Morning Time

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Everything about last night was beautiful.

I run a hand through my hair, enjoying the sight of my girlfriend lying on her front, asleep.

We had so much fun last night. I honestly don't think we've had that much fun ever. It's probably right up there with the night we had with Connor. That was pretty special, even if she didn't really understand what was going on. Still, I had a lot of fun with it but I think last night comes very close to topping it. The way she responded to me bringing a couple over for a little visual fun was basically perfect. She went right along with it and we did everything they asked just to please them.

Of course, what Faith didn't know was that I got them into the idea in the first place. Made a few suggestions about what they should like and not like. Just to make sure that things went the way I wanted. Which only made things that much sweeter when Faith went along with them. The things we did together were so much fun. Dancing on tables and bars, teasing guys and girls in the club, even giving a few good times to some of them. All in the name of having fun.

And we did all of it together as a couple. Even the parts where one of us would watch the other, we did together. I loved watching her play with someone, guy or girl, in the bathroom or at a table that we jumped into when we saw someone alone. The things she would do to someone and how they react to their sudden change in fortune. Seeing the look of confusion and uncertainty turn to excitement and ultimately pure pleasure was fantastic. Knowing that the love of my life was doing it to them. Every part of it was incredible.

Maybe the only thing hotter was when I was doing something and she was watching. Having her be there and she could see me as I enjoyed myself in front of her. Listening to her commentary and sometimes attempts at an instruction or two. A few of them I even enjoyed doing in front of her just to please my girl. It made the whole thing that much sweeter, both literally and figuratively in a lot of cases.

She shifts on the bed in her sleep and I can't help but admire how she looks when she's so peaceful.

The only thing more incredible is how she looks right now. So much at peace with the world and with everything around her. She doesn't have to worry about anything or anyone coming after her. Which she has me to thank for. Not that she'll ever really know that I'm the reason. At least not in any way that would last. I'm sure she'd be upset about it if I did tell her, and that's why I can never tell her. Unless I made her okay with it in some way.

I suppose I could do that but it would change things. Make them not as good as they are right now. Why would I ruin what I have right now by telling her? That would just be counter productive. It's better that things just stay the way they are. With me being the only one who really knows. I just know what's best for everyone. That much is obvious.

Slowly, Faith opens her eyes and she sees me, making her smile.


I smile back.


We just enjoy each other for a moment.

"Were you watching me sleep?"


"What did you see?"

"The love of my life."

She shifts and her smile gets a little bigger.


I suppose I should ask.

"How are you feeling?"

She starts to stretch out a little.


"Really? You're okay with last night?"

She turns to her side so we can face each other directly.

"Yeah, I mean... it was a little weird, but not necessarily in a bad way."

She pauses for a moment.


"It reminded me a lot of when I was a little wilder. Like before I came to Sunnydale. It was fun to remind myself how I used to be."

I get it.

"But still weird to see yourself like that again."

"Yeah, kinda like deja vu."

Okay then...

"Not something you want to do again."

There's a long silence where she just looks at me.

"I hope that's okay."

I smile at her.

"Of course it is baby. I only want you to be happy."

Leaning in, I kiss her gently, which she accepts happily. Eventually we pull back.

"I'm glad."

"So am I."

I can always change her mind later if I want to do it again, but there's something fun about it being a one time thing. At least for now.

The alarm behind me goes off. I groan and turn over to smash the off button.

"I guess I gotta get to school."

"You might as well learn something I guess."

I lean into her again and kiss her sweetly before getting out of bed.

Maybe it's time to try some new stuff anyway.

Maybe it's time to try some new stuff anyway

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