*These were kinda rushed but I hope you enjoy anyways! Also hope y'all are staying safe from the fires. It's pretty bad here but it should rain in the next few days which my dad said will really help. but I love you all. Stay safe okay!* (Should also mention triggers of depression, ED's, Anxiety and such just incase!)
Nick Miller: You've had Anxiety since middle school. School became so much more stressful and you got bullied during it and it caused you so much stress that it made you anxious where you would have panic attacks daily.
Of course you told your family but they didn't really notice or care thinking that it's just a phase, except for Schmitty of course, he was there to help you, but you didn't want to worry him so you were left to struggle alone and it hurt you a lot that the anxiety followed you into adulthood.
Whenever you got stressed, you would panic and your brother would do everything he can to help. When you began dating Nick, you told him about your anxiety and he's tried to be helpful but he just doesn't really know what to do, but sometimes him just holding you makes you feel better.
However, it broke Nick's heart whenever you panicked because he wanted to help so badly but didn't know how to help...but that's when he would stay up during the nights and do his research on what to do when someone you love has panic attacks. He took notes, practiced saying them...he worked day and night for the past week learning all he could about anxiety and panic attacks just for you so he could help you the moment you got anxious.
It was another day where you were just so stressed out things, your brother, your family and everything else in life. You and Nicky were the only ones home as everyone else had a job. You paced around starting to feel your heart race and hands tremble and tingle.
You groaned internally "no damnit not now!" you shouted, you tried closing your eyes and breathing but it didn't help. You felt your knees get weak and head get dizzy which made you fall to the ground. Nick heard this of course and immediately ran out of his room seeing you on the floor gasping for air and trembling.
He took a deep breath and ran up to you and sat down across from you "Okay baby. I want you to listen to me okay" Nick said, you just nodded "sit up straight and look at me" he said, you just nodded as you sat on the ground normally and looked at Nick.
He smiled softly "Okay what are 5 things you see" He said, you looked around and licked your lips feeling you mouth extremely dry "U-uh I-I see the couch, y-you, f-fridge, w-window, tv" You said, Nick smiled "good. Good, 4 things you can touch?" he asked, you felt around "Wooden floor, t-t-shirt, socks, pants" you said as you felt your heart slowly regulate.
Nick smiled knowing it was working "okay good. 3 things you hear?" he asked, you looked around "y-your voice, h-heartbeat, b-breathing" you said, Nick scooted closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you on his lap which made you blush and smile "good, 2 things you smell" he said,
You smiled softly "your Cologne and shampoo" you said, he chuckled "and one thing you taste" he said, you smiled and pecked his lips "your lips" you said and let out a deep breath and ran your fingers thru Nick's hair.
He pressed his forehead against your which made you sniffle and smile "Thank you Nicky" you whispered, he smiled and kissed your head "Anything for my angel" he whispered which made you smile as you hugged him tightly which made him do the same.
Winston Schmidt: You've had Depression since childhood, being the way that you are and Jess's sister caused you a lot of depression. Of course your family knew but didn't think you needed meds so you never had them and of course over the course of your lifetime the depression got worse and dragged onto your adult years.

New Girl Preferences
Teen FictionI absolutely love this show yet there's nothing of it so here's some preferences if y'all like this show and the boys because I LOVE THE BOYS SO MUCH! Characters: Nick Miller: Winston Schmidt: Winston Bishop: Coach: Robby McFerrin: Ryan Geauxinue: S...