School Lunch

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I'm probably just imagining things.

Walking down the hall of the school, I make my way through the students going the other way.

It's just that I don't really have much experience with being happy. I don't know how it's supposed to feel. Because I'm definitely happy. There's no way that I couldn't be happy. I've got everything I've ever wanted. A job I actually like doing, a beautiful girlfriend, and a life that doesn't involve constantly worrying when the next apocalypse is going to happen.

So why does it feel like something's... off? Like something just isn't quite right in the world? I don't know what it is, but it doesn't feel real. But that probably has more to do with how weird it feels to be so happy. I mean, I'm on the way to see my girlfriend for lunch at her office and I couldn't be happier about it. We have such a great time together and can just sit together, talk or just say nothing and enjoy each other's company.

It's so great. I don't think I've ever had something like that happen before. I've never felt that comfortable with someone... ever. We've had our ups and downs, but we're mostly just happy. After everything she did to save Sunnydale, we got to know each other, and it was obvious something more was between us then either of us realized. So we started seeing each other. Things were going well, at least until we were caught by B one night and had to explain things.

That was probably the biggest hurdle, getting Buffy on board with the idea of her sister and her friend/business partner being a couple. She wasn't exactly happy at first but we kinda kept pushing the issue until she really couldn't deny it anymore. Eventually she had to let us be together. Now we're happy. B and I work together at a dojo teaching potentials to hone what they do, and Dawn is studying at UC Sunnydale. She's even so good that she got a teaching assistant job.

Everything about the way things are is just fantastic. So it's all just probably that. I never expected my life to go the way it has. I never expected to ever be this happy. I didn't think I could be or that I deserved to be... but I am.

Turning down one hallway, I make it to her office and stop at the door.

I really am happy.

I knock on the door.

"Come in."

With her words from the other side of the door, I turn the doorknob and walk inside. I see Dawn sitting behind her desk and...


She's sitting there in barely anything at all, just a black lace bra and although I can't see it from inside the door, I'm guessing matching panties. Her legs are crossed on the desk with a pair of black, knee high stockings, topped off with my favourite of her black leather heels.


I look back at the door which is still partly open, quickly closing it behind me.

"What are you doing?"

She gets this grin on her face.

"Surprising you."

There's a moment of silence in the room as I'm not sure what to say to that.

"You like?"

It's hard not to.

"Yeah, although... what if someone had walked in looking for you?"

She chuckles at my question.

"Then they'd get a free show. But the good thing is they didn't, so we could have our fun."

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