They Slap Your Butt-

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Nick Miller: He doesn't do PDA around the others or much in public, but when it's just the two of you, oh boy is he handsy. Whenever you go to make out his hands will constantly be on your ass either rubbing or squeezing it, but you're not complaining of course and anytime you go to get something he'll slap your ass making you squeak, blush and smile while he'll just smirk at you.

Winston Schmidt: He only does it to get a reaction out of you and he doesn't care who sees. You live in a house with people taller than you, so sometimes it's hard to reach things. You don't like asking for help so you take drastic measures and get on the counter to reach for something.

Schmidt will see this and smirk as he'll walk up and slap your butt making you squeak and fall back but being caught in his arms. You breathed heavily as Schmidt smiled a bit "Caught ya" He said, you glared at him and got up and pushed him away "you're such an ass Schmitty" You said, he laughed "says the one who's cute butt was in my view" He said,

You huffed and walked away and tried to ignore Schmidt for the whole day which was hard but eventually he'll beg you to talk to him and he'll apologize which makes you forgive him cause he's so damn cute.

Winston Bishop: He'll only ever slap or touch your ass when you're in the shower. He gets pretty handsy in the shower because you both are naked and him seeing your cute round, bare butt drives him crazy that he'll grab or slap it making you gasp a bit and him laugh cause it's funny to get a reaction from you.

Coach: He'll normally slap your ass when you're working out. Seeing you in leggings drives him nuts and sometimes when your workout together just the 2 of you, his hands are all over you, but not like you're complaining.


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