Teacher Student Relations

15 1 0

I'm so glad we talked.

I walk down the street on my way back to our apartment.

I feel so much better knowing where we stand on things and where our boundaries are. Now I know there aren't going to be any surprises I'm not going to like. Dawn would never do something like that to me, and I would never do that to her. Plus I didn't shut down anything that Dawn might want to do or try by talking it out. So we can have our fun together and grow together the way a good couple should. It'll make our relationship better and our love even deeper.

Which is the thing I want most in the world. To be in love with Dawn for as long as we're both around, no matter how long it would be, and for her to love me in return. It's the thing I've always wanted deep down, even when I couldn't admit it to myself. I wanted to be loved and to feel it in return. Even when I was screwed up in the head and hurting people, the only thing I wanted was for someone to see the thing I needed most. Angel saw that in me, and helped me find a way back to myself when I was at my worst.

Turning to the main entrance, I go inside the building. I make my way to the elevator and go up.

It's Dawn that showed me what it's like to actually love someone though. She showed me who she was and I fell in love with that. Then I showed her who I was and she fell in love with that. I don't want that to stop. I don't want her to feel like she has to hide things from me. She shouldn't have to feel like I won't love her because of some part of her. There's nothing about her that I won't love. No part of her that I can't enjoy. And I just hope that she can do the same for me.

That I can show her any part of me and she will love me for it. I've shared a lot of myself with her since we started dating, since we started falling in love. Parts of me that I never thought I could share with anyone, I've shared with Dawn. And she's loved me anyway.

So if she wants to share a part of herself which she thought she couldn't, who am I to deny her that? How could I say no to that?

I exit the elevator onto our floor and go to our door. I pull out my keys and unlock the door, going inside.

"Hey DK, you home?"

"In the living room."

Setting my keys down, I take off my jacket and my shoes.

"How was your day?"

I make my way inside towards the living room and see that she's sitting on the couch. She stands up and turns to me.

"It was good, but it's about to get better."

What does she mean by that?

As I stop a few feet from the couch, I notice that someone else is in the room, sitting on the couch.

"Who's your friend?"

They stand up and turn to me beside Dawn with a smile. It's a kinda scruffy looking guy about Dawn's age.

He looks familiar somehow.

"Faith, this is Connor. Connor, this is Faith."

He holds out his hand to introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you."


Wait, Connor... isn't that?

"Don't you have a TA in your class named Connor?"

Connor smiles at my words.

"That's me."

She starts making her way around the couch to meet me as she speaks, putting her arms around me while I do the same.

"And he's not just my friend."

"He's not?"

"No, I was thinking he could be OUR friend."

Our friend?

"After our conversation, I talked to Connor about helping us with a little... exploration."

She wants to do some exploring, with him?

I give her fellow TA a once over, considering the potential.

Hmm... I guess he looks solid enough to have a little fun with.

Dawn starts kissing my neck while her hands start to wander over my clothes, teasing my skin underneath. It makes me let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Mmm, you think he's up to the challenge?"

She leans her head on my shoulder so we're both looking at Connor. I look at the obvious bulge in his pants, but Dawn speaks before I can.

"He's definitely up... aren't you Connor?"

Just as I'm about to make my way over to Connor, Dawn puts a hand on my chest to stop me.

"Wait, me first."

Dawn makes her way over to Connor and I can't help but enjoy the sight of her this confident.

This is really hot.

She turns to me as she puts an arm around him, a grin on her face.

"You did say that you like to watch."

She's right, I did say that, and it's true. I just didn't think it would be something like this.

"I did."

My girlfriend reaches up and turns his face to hers, pulling him in for a kiss. I can't help but lick my lips at the sight in front of me.

I wouldn't think seeing my girlfriend kissing someone else would be as hot as it is, but it's definitely better than I thought. I can see why Dawn would want to try this. It's getting me going.

Her hands pull at his shirt, urging him to take it off. He gets the idea and grabs the bottom of his shirt. Their kiss breaks so he can take it off, throwing it on the floor.

Well at least he's responsive, that's in the plus column for him making this worthwhile.

I slip a hand under my shirt, running my fingers along my stomach to enhance the way my skin tingles at what's in front of me. Connor turns his focus to Dawn, kissing each other again. He paws at her body, really doing it for me. When his hands grope her tits, causing a moan from Dawn, it makes my nipples stiffen.

I'm definitely going to have to get him to do that to me. Dawn seems to like it.

My hands move to my own tits, massaging them gently at the sight of my girlfriend and her friend grabbing at each other. Eventually, Dawn breaks the kiss and turns her attention to me.

"Connor, you like to watch don't you?"

"Depends on what I'm watching."

"Oh trust me, you'll like this."

What's she got on her mind?

Just as I'm about to ask, she lets me know.

"Faith, take your shirt off."

The suggestion has me grinning, then reaching for the hem of my shirt.

I really like this new take command attitude of hers. It's getting me so hot.

Pulling my shirt up over my head, I feel the slightly cold air against my skin as I reveal it to the two onlookers. When I throw the shirt away, I readjust my bra to make it comfortable, enjoying the looks on their faces.

"Now the pants."

Another tingling sensation runs through my body at her command. Then I bring my hands up to unbutton my pants, opening them up to take them off. I lean forward as I pull my pants down off my waist, giving them a good look at my cleavage as I drop my pants to the floor. I raise my head to look at them before straightening up to step out of my discarded pants, kicking them away. Dawn's hand is rubbing against Connor's jean covered crotch as they almost seem to be devouring me with their eyes.

I feel so incredibly sexy right now. The look in their eyes just does it for me. I've always enjoyed teasing people, making them see what they can't have, but something about knowing they're going to have me makes it so much hotter.

Dawn speaks up again, rubbing his clearly bulging crotch.

"You like what you see Connor?"

He silently enjoys the sight of me in nothing but a bra and panties in front of him before responding.


"I know, I love it too. But she's even more stunning naked."

I think I know where this is going.

As I reach for my panties, Dawn interrupts.

"Bra first. Give him a look at those fantastic tits of yours."

The way she talks about me to him is so incredibly hot.

I reach back behind me, grabbing hold of the clasp of my bra, unhooking it. As I watch them for a reaction, I roll my shoulders forward and let the shoulder straps fall forward, the rest of the bra going with it and throwing it off to the floor. Dawn and Connor both moan at the sight of me topless in front of them. Watching the two of them, I see her try to take a firm grip of his cock through the fabric of his jeans as she speaks.

"She's got great tits don't you think?"

"I like them for sure, can't wait to get my hands on them."

Part of me can't help but moan at that prospect.

With how turned on right now, I definitely want that to happen soon.

"You will, but first... Faith? Play with your tits for us a little."

Well that's something rather than nothing.

Slowly, I bring my hands up to my chest, palming my tits and starting to knead them. The contact has me moaning. After a few moments of massaging them, I pull back my palms and run my fingers down my tits, teasing my hardening nipples by brushing them gently. Then I use my thumb and forefinger to take my nipples between them, squeezing them and pulling at them. It makes me groan. There's a groan from Connor and a gasp from Dawn as they look on. After enjoying that a while, I go back to palming and massaging my tits. Dawn speaks up again.

"That's so hot, but I think we're ready to see more, don't you Connor?"


I'm certainly willing to do more. This is getting me so horny.

"Turn around and give us a good look at your ass as you take your panties off."

Ooh, this is such a tease for them, it's pushing my buttons.

As I do as she asks, I look behind me to see Dawn's still rubbing his cock while his hand has gone up to her tit, groping them. Then I look forward, slip my thumbs under the waist of my panties and slowly pull it down, bending over as I do.

I've got a great ass and I've always known it. I love the idea of giving them such a good look.

When I get about 90 degrees bent over, the panties slip over my knees and I let them fall to my feet. Giving them a couple long moments to ogle my firm ass, I look behind me and slap my ass for a little extra effect, feeling it jiggle as I slowly go back to a standing position.

"What do you think Connor?"

"Very fuckable."

I turn back to face them as I speak.

"Well if you insist."

Dawn interjects.

"Not quite yet... but I do think you've done enough watching for now. Come here Faith."

I saunter my way over to them in all my glory, enjoying the hungry look on their faces. When I get close, Dawn reaches out and I pull myself to her. We kiss passionately.

I don't think I've ever been this turned on in my life.

Eventually, we break our kiss and Dawn and I stare at each other lovingly before her hand comes to my face and she turns it to look at Connor next to us.

"Kiss each other."

I look at Dawn for a second and Connor uses the moment to close what little distance is between us, his hands going around my waist and grabbing my ass. It has me looking at him and leaning in to kiss him. Our lips come together, kissing.

He's a pretty good kisser. It's doing it for me.

I feel his tongue pushing at my lips and I part them to let him in.

I'm guessing it's not the only thing he's going to ask for entry to before the night is over.

Our tongues push against each other for a while before Dawn speaks.


We break the kiss to look at her.

"Get down on your knees."

I guess I was right.

Slowly, I do as she asks, stepping back and out of Connor's arms to kneel in front of him. It isn't long before I'm staring at his crotch from my knees, Dawn's hand rubbing the bulge in his pants. She pulls her hand away as she speaks.

"Take his cock out."

As I look up at her for a moment, I bring my hands up to his belt, unbuckling it and undoing his top button before unzipping his fly and reaching into his pants. Pushing past his underwear, I grip the hard warm flesh of his cock.

Damn, his cock is bigger than I thought. This is going to be fun.

I can't help but lick my lips at the prospect of what's to come, pulling his cock free and hitting me in the face for a second before I get a firm grip on it again. He groans at my hand on his cock.

"Now put it in your mouth and suck his cock."

I look up at my girlfriend standing there with a grin on her face.

"You don't want to join me?"

"I like to watch too."

I look at her for a moment, then at him and his big smile, then down at his cock, and back at Dawn.

"Don't worry, I'll join you soon. I just want to enjoy this for a while."

Turning my focus to him, I watch his expression as I start to stroke his cock a little.

It's been a while since I've done anything like this to a guy. But I can't say I don't like the idea of it. Dawn had the right idea bringing him in for a little fun. I definitely like how she's thinking these days.

My eyes turn to the cock in my hand, licking my lips knowing what I'm about to do.

"Do it."

Every part of me tingles as I open my mouth and wrap my lips around the head of his cock. Connor groans at the way my tongue swirls around the head of his cock and take a little more in. Again I use my tongue on his cock, going deep enough to get at least half of it in my mouth.

Mmm, I've missed this type of thing. Having a nice hard cock in my mouth feels good after all this time.

At first I go slowly, pulling back a bit and pushing forward, enjoying the feel of it in my mouth, repeating it a few times.

"Mmm, look at us."

My eyes go to Dawn as I keep up the slow cock sucking.

"God you're so hot right now. I knew you'd look great with his cock in your mouth."

She runs a hand over his chest as he moans at what I'm doing to him.

"You like what she's doing?"

I look to Connor as his eyes look back, a grin on his face.

"Oh yeah, she's good."

I've always been good at this.

"I'm sure it'd be even better with both of you though."

I love that idea.

She chuckles at him.

"Soon, don't worry."

Dawn and I look at each other from our respective positions, me keeping up my cock sucking.

"I wanna enjoy the show a little longer."

As I get comfortable with the speed I'm going at, I start to speed up my sucking. It makes him grunt and I look up at him to see his breathing is faster.

I've missed being able to do this to a guy. Seeing the way I can make a guy react to my skills.

Using my tongue against his shaft, he moans and groans even more at my work. I feel a hand on my head, getting a firm grip and encouraging me to go deeper with his cock, and I do. That makes him react even more.

"Looks like you're a great cock sucker baby."

I moan knowing how I'm pleasing both Connor and my girlfriend at the same time.

"I think we should take it to the couch."

My knees are getting a little tired.


Pulling back to take the cock out of my mouth, I look up at both of them.

"Good idea."

Dawn guides Connor over to the couch and I follow them over. He sits in the middle of the couch and Dawn sits on one side. I get up on the other side of the couch from my girlfriend. Both of us are facing Connor. He takes his pants completely off, leaving him and I the naked ones in the room.

Dawn definitely needs to get naked, and soon.

Just as I'm about to suggest that, Dawn reaches down and grips the base of his cock.

"Get back to it Faith."

I watch my girlfriend for a moment, then look down at the cock just as she circles it in a playful way.

I'm not entirely sure why I keep doing as Dawn says, but I can't say I hate it. She's been getting so many really great ideas lately.

Leaning forward, I open my mouth and swallow about half of it right away, quickly getting back to bobbing up and down on it. I feel Dawn's hand on the back of my head this time, encouraging me to take more and more of the cock in my mouth with every downward stroke. Three quarters of it gets in, then I feel the head of his cock hitting the back of my throat as I go. Eventually, when it hits the back of my throat I feel resistance from Dawn's hand, holding me down, the head of his cock on the back of my throat and making me choke. Doing my best to breath around it, I try to resist the urge to push back but just as I'm about to, Dawn lets me go and I pull back, breathing heavily as I sit up.

"My turn..."

Dawn leans forward, licking her lips but stopping to look at me.

"You should let him play with you while I do."

Then I watch as my girlfriend goes down on a guy for the first time.

God that's such a hot thing to see. I didn't think it would be, but it is. Seeing her slowly swallowing a cock is getting me wet.

Before I can get too comfortable enjoying that sight, my attention turns to Connor when I feel his hands on my tits. I gasp as he plays with my tits, his fingers brushing my nipples and flicking at them.

I like how firm his hands are, he clearly knows what he's doing.

Taking my nipples in his thumb and forefinger, he pulls at them and it makes me moan just as he does from what Dawn is doing to his cock. Dawn pulls back, letting his cock go as she grabs her shirt and finally pulls it off, the first of her clothing to go.

"Told you that you'd get the chance, didn't I?"

He tweaks my nipples a little and I can't help but yip at the mixture of pleasure and pain from it.

"They're better than I thought."

My tits have always been able to impress.

I respond to the compliment.

"Thank you."

Dawn takes his cock in hand and leans down a little.

"Don't forget to play with her pussy though. That's even better."

Then she leans in and and starts sucking his cock again. He and I turn our focus to each other, as much as he can with Dawn's mouth on it.

"Can't say I disagree with that."

To give him the access he needs, I pull my leg up and plant my foot on the edge of the couch, bending my knee and making my legs into a triangle, opening myself up. Almost immediately, one of his hands teases its way down my body, his fingers tracing themselves over my stomach, down to rub my crotch, while the other alternates between my tits. It has me moving my hips into his hand to try and get him to go deeper, but he doesn't.

Mmm, this guy definitely knows exactly what he's doing. He's pushing all the right buttons without going too far and keeping me from going over the edge. I want to see what he does with his tongue, and other parts of him.

He uses the hand on my tits to grab the back of my head and bring us together, kissing, while he keeps up his work on my pussy. As we do, I hear Dawn pop up and speak.

"Okay, I think it's time to move things into the bedroom, don't you?"

We break our kiss and turn to Dawn. He responds first.

"I'm up for it."

I can't help but look at his hard cock for a moment.

"Oh you're definitely up, and so am I."

As I speak, I stand up. Connor does too. Dawn just enjoys the sight.

"You two go ahead, I'm going to get a little less dressed to join you."

I look at Connor, who's looking back with a smile. We head towards the bedroom.

"And Connor? Why don't you give Faith a little tongue action yourself."

As I get to the bedroom door, I see Dawn getting up and starting to take off her pants. Before I can enjoy that too long, Connor smacks me on the ass playfully. It makes me go in the bedroom.

Damn is there anything this guy isn't good at?

Looking back at him as I head toward the bed, I can't help but smile.

"Since you enjoy my ass so much, why don't you start the tongue action there?"

When I get right up to the bed, he's quickly behind me, his hands grabbing two handfuls of my suggested target. I feel him push up against me, his cock pressed against my butt cheeks and back.

Mmm, I kinda want to feel what his cock will do to my butt. It might even be worth it given all the experimentation Dawn wants to do.

One of his hands presses between my shoulder blades, pushing me forward so I fall against the bed, my legs hanging off it. Not long after, he leans over and presses against me on the bed, holding me down with his weight. He licks at my ear, making me squirm under him.

"God you're stunning."

Connor starts licking his way down my body, wherever his tongue touches getting tingly.

"I know."

As his tongue gets down to my shoulder blades, he moves left to where my breasts are pressed against the mattress, licking my tit, sending shivers through me. Then he moves right and does the same to the other tit, getting the same reaction.

God I really want him to suck on my tits right now.

I try and turn over but he pushes me down. I try again with a similar result. It makes me all tingly. When I don't try again, he goes back to licking down my body.

It's been a while since anyone's been able to manhandle me. I kinda like it. Probably for the same reason I like when Dawn gives me orders. I haven't had anyone do it to me in a while and I like to try new things.

He gets down to just above my butt and spends a little time there to build anticipation.

He's very good at pushing buttons. I like it.

Just as he gives my ass cheeks a lick, Dawn speaks.

"I knew you two would get along if I gave you some time together."

I look back from my position to the door, seeing Dawn standing there in nothing but her panties.

"You look fantastic DK, doesn't she Connor?"

He stops licking my ass to look at Dawn, much to my annoyance since he was doing such a good job.

"She's just as hot as you."

Dawn and I look at each other with a grin.

"He knows how to play well with others, doesn't he?"

I laugh at that.

"In more ways than one."

She starts moving into the bedroom, almost in a predatory way.

"I look forward to finding out."

I feel his hands on my ass, massaging it and sending tingles through my body. It makes me gasp.

"Don't stop with her ass Connor, as great as it is. Her pussy is even better."

With Dawn's words, my body tingles as he moves his hands down my legs.

"You know me so well baby."

Dawn grins at that, moving closer to me.

"You have no idea."

He runs his fingers along the back of my thighs and teases the underside of my knees.

"Bend your knees for me will you?"

That's interesting... I'm curious where this is going.

Putting my hands down on the mattress, I shift my weight to let me bring my feet off the floor. Not long after I do, he grabs my knees and starts lifting me up ass first head down until my knees are on the bed firmly.

Holy crap that was a serious turn on. If I wasn't really wet before, I definitely am now.

"You've got some serious power in you, don't you Connor?"

He reaches out and I feel two fingers stroke my pussy, making me shudder.

"You have no idea."

Dawn comes right up to me next on the bed, our eyes meeting.

"But we're definitely going to find out, aren't we Faith?"

I can't help but moan at the idea.

"Oh yeah..."

We kiss each other, and as we do, I feel his tongue taste my pussy, causing a moan into Dawn's lips. She breaks it as another lick hits me. Slowly but surely, he starts eating me out. Every few licks, I squirm as it pushes my buttons, making me moan. I feel his hands grip my butt firmly to stop me from moving as he keeps eating my pussy. Now he swipes at my clit, making me moan louder and move a little more but his hands keep me firmly in place.

He's really good at that. Even if I wasn't almost at the edge from everything we've done so far, I probably wouldn't last long.

Connor steps up his game, attacking my clit a lot more and making me start to tense up.

"Oh, oh fuck..."

"That good is he?"

I smile at my girlfriend as Connor really ups his game. That has me gripping the bed sheets and every muscle in my body tenses up. Despite how good he is, I try to hold out as long as possible, but eventually I just can't as I feel him sucking on my clit. I can't help but cum, shaking as I slowly come down from it, my legs becoming like jelly. After a few moments of satisfaction, I feel Dawn's hand on my face, making me open my eyes to look in hers.

"You like that baby?"

As I slowly pull myself up on my hands, I smile at her.

"For sure, you should try it."

My girlfriend gives me a grin back.

"That's kinda where I was going next..."

Her focus turns to Connor who is wiping and licking off my cum from his face.

"If you're up for it, that is."

Now it's him who has a grin on his face. He strokes his still hard cock as he speaks.

"Definitely, although I wouldn't mind being a little more active."

I look at Dawn and she's got a grin on her face as she speaks.

"We can do that, why don't you come lie down on the bed?"

When he starts climbing onto the bed, I move next to Dawn so we're both seeing him coming. He lies down with his head between us, an obvious smile on his face. Dawn turns to me and leans in, bringing us together for a kiss.

I love this woman so much.

I feel her hand on the back of my neck, pulling me back to break the kiss. We smile at each other, then she starts to guide my head downward. Seeing where this is going, I turn my focus to Connor and lick my lips as I kiss him in an upside down kiss. Much like with Dawn, I feel her pull me back and I do as she wants. Our eyes meet again.

"Go straddle him."

Mmm, I've been looking forward to this part.

With her words, I make my way down the bed to just above his free standing cock, then I shift to bring my leg over and sit on his stomach, my hands on his chest. Just for fun, I squirm, rubbing my wet pussy on his chest. Dawn watches for a little while before saying anything.

"Now... put his dick in you."

That request has me tingling, as I lift my butt off his stomach and looking under me to line my pussy up with his cock.

It's been a long time since I've done this with a guy. Not even sure when the last time was, probably Robin a few years back. Connor's definitely at least on par with how good he was so far. But this is the big test.

I reach in between my legs to take hold of his cock, gripping it firmly. Then I start to line myself up, eventually feeling the head of the cock at my entrance. Slowly but surely, I lower myself down, the first cock in years to enter me filling me up. Every part of me tenses up as more and more of it is in me. I can't help but moan when I feel almost all of it inside. Finally, I come to a rest as my pussy fully swallows him. Shifting my weight to prepare for what's probably next, I lean back with one hand behind me, the other exploring my body as I enjoy the sensation of being filled like this again.

"That's so hot baby. Make sure to give him a good ride."

"You know I will."

With that, I lift myself off him a little only to come back down, slowly getting used to having cock in me again. It isn't long before I pick up the pace, really riding him. The feeling of him inside me and the pace I'm keeping up has my breathing getting shorter with a few audible gasps. Despite the pleasure running through me, I try to focus on the moans coming from my girlfriend. She's playing with herself not far from Connor's head. She notices.

"Is his cock good? It looks good."

I groan at the pleasure of him sliding in and out of me when I bounce on his cock.

"Real good, you're going to love it."

"I know... but first..."

Doing my best to focus while his cock hits me in all the right places, I watch my girlfriend get up on her knees and position herself above his face. He wraps his arms around her thighs and quickly gets to work on her very tasty pussy. Our combined moans and gasps has me even hotter then I was from the way Connor was eating me.

Every part of this has been so perfect, giving me everything I've ever wanted to feel with Dawn. I didn't even know I could feel this good. It's like she knows exactly how to get me going. She's almost reading my mind or something.

My whole body starts to tense up and I know I'm not far from cumming again.

"Oh... oh fuck... I'm... I'm gonna cum again."

I start to feel the pressure build within me, picking up the pace. Suddenly, I hear Dawn's voice.

"Not yet. Don't cum just yet."

That has me slowing down while still riding him. Dawn gets off his face even though he clearly wants to continue.

"You said you wanted to feel how much power he has. I think you should get the chance. Connor?"

He pulls himself up, leaning on his hands and throwing me off balance. I'm kept on balance by his arm wrapping around my waist, holding me up. Our bodies come together and I can't help but feel every part of me tingle at his very firm grip. Then I start to feel him thrusting up into me with his hips, fucking me. I gasp and moan as he starts to get a little faster with his thrusts, pushing all my buttons.

"Oh fuck..."

He's so good at that.

He smiles at me.

"That's the idea."

Our eyes meet for a moment and I groan at how good he's doing. Dawn comes up behind him and she takes my arms, putting them around his shoulders. I lean into him even more as he pumps into me even harder. Like before, I can't help but tense up, knowing what's coming.

"Fuck her Connor, fuck her good."

He goes even harder into me and I know I'm gonna cum.

"God, yes... fuck... fuck me..."

Seconds later, I go over the edge for the second time tonight, yelling out as I cum. He keeps fucking me through the orgasm, making it last longer than usual. Eventually though, as he slows his pumping into me, I come down from the incredible high, leaning back as he loosens his grip on my waist. I do my best to hold myself up on my shaky arms. Dawn speaks up after a while of me just basking in the feeling of my orgasm.

"My turn."

Lifting myself off Connor's dick, I lie back on the bed in what can only be described as ecstasy.

I don't think I've ever felt this good after a guy has screwed me like that. Probably has something to do with Dawn and I doing it together.

As I hear them both shift on the bed, I open my eyes and bring myself up on my elbows to watch. Dawn gets in between where I'm laying while Connor moves back on the bed. My girlfriend gets on her hands and knees in front of me. I can't help but smile at her and she grins back. Connor positions himself behind Dawn and I enjoy the sight in front of me.

I love this woman so much. There isn't a single part of her I don't love. And I love the idea that I'm about to see her experience the feeling of a cock inside her for the first time. To be a part of her exploring this together just makes me love her more.

He puts a hand on her waist and the other disappears behind her, signalling what's about to happen. I reach out and touch Dawn's face as the obvious mixture of love, lust and anticipation plays out on it. Then it happens. She lets out an audible gasp when he enters her.

That's the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

Connor is gentle with her, slowly entering her before starting to fuck her. Each time she reacts, first with more vocal gasps, then with moans and eventually adding groans, I can't help but feel it's even more beautiful than the last. He increases his thrusts. I lick my lips at how incredible she looks.

"You look incredible baby."

"Mmm, oh... fuck... I feel... incredible..."

I watch as she grips the sheets and I see a sight that I don't normally see from this angle, her tensing up. With more of my senses back, I go up on my hands to get closer to the sight of my girlfriend getting pounded by a guy. Just as she's about to burst, I move in closer so that we're looking at each other.

"Cum for him baby. Cum for him good."

Only a few seconds later, she cums and as good as the other expressions on her face were, I love the look on her face when she cums for him as it's the best ever. The orgasm lasts for quite a while as he pumps into her a little while longer, eventually slowing down and pulling out. I lean forward and kiss her deeply, her moaning into my mouth as she enjoys the coming down from the wonderful high. After a while, we break the kiss.

"I love you Dawn."

"I love you too Faith. Now let's make sure our guest is just as happy."

She turns around on her hands and knees as Connor sits back, stroking his hard dick in front of both of us. We close the distance between him and us on the bed. I look down at his cock then at Dawn, hoping I know what's next.

"Make him cum in your mouth, but don't swallow."

Almost as instantly as she says it, I open my mouth and take him in it.

"I don't think it'll take long. I'm almost there."

I suck on his head for a while before I bob my head a lot less forcefully then I did the first time. His cock twitches in my mouth and I know it's coming soon. With a few more bobs and my tongue playing with the underside of his cock, he cums in my mouth, giving me the taste of a guy's cum for the first time in years.

Mmm, it's as good as I remember.

When I feel his cock start to soften in my mouth, I know it's over. I pull my mouth off him, keeping my lips closed as Dawn asked. Connor's cum in my mouth, I lift my head up and look at my girlfriend. As I expected, she leans in and kisses me, her tongue quickly entering my mouth and I let his cum enter hers. After getting enough of it for herself, she pulls away and swallows. Only a little while later, I do the same.

"I love you Dawn."

"You too."

She turns to Connor.

"Thanks for the assist. I hope you had fun."

He watches us both for a bit.


"I'm glad."

Dawn turns to me and we kiss.

"Dawn turns to me and we kiss

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Unlocked (Book 4) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now