Baking Together-

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Nick Miller: You loved baking, you baked pretty much all the time and everyone LOVED your baking. You baked pretty much everything cookies, cakes, brownies, cupcakes, cornbread, fudge, ect...You were in one of those baking moods and decided to make brownies "Nicky!" You shouted,

You heard Nick's bedroom door open as he appeared in the kitchen "what's up babe?" He asked, "wanna help me bake?" I asked, he smiled softly and nodded "great. First wash your hands" you said sternly, he sighed and washed his hands which made you giggle and smile as you got the ingredients out to make brownies which thankfully you have a pantry stocked with premade batter.

When Nick washed his hands you smiled and put your hair up "Can you get me the oil, 2 eggs and measuring cup please?" you asked, he smiled and nodded and did just that which made you giggle and cut open the batter and dumped it in the bowl "alright now crack the eggs, add ½ of oil and 1 cup of water if you please" (or something along those lines. Idk seems like how you would make brownies. Don't judge me XD haven't made brownies in a long while) You said made Nick smile and nod and do just that which made you giggle and smile.

After he did that, you stirred it which made Nick chuckle as he stuck his finger in the batter and wiped it on your nose which made you gasp and do the same to him. He laughed as he cupped your cheeks in his hands and leaned in close to you.

Your breath got caught in your throat and face flushed furiously as he licked the chocolate from your nose which made you giggle and do the same which just made you both laugh and continue to bake.

Winston Schmidt: You loved baking, you baked mainly on special occasions but you liked to bake whenever you craved something. Today was one of those days where you were craving cookies and you were currently cuddling on the couch with Schmidt.

You looked at him and sighed "Schmitty? I want cookies, wanna help me bake?" You asked, he looked at you and smiled "Sure, I'd love to" he said, you smiled as you got up and headed to the kitchen. You both washed your hands and got out the ingredients to bake said cookies, but problem was you had no idea what kind of cookies to make so you looked at Schmidt and pouted.

He looked at you and chuckled "What's with the pout princess?" He asked, "I don't know what kind of cookies to make" you said, he chuckled and grabbed your chin and made you look at him "well, let's make them all then" He said softly, you blushed and giggled "but that's so much cookies schmitty" You said,

He chuckled "that's the point. That way we'll never run out of cookies and who knows we can sell them if there's too much" he said with a shrug, you giggled and nodded and went to bake...but in the end Schmidt ended up baking everything because he's a cooking freak and OCD so everything has to be perfect so you basically did nothing while Schmitty did everything but you had lots of cookies in the end and ate a lot so that was good at least.

Winston Bishop: You weren't a baker but you know how to follow ingredients on a box and you were craving a cake so you and Winston tried to bake one...However you both had no idea what went wrong and not only did you argue over the ingredients needed but you both ruin everything and came out with something that wasn't a cake but you almost burnt the apartment you both decided to never cook or bake again.

Coach: You didn't bake a lot because you're kinda a health nut, but it doesn't mean you avoid all snacks, junk food or sweets and on weekends or special occasions you would do eat said things and well it was the weekend and you were craving some good ol cupcakes so you decided to bake some cupcakes.

You grabbed a pre-made box of cupcake mix and got out the ingredients and just in time when Ernie popped in the kitchen "Hey babe, what are you doing?" He asked, you smiled "Makin cupcakes, wanna help me?" You asked, he chuckled and nodded "I'd love to" He said which made you smile as you both made the cupcakes perfectly and enjoyed your company with some cupcakes.

Robby McFerrin- You and Robby LOVED baking sweets together simple as that, you both also loved to sing and jam out to music while baking.

Ryan Geauxinue- You liked baking, you kinda mainly did it when you were bored and craved something or on special occasions. Ryan would help but he just loves watching you instead 😉

Sam Sweeney- You're not much of baker not to mention you and Sam were mainly lazy when you guys spent time together so you both would just binge on whatever junkfood you had.

(I'm lame I know. Hope you enjoy anyways XD)

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