Clubbing Fun

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I don't know if I can do this.

Watching the crowd dancing from the booth, I keep my eye out for Dawn.

I just can't believe that Dawn did anything. She's not that kind of person. I wouldn't be with someone who would do something like that. Which is why I know she's not responsible, because she's a good person and we love each other. There has to be some other thing behind this that's using Dawn for its evil purposes. And if I can just find a way to prove it, then everything will work out. The best way to do that is to go along with looking into Dawn.

I'm sure whoever's really behind this will reveal themselves eventually. They have to. Clearly they don't want anyone discovering the truth and they'll have to do something once we get too close. All I have to do is figure out a way to keep everything from pointing to Dawn so we don't miss the real baddie when they come out. And that means I need to stick close to my girl. That's how we're going to flush them out.

They have to be getting to Dawn somehow. If I just stick with her long enough, I'm sure I'll figure out who it is. That way I can stop it before it happens again. Dawn deserves that much from me. I love her too much not to give her at least that, if not more.

What I can't figure out is why anyone would do this? Why would they target Dawn like this? She's just a girl. Going after her doesn't make any sense. If they were going to go after anyone, it should be me and B. We're the ones with real power. We could do some real damage if they came after us instead. Although I guess that's why they didn't come after us. There's no way they'd be able to attack us directly, or even indirectly without us noticing.

Even if they did go after someone else, why would it have to be Dawn? Why not Xander or Anya or Giles or someone like that. Dawn's not the obvious choice. She would be an easier target than anyone else. It still bugs me though.

Because there is no way that Dawn would do this herself.

Just then, I see Dawn coming over in her crop top and short shorts with the drinks she ordered for us. But I notice that she's not alone. She's flanked by a brown haired decently buff guy and a decently hot blonde girl. My girlfriend reaches the table and sets the drinks down, sliding one over to me before coming into the booth with her own, getting right up next to me.

"Hey baby, I got our drinks."

I pick up my drink and smile at her before focusing on the guy and girl who are just outside our booth, smiling at both of us.

"Looks like you got more than that."

As I take a drink, Dawn introduces them.

"I did. This is Sarah and David. They were nice enough to buy us our drinks. And they've offered to buy any other drinks we might want for the night."

Why would they do that? What's Dawn up to?

I set my drink down, turning to my girlfriend.

"Really? That's very generous of them."

The girl named Sarah speaks up.

"We're a generous couple."

They're a couple?

I turn my attention to the two of them.

"And what are you looking for in return for your generosity?"

Dawn leans into me and I can't help but get turned on as she whispers in my ear.

"They like to watch."

Right when I'm about to ask what they like to watch, I feel her hand rubbing against my jeans over my crotch. It has me shifting in the booth. The guy named David speaks up.

"See honey? I told you when we saw them on the dance floor together they'd be into it."

Sarah agrees.

"You were right sweetie."

Dawn teases my ear with her tongue as she speaks.

"Are we baby?"

Her hand slips under my shirt a little, teasing it going under my pants, making me squirm more.

Well I guess as long as Dawn's here with me, nothing can get to her.


With my words, Sarah and David slide into the booth, her on my side and him on Dawn's.

"This is going to be good."

Dawn's hand slips into my jeans and past my panties, her fingers slipping past my clit and teases my lips. What she's doing has me gasping when she starts to play with my folds. My girl continues to talk into my ear.

"You're so hot right now baby."

I definitely feel hot.

Her finger tips dip just into my folds, teasing me with what's next.

"I love that we're here in this booth, with all these people around us who have no idea, and the only people who know are us and these two. It's so hot isn't it?"

I can't help but look out at the crowd for a moment, seeing people dancing not that far from us. Then I look at Sarah next to me and David beside Dawn, both of them looking hungrily at me and my girlfriend.

There is a lot about this that's got me going.


"I knew you'd like it. Are you liking it Sarah?"

"Mmm, yeah..."

"And how about you David?"

"I'm enjoying myself."

She slips a finger into me. It makes me gasp audibly and arch my back off the booth as she starts to move it in and out of me. Her other hand pulls my face to look at her and she leans in so we kiss. As we do, I feel a third hand on my tit massaging it, clearly not my girlfriend's.

Ooh, she's good at that. The combo is really getting to me.

Sarah speaks in my ear.

"Mmm, give it to her."

We break our kiss as David speaks too from the other side of Dawn.

"Make her feel real good."

Another finger is added, picking up the pace of working herself inside me. My hips move against her fingers, trying not to be too obvious to the people on the dance floor. I groan at the loss of Sarah's touch on my tits.

"So good, I love the show."

I'm liking it myself.

Dawn starts to increase her pace of her fingers, the feeling making me start to tense up and move against her fingers even more.

Wow, I didn't think I could get this turned on this quickly. It's even better than with the threesome.

There's a pressure against my crotch and I look down to see Sarah's hand pushing down on Dawn's over my jeans. It has Dawn adding another finger and her thumb against my clit. That makes me moan and groan while trying to keep quiet despite the music pounding similar to the way my girlfriend's hand is starting to pound into me. David speaks up.

"Looks like the girl's about to pop."

Oh I'm very nearly there.

"Are you baby?"

"Mmm, yes..."

Dawn moans herself and I open my eyes to see David groping her tit. It pushes me so close to the edge.

Not gonna hold out much longer.

My girlfriend amps up the pressure, her thumb playing with my clit and making me tense up so much that I can't quietly keep in the moan. Despite myself I can hear Sarah and David respond.

"Make her cum."

"Yeah, make her cum so hard."

The combination of everything finally puts me over the edge and I yell out at every part of me releasing at the same time.


She pushes me through the high of my orgasm before I finally come down.

God that was good.

Dawn asks a question that I'm not sure is directed at me.


I can't help but answer.

"I know I am."

Sarah and David answer it too.

"For the moment at least."

"Although we may have a few other suggestions."

Suggestions? If they're anything like the first one, it could be a lot of fun.

I look at both Sarah and David with a satisfied smile.

"What did you have in mind?"

"What did you have in mind?"

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