New Dawn

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Everything is perfect.

The sun shines on my face and I can't help but smile at the warmth it makes me feel.

I knew it would be. I knew all I'd have to do is fix all the problems in the world and everything would be perfect. And it is. I have everything I could ever want and so does everyone else. The world is perfect now. They tried to stop me from making it this way and they failed. Now they know they were wrong, or at least they would if any of them could remember what it used to be like. But they don't have to, because if they did, it wouldn't be a perfect world.

I feel her shift in my arms and enjoy the feeling of having a warm body next to me like this.

Probably the most perfect part of it all is this moment right now. Knowing that I get to be happy with the person I want the most. That they want me just as much as I want them. It couldn't be any other way, I made sure of it.

She starts to turn in my arms and I open my eyes to see her slowly waking up in front of me. She opens her eyes and as ours meet she smiles at me. It makes me smile back at the happiness on her face.



Damn she's looking good this morning.

"I love the way you look in the morning."

She smiles at me.

"You're not so bad yourself."

I lean forward and kiss her softly. The kiss doesn't stay soft for long as it quickly deepens, our bodies coming together. Her leg wraps itself around mine, pulling it between her own and our hips press together, my thigh pushing itself against her crotch.

God I missed this. Every part of this is so incredible... I missed it so much.

Upping things, I start to lean into her and put my hands on her shoulders, pushing her onto her back without ending the kissing. It isn't long before I'm on top her, pressing our bodies together even more. Eventually, I break the kiss and start making my way down her body, going to her chin and then kissing her neck.

"Mmm... Dawn..."

I love hearing her say my name like that.

"God, Faith... you're so hot."

I bring my hand up and get myself a palm full of her tit through the fabric. She moans at the contact as I start kneading it in the way she likes.

"Oh... kay... Dawn..."

I lick her neck as I move my fingers to play with her nipple. She groans and squirms under me.


"Ugh... we... we gotta get up."

Stopping what I'm doing but leaving my hand on her tit and my body against hers, I lift my head to look at her with a grin on my face.

"Up to what?"

There's a grin on her face for a moment before getting a more serious look.

"Up for the rest of the day."

Her words have me frowning with a sexy pout. I start to play with her nipple again.

"Are you sure? I think we need a little while longer."

She squirms under my touch with a moan.

"D... Dawn..."

She brings a hand up to mine, trying to take my hand away from her tit. But I react quickly and grab her wrist, pushing it down onto the bed. I make my way down from her neck to her collarbone, kissing and licking it at different times to give her more reason to stay. Her hips start to really squirm as I pull at her nipple through her bra. Suddenly, things get wobbly as Faith turns the tables on me, putting her full weight on me.

Damn, did she use slayer strength with that? I don't think I've ever felt her do that before. It's... actually kinda hot.

Faith has a mischievous grin on her face as she looks down at me, really getting my motor going.

"As fun as this is, I can't keep being late for work. You know how your sister is."

She gets off me and quickly off the bed.



Sitting up quickly as she stands just away from the bed, I smack her in the barely covered ass.

"She's always on your ass."

That has Faith looking back at me.

"Damn babe, what's gotten into you?"

What does she mean by that? Did I... what did I do? Just... you know, play it off.

"Nothing, I just... I prefer it when I'm the one on your ass."

After raising a curious eyebrow, she chuckles as she picks out a shirt to put on out of her closet.

"Well whatever it is, I like it. But as much as I enjoy being on your ass too, I really gotta get to work."

I take a deep breath with a sigh. I lay back on the bed in a fake huff, watching her get a pair of pants and start to put them on her great butt.

"Fine, but let's meet up for lunch at my office."

She pauses part of the way through and it gives me a great look at her ass.

"How can I say no to that?"

You literally can't.

"Looking forward to it."

Faith finally pulls up her pants and turns to me. She leans forward on the bed over my face and smiles down.

"Okay, I'll see you then."

She leans forward even more and we kiss but she quickly pulls back. Leaving me on the bed while she walks around the bed and to the door, I watch her ass as she goes.

"Have a good day."

She smiles at me before leaving.

I know I'm having a good day. Just like tomorrow's going to be a good day, and the day after that, and the day after that. Which is exactly how I like it. I feel so much better knowing the world works the way I want it to finally. No more of that insanity of people being mean to me, or hurting me, or doing anything I don't like. I get what I want. It's perfect.

 It's perfect

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