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There's no way things could get any better for me.

I watch as the class takes their test, keeping an eye to make sure none of them is cheating.

I have everything that I want and more. There's nothing that I can't have if I want it. All I have to do is be willing to take it. And I am willing to take it. Why wouldn't I be? It's not like I have to worry about any of those stupid things like consequences or feeling guilty or having to make up for anything I might do. I can just do it.

My eyes look over the eager students focused intensely on the test about the fundamentals of magic in front of them.

If I wanted to, I could have any one of these eager young guys or girls in front of me. I could do anything to them and no one can stop me. I could have sex with them, I could beat them up or have them beaten up by someone else, or make it so they never existed at all. There's nothing which could stop me from doing it. Everything about that makes me feel so good... so powerful. It's a good thing that I know better not to do anything too insane.

I'm not a villain or a crazy person. I'm just me. Just a girl who wants everyone to be happy. That's what I want. It's all I've ever wanted, for me and everyone else to be happy. And now I've made that happen. Sometimes it's hard to believe I got this lucky. Of all the people in the world, I got what I wanted and made sure everyone else got what they wanted. I get a good feeling about that. All I have to do is make the occasional tweak and fix some things that might not go my way before they happen. But so long as they do, everything is fine.

I get to have everything I've ever wanted.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, I see there's only a couple seconds left in the test. I stand up to make sure I get a full look at the students when it happens.

"All right, time's up. Pencils down."

There's a lot of groaning and complaining in the room but most of them stop what they're doing. I see one student who's still trying to cram in some answers.

"Candy, stop what you're doing. It's over."

Candy looks up at me pleadingly before finally doing as she's told.

That's right, I'm in charge.

"Bring your tests up and hand them in."

The class starts to pack up their things and slowly come forward. After checking over to make sure no one is continuing one more time, I sit down at the teacher's desk again. It isn't long from when I sit down that the class door opens and the most beautiful girl in the world walks in.

"Hey DK..."

She makes her way up to me and I stand to meet her as the first couple of students hands in their tests. We kiss when we get within touching distance.

"Hey baby, this is a nice surprise."

"Yeah well, the Scooby meeting ended early so I figured I'd stop by and see how you're doing. Maybe take you out for dinner or something."

Mmm, dinner, that sounds like fun.

I put my arms around her and hold her close while still managing to see students putting papers on the desk.

"I could eat."

Hopefully she gets the reference.

She watches me for a moment.

"Not like that."

Her words make me pout which makes her reconsider.

"Well, maybe not like that."

To which I can't help but smile.

I can work with maybe. There's a lot I can do with maybe.

I grab her butt and squeeze it, making her squirm. She looks around as a few of the students notice while handing in their papers.


"Don't worry about them. Let them enjoy the show."

She kisses me before stepping back and I let go of her butt.

Well it's a start.

"How about we go to our favourite club? Have a little fun?"

Faith smiles at the suggestion.

"I'd be down for that."

As the last few of the students hand in their papers, my girlfriend looks around with a curious look.

"Where's our mutual friend?"

She thinks of Connor as our mutual friend? Interesting...

"Why? Were you hoping to see him again?"

She grins at me.

"I wouldn't mind seeing him again."


"Well maybe I could arrange that."

She gets that sexy look on her face.

"Sounds like fun."

So many potential opportunities that brings up.

"Too bad he's off today. It was my turn to monitor the class."

We watch as the last of the students puts their test on the table and walks out the door.

"Yeah... too bad."

There's a long moment where we just enjoy each other's company.

"So... dinner?"


I make my way over to her and put my arm around her, making our way to the door.

This is going to be so much fun.

This is going to be so much fun

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