Loving an Angel

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I love this feeling.

I feel the warmth of the body next to me as I wake up.

I can't remember a time when I was happier in years. I guess that makes sense though, since I've got basically everything I've ever wanted. It's amazing how quickly things have changed over the past year or two. I thought things were going to fall apart not long ago, but thankfully it didn't. Sunnydale was coming apart with so many people leaving and the rise of The First with its big plan, I thought I had the right strategy to finally bring it down.

But I was so focused on my own ideas and my own plan that I couldn't see what was happening right in front of me. My sister was more than what she seemed. I thought she was just a normal girl. She wasn't a potential, and she would never become a slayer. For some reason, I thought that meant she wasn't important. That she's not as important as she could've been. I couldn't have been more wrong. She was the one who could fix everything.

I wanted to go down into the hellmouth and face the Ubervamp army with all the potentials by my side. Turn them into slayers to fight back the evil in the world. But it was Dawn that saw the truth. She saw that it was possible to close the hellmouth for good so that nothing could ever get out again. And it was her who could actually do it. I was so wrapped up in my own head that I couldn't see what was right in front of me. But she saw it.

They shift on the bed and I can't help but moan at the feeling.

And now I'm completely happy. I honestly didn't think that it was possible to be this happy. But thankfully not perfectly happy, not that it's much of a concern anymore. Something I can also say thanks to my sister.

He turns with his eyes open to look at me, smiling as he speaks.

"Good morning..."

I smile back.


I roll onto my back and take a deep breath.

"Just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before."

He chuckles at me, lying back on his back as well.

"I know, it's such a burden isn't it?"

That makes me laugh.

"Totally... but it's better than what we had before, isn't it?"

He takes a deep breath.

"Yeah, I suppose."

He doesn't think so?


He shifts in the bed to face me.

"Nothing, it's just... I guess I think about how things used to be. It wasn't all bad, was it?"

He's not wrong.

"There were good parts, sure. But I'm definitely happier not having to save the world every single year, or several times a year. Aren't you?"

"Sure. But that's the great thing about being in LA. The world doesn't try to come to an end so often. And thanks to your sister, it doesn't happen as much here either. But it also means less to do, which just isn't as fun. The work just doesn't feel like it has as much impact as it was. Don't you feel that?"

I take a deep breath.

I guess he has a point there. Something has been missing for a while, but I can't really figure out what it is. Then again, it's probably just that I'm not used to feeling this way.

"Maybe it's just that we're not used to being happy. Did you ever think about that?"

He smiles at me before leaning in for a kiss, which I gladly accept.

"Maybe you're right."

We just bask in the happiness we're both feeling right now.

"So... when do you have to head back to LA?"

He doesn't answer right away.


I frown at that.

"I hate that you have to keep going back and forth."

"I know, we really have to figure this all out, and we will. I promise."

"It's all right, we have time. Like you said, the world isn't ending every minute anymore, so we don't have to make any decisions right away."

"I know I'm not getting any older."

I laugh at that.

"That happens when you're a vampire. Slayers aren't so lucky."

He gets a bit of a grin on his face.

"They have other advantages."

I give him a fun questioning look back.

"Such as?"

"Being incredibly beautiful for one."

I chuckle at his rather obvious compliment.

"I'll make sure to tell Faith you said that."

"I'm sure Dawn would have a problem with that."

"You're right. She might do something like turn you into a toad or something."

"Better not."

"I don't know. I could always kiss you and turn you back into a prince."

He smiles.

"Or you could just kiss me right now."

I lean over him after he says that.

"Much better plan."

We kiss more deeply.

"I love you Angel."

"I love you too Buffy."


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