You Guys Gets A Pet-

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Nick Miller: Nick was walking back from work when he heard a meow coming from a nearby alleyway. Confused by the noise and yet intrigued by the noise, he followed it to find a helpless cat at least 2 years old. For some reason when he looked at the cat, he thought about you.

He chuckled and crouched down allowing the cat to approach him and sniff him to make sure he wasn't a threat. Nick smiled and pet the little kitty "well, no collar. How would you like to come home with me? I'm sure my girlfriend would love you" He said to the cat then chuckled realizing how silly he sounded for talking to a cat.

He shook his head and picked up the cat who meowed in his arms, "I sure hope she likes you because I'm starting to and if she doesn't want you then I don't know what to do. I don't know how to take care of you...I'm probably going kill you. I'm not good at responsibilities" Nick said to the cat then continued to laugh for talking to the cat.

When he got home, "Baby! I'm home and I have a surprise for you" Nick shouted, you walked out of Nick's room to find him holding a kitty. Your eyes lit up with excitement and you let out a loud gasp which shocked Nick "I-Is that? D-Did you-" You couldn't even form words.

You approached Nick carefully being careful not to startle the little kitty. Nick just laughed "Yes this is a cat and yes he's-he's for you" He said and checked to see the gender of the cat which was infact a male.

You pout your lip and looked at Nick with love "y-you got him for m-me?" You asked as happy tears welled up in your eyes Nick smiled "well I found him by a dumpster eating from a rat and I looked at him and thought of you so you're welcome" He said,

You laughed and shook your head and grabbed the kitty from his arms and held him gently. The cat sniffed you which made you awe from how cute he was "Thank you Nicky" you said and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back and kissed your head lovingly "Now we need a name" you said, Nick chuckled as you and him came up with a bunch of silly and weird names but settled for the name 'Tigger' 

 He chuckled and hugged you back and kissed your head lovingly "Now we need a name" you said, Nick chuckled as you and him came up with a bunch of silly and weird names but settled for the name 'Tigger' 

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Winston Schmidt: It was your birthday and Schmidt wanted to do something special so over the year he's been listening out for cues of what you might want for your birthday...let's just say he might've gotten you everything you wanted and uh let's just say you asked for a lot and didn't expect Schmidt to go full out...Oh but he did...he went FULL out.

You and everyone were in the living room handing out gifts. Schmidt was last though because he literally bought you everything you wanted and you couldn't open them fast enough so basically everyone helped you open up your gifts...

However, you heard a bark from one of those boxes which made you and the others gasp "Was that what I think it was?" You asked, Schmidt chuckled "Maybe, maybe not. What do you think it was?" he asked, you were about to say something when you heard it bark and whine.

You gasped and smiled " didn't" You said above a whisper, he just smiled which made you giggle and try to find said box of the puppy...but there were a lot of wrappers and opened boxes so to say you struggled to find it and that's when everyone went into panic search mode for the puppy who was in a box.

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