An Experiment in Red

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She's very cute.

I watch as she lays out the research material for the evening. Every so often she leans forward revealing a decent look at her cleavage.

I've always been a fan of hers. Ever since I was little when she used to come around and hang out with Buffy. We used to have all kinds of inside jokes between us for going over Buffy's head with some reference or idea that we both understood. My sister never studied enough to really get them. That's what made them fun. They were just between us. She was one of the only people who actually got me, even a little. With the exception of when she crashed the car and when she tried to destroy the world, she stood up for me in ways that not even Buffy did.

I guess it's not the only thing that's going to be between us anymore. Not if I can find a way into her pants tonight. It might take me a while to figure it out, but I will find a way in. I mean, if Kennedy can find a way in then it can't be that hard. I found a way into Kennedy's pants and she's not the most subtle person in the world. I'm sure there's a way into her girlfriend's. It's just a matter of time.

She bends over to pick up a few things, giving me a nice look at her ass.

She's got a really nice ass. I'm not sure why I never noticed it before. Although if I'm honest, I probably have from time to time, I just didn't want to acknowledge it. But there's nothing holding me back now. I can admire her ass without worrying about the consequences. In fact, I can enjoy the potential consequences and have a little fun when they do.

She stands up again and turns with a smile, laying out the books and showing her cleavage again. She notices me looking at her.


I smile back.

"Nothing, it's just..."

I kinda want to bend you over right now.

"This is nice. It's been a while since you and I spent some time together... alone."

That has her smiling.

"That's true. I guess with all the craziness of The First, closing the hellmouth and figuring things out, we haven't had a lot of time to just hang out and talk."

"Well we do now. It's part of why I wanted to get together for this spell. Give us a chance to get reacquainted."

On many different levels.

She makes her way over to the couch and sits not far from me. It gives me a good look at her legs as her skirt isn't very long.

I can't wait to get in between them.

"I love that idea. How are you? How's things with Faith?"

Hmm, could be an opening.

"I'm good. We're good. Maybe a little too good actually."

Willow gets this curious look on her face.

"Too good? Is that even a thing?"

"I'm not sure there's any other way to describe it. We're so happy that we're comfortable enough to... try things."

"Try things?"

I attempt to look a little embarrassed by the idea.

"You know... things... bedroom type things."

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