad sets a soft pat on his back "i got to go wake clay up and prepare breakfast but you can talk to me anytime"
Fundy turns his head meeting bad's gaze as he flashes a smile before he turns to walk away
"Thanks bad"
"No problem muffin head"

Still standing on the balcony soaking in the new information that his old friends and family assumed he was dead and did not in fact abandon him in the rubble,
"Good morning love"
Dreams voice is low and raspy as he stands leaning against the arch way bare chest in the wind rubbing a fist to his sleepy eyes
"Good morning" fundy looks back at the tired prince
"Can you come in its cold"
Dream shivers
"Its not that cold" Fundy turns leaning his back against the wall
"We are literally both shirtless? How?!" Dream shouts breaking into a small contagious wheezy laugh that sends Fundy to laugh too.

Dressed in suits with their green ties they walk hand in hand down to the dining room,
Opening the door to,
"GET BACK HERE" a boy voice screams as tommy darts past their view chasing a small brown ram across the room,
"Boys!" Philza yells from his seat at the bottom of the table
"But Phil he stole my disc" tommy whines ,
"Tubbo..." Philza gives a disappointed dad sigh,
Tubbo turns to a bright ball as he turns back into the small brown haired boy wearing a similar suit but with a dark green tie matching both philza and Tommy,
"i did not" tubbo whines making his way to his seat beside tommy
"Stop arguing",

"Sorry if were interrupting" dream laughs sitting down at the table with fundy
"No no dont worry my boys just love being dramatic"
"Its not a problem to me" dream pours coffee for the coffee pot into his and fundy cups digging in and filling his plate with toast pancakes waffles ect,
Fundys loads a small bowl filled with bright berries melon balls and exotic fruits
"I never asked but-" dream swallows the bite of his pancake "-why do you not eat meat"
"Oh uh-" Fundy stabs his fork into the pink ball in his bowl "- well i grew up alone and as a kid i was always to scared I guess to kill any animals so i worked round it" he smiles popping the melon in his mouth,
"I get it" dream smiles returning back to eating his waffles and pancakes.

"So-" philza stands up gaining everyone's attention "-the king and my som Wilbur have already left to the meeting we will set out to join them later tonight"
"I thought it was today?" The smallest boy asks
"Change of plans"

"Come with me" dream whispers in Fundy ear before running out of the room Fundy chasing after him
"Try catch me" dream screams
"I will!" Fundy yells back further behind,
They run through the hall into the throne room and to the door left of the thrones from there they run down the stone spiral stairs lined with torches, blazers flying behind them they dive out the door into a courtyard lined with bright healthy bushes and vines with old concrete sculptures and rose bushes,
Amazed by the beauty Fundy stops immediately taken aback by the beauty of the floral garden,
"Come on!"
Dream yells running down the cobble path lined with miniature fountains in flower patches being tend to by ladies in green and white dresses,
Chasing the taller man down the garden into a series of twists and turns of paths lined high with bushes,
Lost Fundy looks around
"A maze? Seriously!"
He yells hoping to be heard
"Yes! Come find me"
He hears his lover shout back,

Turning round random corners gazing up at the green prison he turns into an opening square in the centre where dream sat on a bench with no back next to a small apple tree
"I win"
Dreams smile is smug
"How's that"
Fundy walks towards the bench sitting down leaning his head onto the taller mans shoulder
"You took too long"
Dream lays his head on Fundys

The two sit in silence relaxing in the castle's garden
"I miss home" Fundy stands walking towards the tree placing a hand on the rough bark
dream watches as the other man stands by the tree looking up at the branches with despair in his eyes,
Taking a stand he walks over to the home sick mans back placing his head softly on the other's shoulders,
They stand there not saying a word until dream breaks the silence,
"Do you want to go home" dream spins Fundy around to face him and cups his face with his hand
"Im not sure..."
Fundy leans into dreams hand

"I got you this"
The small child jumps into his mums arms as she lifts him placing him onto the kitchen table
"Got me what?"
He asks in anticipation,
"This" his mother smiles placing a small bow into his hair
"Isn't it pretty!"
She smiles at him cheeks red like apples in the cream pools of her cheeks,
He didn't want tell her no
But just smiles and nods slightly which is enough of an answer for her.

"Im back!" The door slams shut
Fundy dived off the table and to the hall to greet his dad with a hug,
Lifting up the boy into his arms
"Hello my little champion i love the dress"
"I don't..." the small boy mumbles
"Why not"
"I want short hair like you"
The little boy grips his dads hair
"Well how about-"  the tall man plants a soft kiss on the child head and places him back on his feet
"-you go clean up And I'll talk to your mum about cutting your hair"
"Really!" The child squeals

They never spoke of the situation but it was never needed they all got the message when baby dolls bows and dresses where an uncomfortable subject,
Starting the process young led to an easy transition to the strong independent grown man he is today,
His family were proud

Kudos to anyone who noticed things like Fundy being insecure about the bath or so confidently being topless and not not bc I'm a simp it's because he isn't dysphoric about it because his character is cannon to be trans, I'm nb and I struggle a lot with dysphoria and being misgendered
So to anyone who needs to hear it
You are amazing and valid and i love you sm I'm so proud of you

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