When He's Drunk-

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Nick Miller: He's also pretty emotional when he's drunk, not to mention loud but you can handle him because after he gets everything out he's passed out and you being a good girlfriend you get up before him, get him water and advil and make him breakfast in bed which he always loves.

Winston Schmidt: He's very handsy when he's drunk and let's just say you get very shy and embarrassed because he cannot stop touching you and you simply cannot deal so you have the other boys deal with him but you always make him coffee and breakfast in the morning.

Winston Bishop: He just gets more stupid and giggly when he's drunk which makes him pretty funny so you can handle him pretty well.

Coach: He gets also really giggly when he's drunk and also pretty loud because he's not called coach for no reason so he does get really annoying but he's been drunk many times before so he's simple to handle.


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