Hot for Teacher

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This is so much better than I could've thought.

Looking at the clock, I watch it tick for a while in anticipation of what's to come.

Getting it on in my office was the hottest thing ever. I knew if I just got her there and tempted her, she'd be willing. I always figured that she was holding back with me. That she didn't want to go too far with me just because I was so new and didn't have any experience. Looks like I was totally right about her. All I had to do was give her the chance to let loose, and what happened in my office is proof of that. And after that and what happened with Connor, I think it's time that I explore a few of those options.

Which is exactly what I'm about to do, as soon as they actually get here. I limited myself for so long, and now I can actually explore it. The best thing is that I don't have to worry about anyone whining about feelings for doing it. I can just enjoy things without any of that.

There's a knock at the door and I can't help but smile.

Speaking of which...

"Come in."

The door opens and she enters, cautiously.

"You wanted to see me?"

My smile turns into a grin.

"I did, close the door will you?"

She does as I ask. I pat the seat next to me on the couch to encourage her.

"Sit down."

Again she makes her way over to the couch and sits down. I can't help but enjoy the reveal of the V neck in her shirt, giving me a good look at her cleavage.

Damn, this is going to be so much fun.

I bring my focus back to her face.

"I just wanted to thank you for playing your part in my game yesterday. It was so hot."

"Always up for helping out with a little fun. From the way it sounded, it was a lot of fun."

Did she really stick around like that?

"You were listening?"

She shifts uncomfortably at the question.

That's so hot. No wonder Faith was so into me when I was like this.

Reaching out, I turn her to look at me.

"Don't feel bad, I was kinda hoping that you were."

"You were?"

"Yeah, the thought of it made things even hotter for me. I even thought maybe you'd come in and join us."

"You did?"

"Of course, I mean, someone as hot as you? It would've made things great. Although..."


"Just because you didn't come in then, doesn't mean we can't still have our fun on our own."

Kennedy seems a little confused by that.

"What do you mean?"

I lean in, planting a kiss on her. After kissing me back for a few moments, she pulls back.

"Dawn, what are you doing? What about Faith?"

"What about her? She always loves when I tell her about my hook ups."

I kiss her again and she kisses back even longer this time before pulling back.

"I... I'm with Willow."

"So don't tell her."

This time I put my hands on her shoulders and push her back on the couch as I kiss her. She lets me press my body up against hers, pinning her down while we start to make out. Eventually I pull back to look at her.

"Besides, it's not like I'm looking for a long commitment or anything..."

I grab her ass and squeeze it.

"I've just always wanted a piece of this ass."

She gasps at what I'm doing to her.

"I... oh... okay..."

With her words, I bring my hand up and slip it under her shirt, getting a firm handful of her tit.

God they're just as good as I thought. I'm definitely going to have to get better acquainted.

I straighten out my hand to make her shirt bunch up and expose her stomach. She moans as I keep kneading her tit.

"Take your shirt off."

Almost immediately, she starts taking it off. I grab her shirt from her and throw it on the floor. That gives me the chance to enjoy her newly exposed skin, running my hand over it. It makes her squirm under my touch.

I love the way I can do this to people. It gets me so hot to feel them getting off on what I'm doing to them.

Not long after her squirming slows, I brush the underside of her tit then use my fingers to tease her nipple under her bra. The way I'm playing with it has her moaning again, getting me even hotter.

Okay, I definitely have to get this girl naked.

Pulling back from her, she gets this needy look on her face at the loss of what I was doing to her.

"Stand up for me."

Confused but still very needy, she watches me for a while to see that I'm serious. Once I make it clear by giving her a commanding stare, Kennedy slowly gets up from the couch and stands there in pants and a bra. I look her over from my position sitting on the couch, enjoying the sight in front of me.

I can see why Willow is so into her. She's definitely worth taking a shot at, which I'm finally getting.

"Show me your tits."

She hesitates for a few seconds before doing as I ask, reaching behind her back to unhook it. Her eyes are on me but mine is squarely on the loosening of the cups on her bra. Then her bra falls forward and her tits are revealed.

Mmm, definitely going to enjoy those.

"I like them."

Kennedy seems uncertain how to respond at first before taking the compliment.

"Thank you."

After enjoying the sight of her round, firm tits along with her very obviously hard nipples, I look at her for a moment before saying anything else.

She's definitely liking the way I'm talking to her. Probably has something to do with the way things are with Willow.

"Now the rest..."

Again she hesitates for a while then brings her hands to her waistband, unbuttoning her pants and starting to pull them down.

This might actually be hotter if she...


She pauses for a moment when I do.

"Turn around and let me see your ass as you do."

It takes her a second to do as I ask, turning and giving me a perfect view of her ass when she pulls it down.

She's not wearing any panties. I'm guessing she was expecting something to happen, even if it wasn't necessarily this.

"No panties, eh?"

She looks back at me while taking her pants off.

"I... I didn't want to ruin them."

I notice the wetness on her thighs as her pants fall to her ankles. Sitting up, I grab my shirt and quickly take it off, throwing it on the floor.

"Probably a good call, given how wet you are right now."

I stand up as she steps out of her pants and straightens up. Just then, I close the distance between us and get right behind her, bringing my hands around and getting two handfuls of her tits, kneading them. That makes her moan and throw her head back over my shoulder.

"Trust me, that's just the beginning."

Kennedy shifts against me when I take her nipples between my fingers, playing with them.

"Tell me, how long were you listening to us?"

She groans after the question, reacting to my gentle teasing of her nips.

"I... uh... fuck..."

"Tell me..."

It takes her a second to respond, moaning.

"I listened to it all."

I thought so.


One of her nipples gets a little pinch from me which has her squeaking in response.

"You listened to all of it?"

Switching nipples, I start massaging the one I just pinched while pinching the other and getting another squeak out of her, but does answer anyway this time.

"W-what I could hear anyway."

That has me massaging both her tits and her ass pushes itself back into my crotch, really upping how hot this is making me.

She's so responsive, this is going to be so hot. And I'm loving her tits.

"Sorry if we weren't loud enough for you."

I put fingers on both her nipples and start going in circles to push her buttons.

"Uh... you were loud enough."

"Mmm, loud enough for what? Did it get you off?"

With one hand still playing with her tit, I slide the other down her body towards her pussy. She opens her legs for me as I reach the top of her pussy, rubbing it.

"Right out in the hallway?"

"Uh, fuck... no... I... I waited until I got home."

Kennedy groans at what I'm doing to her.

"So you could really go to town? Was it that hot for you?"

"Y-oh... yes..."

I separate my fingers and use my index and middle finger to brush over her pussy lips and tease her clit, letting her juices leak onto them. It has her knees bending at the sensations.

"Did you use your fingers? Or something more?"

"S-something more."

Mmm, maybe this is an opportunity to try something I've always wanted to.

"A dildo?"


"I could use one on you now if you want. I have one in my drawer."

There's a fairly long silence except for the moaning and groaning of Kennedy as I keep playing with her pussy and tits.


When she does agree, I step back from her almost immediately, leaving her unsatisfied. She nearly falls over as I let her go but manages to stay upright. I lean forward to whisper in her ear.

"It's in my top draw, go get it for me will you?"

There's a moment where she seems to consider things before moving in the direction of my desk.


As she goes, I reach for my pants and unbutton them, taking them down and revealing what's underneath, a harness for a strap-on.

I had a feeling that she was out there while Faith and I did our thing. I told her enough that it would be hard to resist the urge not to. She knew exactly what was going on when I asked her to stop by. She's too adventurous not to take the chance. And I knew that it would come up, because I was going to bring it up. The only question is whether or not we were going to get here, which we are.

She opens up the door while I step out of my pants, readjusting the harness on my waist. The look on her face as she picks it up is one of uncertainty mixed with anticipation. Kennedy looks up at me, sees what I'm wearing, then looks down at the dildo again, licking her lips.


"You want to...?"

Gotta play this right.

"If that's okay with you."

She starts making her way over to me, with the dildo still in hand.

Probably gives me exactly the answer I want if she's doing that.

"I guess... it's just... a lot less... intimate then I'm used to."

Closing the distance between us, I take her wrist before taking the dildo from her while keeping her eyes locked on mine.

"Good thing I'm not looking for intimacy. I'm just looking to get off."

I bring the dildo to her lips, asking for entry. After a long look between us, she parts them and I insert the plastic toy.

I'd much rather attach it to my waist and have her sucking me off. My experience with Connor had me curious to see the other side. But I don't want to push my luck with her. Better to just get what I want and move on.

The dildo gets about halfway in before I start to get resistance. So I start pulling back, then pushing forward, slowly building up a rhythm in her mouth. All the while, her eyes stay on mine and I enjoy the mixture of arousal and confusion her face. As the rhythm continues to build, she closes her eyes and moans around the dildo. It makes me smile.

"You like that do you?"

My words have her open her eyes again while I go a little deeper with the dildo. She seems uncertain how to respond, but that quickly gives way to pleasure as I reach out and grope her tit.

"Get it nice and wet, although I'm guessing you won't need much help given where it's going."

Reaching down, I run two fingers along her lower lips and unsurprisingly her juices coat them.

"Mmm, I knew I was right."

Once she squirms under my fingers rubbing her pussy and making her moan, I pull them away. Kennedy seems pained by the absence, but that shifts when I bring my wet fingers to my lips and taste her on them. That has her moaning again and I join her, enjoying the taste of her for a second before taking them out to speak.

"You taste good, I may have to try it some time. But right now..."

I pull the dildo out of her mouth slowly.

"Bend over my desk."

She doesn't say anything, just looking at me for a while but eventually turning and making her way over to my desk, bending over. I watch that fine ass for a moment as I make my way over to her.

Damn, she's such a hot piece of ass. I can see why Willow keeps her around as long as she has. I wouldn't want to let a piece like her go.

Kennedy looks back at me when she hears the dildo click into place in the harness.

"I've always liked your ass Kennedy. I'm going to enjoy fucking it."

"No... not my ass... just... my pussy..."

She struggles to get anything else out as I grab her ass cheek firmly, giving it a squeeze.

"Are you sure? You never know, you might like it."

The potential slayer gasps at the way I'm doing things.

"No... my ass is off limits."

Grabbing the fake cock, I aim it at her pussy, brushing it against her lips.

"Just your pussy then?"

"Yes... just my pussy."

With her words, I push my hips forward, guiding the head of the fake cock into her pussy. She lets out a moan at that.

"I can live with that."

That's disappointing, I am kinda curious to see how she reacts. Maybe some other time.

For a while, I just watch as inch after inch of the dildo enters her, every so often making her shift at the entry.

I knew this would be as fun as it is. I see why Connor enjoyed himself so much. I don't know why Faith wouldn't want to do this. I'm really liking it.

After my fake cock gets about halfway in, I pull out again. Slowly, I start building up a similar rhythm to what I did when it was in her mouth. As things pick up, I grab her ass for leverage and it has her really start to moan at what I'm doing to her.

If she didn't want to do it to me, I definitely would want to do it to her.

Kennedy reaches out to the edge of my desk to hold firm while I put a little more power into the pumping I'm doing. She starts really reacting as I pump into her.

"Oh... oh, fuck..."

Moving my hands from her ass to her hips, I lean forward to give myself a bit of leverage as I pick up the pace again.

"You like that?"

"Oh, uh... I... fuck..."

As I keep up the pace, thrusting in and out of her pussy, I lean in more so that I'm pressing a lot of my body onto hers against the desk.

"Tell me you don't like it."

"Oh, I... I love... it..."

"Yeah you do."

The potential slayer tenses up under me and I can feel where this is heading. To really drive the point home, I reach out and grab her by the chin, pulling her up off the desk into an arched back while sticking out her tits. With my one free hand, I grope her tits while keeping up the pounding. Kennedy starts letting out louder and louder moans and groans before she finally stiffens and I stop pumping into her with the dildo deep into her pussy.

That makes her cum.

God damn she looks so hot like that. This is so much better than I could've believed.

I let go of her chin and she puts her hands down on the desk to steady herself but the obvious shakiness of her legs have her slowly dropping to the floor. Unhooking the harness from my waist, I let it fall as the dildo comes out of her. She turns herself away from the desk with a smile on her face as I look down at her.

Now it's time for my fun.

"Wow, that was..."

I throw my leg upon the desk, leaning in to close as much distance between Kennedy's face and my very wet pussy as I can get.

"Not the end."

Her eyes find mine from her position on the floor and I can't help but smile as her eyes are just above my pussy, making it look like she's already eating it.

"It's only fair right? I gave you yours, now you give me mine."

After a few moments of staring at each other, she eventually leans forward and I feel her tongue against my pussy lips. Before I can really react to that sensation, she does it again, slowly building up her licks as she gets a real taste of my juices. My body starts to tingle at the way she's eating me.

Damn, if that's how good she is at eating girls out, that would definitely be even more reason for Willow to keep the girl around. With how hot it was giving her a good pounding and the way she's licking me right now, I probably won't last much longer. But this isn't about how long I can last. I just want her to get me off.

Our eyes stay on each others as her tongue moves back and forth over my lips, grazing my clit every so often. I grind my hips into her face as much as I can but she keeps her head back to continue her teasing.

Mmm, that's really annoying of her but it's pushing my buttons. If I wasn't just in this to get off, I might just let her go with it.

Reaching out, I grab her hair and pull her in closer to my pussy. She moans into my pussy and it makes me do the same. The potential slayer mumbles into my pussy but I keep our eyes on each other, which eventually makes her stop and keep eating me. I turn her head up a little to get her to focus more on my clit, which she does. Her swirling tongue on my clit while sucking on it a little has me start to tense up.

Oh, I'm definitely not going to last much longer.

"You're really good at that, keep going."

She does as I ask and every part of me starts to tense up. As I moan at the sensations she's giving me, Kennedy grabs my ass with both hands, giving me an extra little bit of excitement.


Just as she wraps her lips around my clit and sucks as hard as she can, I feel it happening. That makes me cum, giving me the shakes for a few seconds.

"Oh, god... that's so good."

I let go of her hair and she pulls back almost immediately, my juices on her face, while I take my leg off the desk and stand shakily on my legs. Watching her lick her lips, I kneel down next to her, leaning forward and lick some of my cum off her face.

Mmm, I love tasting myself on someone like this.

Eventually, I pull back and smile at her.

"I knew I would enjoy the show."

She gets this confused look on her face.


My smile changes into a grin before I turn my focus to finding my clothes.

"Nothing. This was fun, we should do it again some time."

There's nothing but silence from Kennedy. I come up on her pants, picking it up and throwing it in her direction. I hear her getting up and starting to put her pants on. Finding my pants, I start to put them on.

"Listen, Dawn..."

Her words have me turning to look at her and I enjoy the sight of her tits still on display.

"This can't happen again. I... I'm not even sure why this time went as far as it did."

A grin comes across my face at her words.

And you never will.

Slowly sauntering over to her, I pick up her shirt off the floor on the way, playing with it in my hands.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me that wasn't fun."

When I get to her, I put my hand through the neck hole of her shirt and grab her tit. She squirms under my touch, letting out a breath as I massage it gently.

"I know I made you cum."

Kennedy lets out a reluctant moan at my thumb against her nipple.

"That's... that's not the point."

She smacks my hand away from her tit while grabbing her shirt from me. Unfortunately, she starts putting it on.

This isn't heading where I was hoping to.

I make my way towards her bra and my shirt, picking them both up.

"The point is that I just cheated on Willow... and you just cheated on Faith. That's not right."

I start back over to my desk, picking up the dildo as I do, I walk by Kennedy while putting on my shirt and open my drawer, putting the dildo and harness inside. In it, I pick up a small sewing needle.

"We have to tell them what happened."

Pricking my finger, blood flows from it.

"No, we don't."

She needs to forget what happened.

"So... you think you'll be able to finish your assignment?"

She smiles at me.

"Absolutely, thanks for all your help."

Then she turns to the door and leaves. When the door closes, I hold up her bra and admire it.

This isn't a bad souvenir, and I'll always have the memory, even if she doesn't.

This isn't a bad souvenir, and I'll always have the memory, even if she doesn't

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