When They Argue with The Others-

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Nick Miller: Nick gets angry a lot...no doubt about it. It's mainly him and your older brother who fight a lot and it makes you angry because you can't have the two men you love in your life fight and it's normally about the same thing...Nick's too poor, Schmidt's too rich, you can't do this, you can't do that...and it's frustrating...

You don't get angry often but sometimes enough is enough...and well seems like today is another day where your brother and boyfriend and you just wanted some peace and quiet...you tried to ignore it cause they always do this but you just weren't having it.

You groaned as you got up "Can you guys just shut up for one goddamn day!" You shouted which caught both boys attentions, they stopped and looked at you with wide eyes "I have had it up to here with you guys! and I am sick of it every damn day!" you shouted,

The boys remained quiet "Schmitty leave my damn boyfriend and his problems alone alright and Nicky leave my fucking brother and his damn problems alone alright!?" You shouted, they just nodded fearfully "USE YOUR VOICES!" You shouted, "YES MA'AM!" They shouted, "Good now go to your rooms and stay there!" I shouted and pointed to their rooms which made them pout and walk away to their rooms.

Winston Schmidt: Schmidt always manages to fight with everyone about something, it's one thing after other with his roommates and everytime he argues with someone, you immediately into your room because you cannot deal with confrontation nor the loud noises they all can make.

So today just happens to be one of those days where Schmidt yet again decided to pick a fight with one of his roommates. It started to get too much which made you squeak and get up, cover your ears and run to your room to hide under the covers...

Of course when it's over, Schmidt would come in your room and apologize for arguing because he knows you hate it and he can't stand to see you upset but he also won't stop arguing with the others so.

Winston Bishop: Winston doesn't normally argue with his friends but when he does, he tries to be civil about it because he knows you don't like when he argues with the others but if it gets out of hand, you do intervene.

Coach: He's got rage and anger issues, no doubt about it hence why he always works out to get all of that out. He doesn't argue with his friends a lot but when he does you don't intervene cause it happens a lot. 

(I realize that they argue alot with each other lol so enjoy!)

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