Nervous/Bad Habit-

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Nick Miller: Lip biting. When Nick sees you biting your lips he can tell you're nervous or stressed about something, he'll normally tell you to stop but you normally can't which makes him grab your lip with his fingers and sternly tells you to stop which makes you slightly embarrassed but nod as you stop.

Winston Schmidt: Nail biting. When Schmidt sees this he knows you're stressed or anxious about something which makes him kiss and hold your hands which makes you blush but stop biting your nails.

Winston Bishop: Humming. When Winston hears you humming he'll normally ask what's wrong cause you hum when you're stressed out or impatient about something and when he asks what's wrong you let it all loose until you feel better.

Coach: Fiddle with his fingers. When Coach sees you fiddle with his fingers he knows you're nervous about something. He'll just kiss your head and tell you it's okay as you proceed to fiddle with his hand till you feel better.


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