Heartbreak is a killer

79 3 15

No set pov
AN at end :)
The ride back to the dark castle was stomach wrenching
Philza had made the executive decision to take Fundy back to collect his things and travel with to stay with philza and wilbur for a while,
Fundys mind was racing
Why didn't his fiancé come get him?
Why did his fiancé not even try to help,
The carriage shook and tumbled along the path as the turn into the court yard,
"Try not move around too much i know you're probably feeling really sick right now" phil reassures Fundy extending a hand to help him step out of the carriage,
Fundy places his hand in phils and uses it to support himself down from the carriage,
His shaky feet touch down and a cold feeling washes over him it's unexplainable and unexpected.

Inside Fundy looms around the entrance only needing to be there for a little while when 2 giggling men walk in arm in arm,
Fundy glances over to see dream arm locked with a smaller brown haired man who he remembers as George,
He is a small slender man he has deep brown eyes and pale skin that almost illuminates in the light he looks so ethereal,
When their eyes meet Fundys the festivities stop and the room silences
"Your back..."
Dream speaks out releasing George's arm
"Yeah...i guess"
Dream steps forward but Fundy holds up a hand
"Stop its ok....im leaving dont worry you can...you can um-"
Fundys eyes meet George's
And suddenly Fundys eyes pool with tears
"- you can um go back to having fun",
Fundy turns quickly storming out of the castle,
Outside the doors Fundys head spins and the air becomes stuffy and heavy almost impossible to breathe,
"Fundy wait!" Dream shouts following steadily behind
"No just leave me alone" Fundy doesn't dare turn to look at dream,
They both stand a distance from one another 
"Fundy please talk to me"
Dream takes a step forward quickly stopped by the harsh tone in Fundys voice,
All Fundys pent up frustrations exploded out like a waterfall,
"Stay away from me you left me for days locked up in a fucking cell because you were too busy hanging out with George you didn't even come see me the only reason I'm out was because Philza got us out...you fucking left me..."
Fundy pants exhausted from shouting with no pauses for air,
"Fundy i-"
"No i don't want you're fucking apologies"
"Please listen",
Dream takes a few steps towards Fundy,
"I had a lot to do I've been fighting day and night with Schlatt for the freedom of my kingdom-" he steps forward reaching a hand out and placing it on the now sobbing mans shoulder "-i was coming for you",
His words seem hollow and unsure
"Im sorry but i have to go"
Dream leans down and plants a kiss on Fundys cheek
But this time instead of sparking warmth the kiss was cold,
Something was going on just unsure of what.

Change sides
He watches at the pale man waltz away down the hallway,
He turns his head back still walking
"I'll see you tonight",
Holding his hand to his cheek he stood there shocked and amazed
"Of course...".

Change sides

The carriage rocks
Philza adverts his gaze from the window the his grandson sitting eyes teary
"I wanna go home..."
"Are you sure?.."
Fundy nods his head lightly
the pain in his voice is strong making him sound weak
"Ok then if you want".

Its late afternoon now the forest isn't as bright now,
Fundy sits cross legged on his back door step eyes closed basking in the sounds of the birds he so dearly missed when he was away living a different life,
Things have so drastically changed over the corse of a small time its to overwhelming

He met a random stranger in the woods and was strangely drawn to him

Fundy walks into his house that was rudely abandoned now cold and dusty

He runs away to the kingdom with the stranger

Fundy sighs too tired too clean instead opting for hunting the kitchen for food that hasn't rotten

Found out the stranger is a prince and is reunited with his family and old friends

Fundy slams the fridge in frustration and slumps to the floor back pressed against the cold metal

Gets engaged and Follows on an adventure to a different kingdom learning about all the wars and history

Fundy pulls his knees to his chest and places his hands gently on his face

Gets arrested for visiting his childhood home and loses his fiancé to his fiancé's best friend

Fundy gently sobs into his hands,
Does he try go back to how things were or return to his low life in the woods?

Change sides
Tw- I'm sorry
"Where is he!"
The mans laugh is loud almost like it's ripping from his throat
"I don't know probably dead"
"Schlatt what did you do"
"Me? I wouldn't do anything to alex"
His words are sickening,
Sapnap flees from the room in search for quacking, darting lower and lower into the castle finding a room that was empty and cold and dark in the cellar,
The door creaks open and the light from the hallway illuminates a ball in the back corner,
The light reveals a small emblem of a hat on the person
Sapnap dives into the room dropping to his knees in front of quacking pulling the limp man into his arms,
"Im so sorry..."
But it was too late,
Sapnap leaves a final kiss on the top of the mans head.

After an hour of mourning in the dark room the silence is broken by small footsteps slowly approach the room,
"Is he dead?.."
A random voice speaks out from the doorway
"What the fuck is it to you.."
Sapnap sniffles not daring to turn back and see the persons false pity,
"Im sorry for your loss"
Sapnaps eyes widen with anger snapping his head round ready to unleash it at anyone he didn't care,
But then he saw the man in front of him dressed in bright colours and he just couldn't
Instead he just sobbed,
"I can try help if you'd like..?"
"Nothing can help now he's dead.." Sapnap turns back petting his dead friends hair,
"Trust me..."
The mystery man hurried out of the room and Sapnap was left in the cold again with so many things plaguing his mind

That night everything would change drastically and no one was prepared for it.

Hihi me again sorry I've been away i was moovingggg i hate it but anyway im back this was rushed so sorry if its bad and i wanna thank that one person who's been giving me ideas bc without them i would have probably just stopped so big thank you to them big love

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