Staying Sharp

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This is going to be so much fun to watch.

I sit back and watch as Faith stretches out in front of me, prepping for the fight she's about to have.

I love the idea of the two of them going at it. There's so much potential in that. It's not the only way I would love to see them go at it, but still, there's a lot that I can get out of this. They're both so agile and have so much opportunity to go after it. I'm sure Kennedy is going to give Faith a run for her money, even if she's a little different then she was the last time they went at it after Sunnydale.

Still, I'm sure Faith is going to come out on top. She's got more experience and will see things that Kennedy can't. She'll be more strategic and thoughtful in her attacks. There's no way she can lose to someone like Kennedy. As good as they both are in bed, Kennedy still pales in comparison to how good Faith is.

Looking over to where Kennedy is similarly stretching, I enjoy that sight.

Which isn't to say that Kennedy wasn't worth the time and effort I put in to get her naked. She's got a lot there and I love that I got a chance to really enjoy her like that. Her ass is so supple and felt great in my hands. It's too bad that I didn't get a chance to really explore it the way I would've liked to. Maybe some other time.

My focus turns back to Faith as she bends over to continue her stretching.

And that's not something Faith and I have explored either. It might be the next step for us and my exploration of things. There's something fun about the idea of getting her to give up her butt to me. She said that was one of her boundaries, but I'm sure I can convince her otherwise. After all, she said she was open to negotiation on some of her boundaries if I wanted to go there. I'm sure it wouldn't take much to get her to open herself up... literally.

I let my gaze move towards Willow who is sitting cross legged on the floor meditating to gather her energy for the spell.

I'm surprised she has any energy at all after the other night. We had a lot of fun together. It's amazing that she's even able to be here. Although that might be due to the fact that she doesn't remember it happening. If she did, it might be a different story. But it's better that she doesn't. I want her to be happy, just like I want everyone else to be happy. Better to have my fun and let her go on being happy without the memory.

After all, the most important person to keep happy is me.

Willow opens her eyes with a smile.

I prefer the way she smiles when I've got my hands on her.

"I'm ready."

Faith and Kennedy look at her when she speaks, then at each other. My girlfriend is the first to speak.

"You ready Ken?"

Kennedy grins at Faith.

"Ready when you are Fay."

Ooh, that's fun. I'm ready for sure.

"Looks like we're both ready Red. Let's do this."

Willow stands up and grabs the scythe she had in front of her, heading to the backroom of the Magic Box.

"Give me a couple minutes with Kennedy and then you can come in."

I get off the couch and move towards Faith as Willow and Kennedy go into the other room. Wrapping my arms around my girlfriend, I love the feeling of her relaxing into my touch.

"Don't DK, I gotta stay sharp if I'm going to win this fight."

I chuckle at her words.

"I can't help it. You just look so good stretching out like that. We should do some of that later when we're alone, or maybe right here?"

That makes her laugh.

"As fun as that sounds, I really need to focus."

I move my hands around her body.

"Oh, am I distracting you?"

She lets out an audible breath at what I'm doing.


My hand moves to her butt and after rubbing it a little, I pinch it through her jeans, making her twitch.

"How about now?"

She turns around in my arms to face me, an obvious smile on her face.

"Focus returning."

I run my hands along her midsection, eventually pinching her side.

"And now?"

"Definitely focused."

Willow comes out from the other room.

"We're ready for you Faith."

Faith leans in and kisses me before turning to join Faith and Kennedy. I follow her behind.

She really does have a nice behind. I almost want to see her get it kicked just to enjoy the sight of it. But it wouldn't be fun afterwards. I'd rather just let her win on her own.

We get into the back room and Kennedy is enjoying the obvious power she has, throwing punches and a few kicks with an intense look on her face.

That's looking good. This might be more of a fight than I thought.

Faith does her confidence thing.

"Looking good Ken. How does it feel?"

It takes her a second to answer.

"Good... better than good. I feel..."

Faith finishes the thought for her.


Kennedy stops what she's doing and focuses on Faith.


There's a grin on Faith's face at that.

"Welcome to the club... even just for a little while."

Faith tenses up and gets into fighting mode, taking a stance. Not long after, Kennedy does the same.

"Glad to be a part of it."

I move between them, looking at them both for a moment.


Kennedy eagerly responds.


Faith takes a few more seconds, focusing.


I put up my hand, then drop it.


I quickly move out of the way so they can start. It doesn't take long as they move in closer, sizing each other up. I stand by Willow as they get light on their feet, moving around in a circle, looking for an opening. As I expected, Kennedy is the first to throw a punch, which Faith easily dodges.

That was sloppy and obvious. Maybe this won't be as good a fight as I was hoping.

Faith fakes a kick and Kennedy flinches, backing away. My girlfriend takes advantage of the mistake to move in closer. Kennedy tries to punch her to back her off but Faith grabs her arm, using it to throw her off balance and onto the floor. I can't help but smile at the sight. Faith's quick to react, backing off to enjoy the move.

"Rookie mistake."

Kennedy is quick to jump back to her feet.

"I'll remember that."

They start to circle each other again. I playfully elbow Willow next to me.

"Come on, you can't tell me this isn't a little hot."

Willow tries to stay serious before smiling and chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess it kinda is."

I knew she'd like it as much as I would.

Again Kennedy is the first to attack, this time with a kick that Faith blocks. The temporary slayer follows up with a few punches and Faith deflects them, but it is a little harder this time.

She's learning, that's good. My girl still has her beat though.

"Not bad, but you're still telegraphing your punches. I can see them coming from a mile away."

Just as Faith says that, Kennedy throws a few better punches which force my full time slayer girlfriend to put some work into defending herself. But it leaves her open to the leg sweep Faith gives her, taking her off her feet again.

Faith's reminding me a lot of me when I did this to Candy and her friends. It's fun seeing it from the other side.

Faith moves back to give Kennedy the room to get up. She does.

"You're leaving yourself open. Gotta watch that."

"Hey give me a break, I'm new to these abilities."

"Which is why we're testing you out with them before we try this with the others."

Kennedy throws another punch and this time Faith has to grab her fist in her own, but doesn't flinch when it's right in front of her face.

Ooh, that's fun.

"Nice punch, although it's mostly power, not enough technique."

Just as Faith finishes, Kennedy takes her legs out from under her, sending my girlfriend to the mat.

That's awesome. I kinda want to see more.

"Damn, good job Ken."

Kennedy puts her hand out and Faith takes it, pulling her back up to her feet. Faith turns to me and Willow.

"Looks like you did a good job there ladies."

I smile at my girlfriend, putting my arm around Willow when I do.

"Damn right..."

Willow asks the obvious.

"So you think we're ready to do it with the rest of the girls?"

I'd say so.

"So you think we're ready to do it with the rest of the girls?"I'd say so

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