When You Play with His Hair

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Nick Miller: Nick normally doesn't like when other people touch his hair, but he absolutely LOVES when you play with his hair. You play with his hair all the time and if you stop for a minute he'll literally pout at you and beg you to continue to play with his hair.

Winston Schmidt: He's normally really sacred of his hair and you always ask if you can play with it cause it makes you calm and honestly he doesn't mind it really, he thinks it's cute that you ask him first before playing with his hair but he always lets you play with his hair because he cannot resist you.

Winston Bishop: He has no hair but you like rubbing his head and Winston likes it too so you do it whenever you're bored, tired or stressed.

Coach: Same with Winston.

(I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPDATED SINCE HALLOWEEN AND I'M SORRY!!! There's been a lot going on and I apologize, thank you for baring with me and I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!)

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