45% Failing school

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Remeber, it's not very good to fail school but as long as you're trying, I'm proud of you. I know how it is to have strict parents and I think they shouldn't force us to get straight a's if we're trying our best.

Bakugo looked at F/n's report card that displayed a Big, red, F. "What the hell is this, Brat?" F/n ran their hand through their hair and looked at Bakugo with a soft expression."Dad- I've been really stressed and I promise I'll get it up! Just give me time." They tried to reason with the man but it didn't seem like he was having it, which he wasn't. Of course, Bakugo failed classes before but he wanted Y/n to be better then him and succeed in everything.
"Yeah? And when do you think you're going to do this? I'm not going to let my child be failing!" He crossed his arms and looked straight into Y/n's eyes.
"Soon! Yelling at me won't change a damn thing! The report card is already out and you can yell at me all you fucking want but it won't magically make my shitty grade go up" They said before taking the report card and stuffing it in they're backpack. "Look kid, I didn't raise a failure so you better try your damn best to get the grade up or else you're grounded. Clear?"

He didn't find out until enji told him. You came to your grandfather first with the issue of failing but you never got your grade up so he felt like he needed to tell his son. At first, he let it go hoping you'd get it up but then he got that darned phone call from the teacher and he was enraged. You had to
Sit at the table until you finished all of your missing work and it was torture having him stand over you and watch you complete it.
From that day on, you never missed work.

The moment Izuku found out that you were failing, he immediately let you have a mental health day before sending you to the tutor. It was very strange for you to be failing this late in the year. Especially in your best subject so he assumed that your mental healthy wasn't good.
But even so, he wouldn't let you fail and immediately said that you needed to bring it up quickly.

Denki understood because he wasn't the smartest person and had trouble with grades when he was younger too. He encouraged you to get them back up but not to over stress and overwork yourself.
A couple weeks later, you were back up to straight b's and a's and at the top of your class. Denki could not have been more proud of you.

At first, he didn't believe it and went to your teacher and the principal to see what the hell was going on. But when your trencher told him that you were slacking off and not turning in your assignments, he realized he'd wasted his time.
Once he got home he took a nap but after that, he sat you down in your room and made you work on all the assignments that you had missed before you could hang out with your friends.

He didn't really get on you about it but he did tell you to get them up. Shinso knew firsthand how stressful school was and he didn't want to stress you out more than you already was.
Eventually, you did get it up and he was proud of you and even treated you to ice cream (or whatever you like).
But if you didn't get it up, shinso would slowly take away the privileges you had until you got them up. Yes, taking things away might not help most of the time but it damn well powered you to complete your assignments.

"Hey F/n, I got a call from your teacher...she says your failing in class" Kirishima said, sitting down with you at the kitchen table. "What's happening? I know school is hard but you needs to do your work, it's uncool for you to slack off" sighing, you told him about the stress, drama, and other things that we're making you not be able to do school correctly and he tried to help you through everything. What Kiri didn't like though is that you still out of your work to be on social media so he did make you do extra chores but gave you  a decent amount of time to make up all of your due work.
Once you finished it, he praised you and made you promise to stay on top of your work for now on.

Mineta is a very smart person, believe it or not, so the day you came home with a D+ he was down to help you get it up. It was...stressful. "Just...do this! And this and this" he tried helping you but ended up doing it himself and not telling you shit. "Dad! Moms on the porch shirtless" YOu said making the man quickly rush to see her and you slump down into your chair in defeat. Luckily, you had your uncle bakugo's number so he became your new tutor and brought you up to a solid B.

He had a whole ass panic attack thinking you were going to fail at life and in class and be held back. Then you tried to comfort him but didn't want to make him more upset so you just sat in your room in a ball until he was finished.
Once that happened he came up with an awesome plan, every day you were going to study the things you had more trouble with in order to get them down. Once you got them down, you'd do them in class to impress your teacher and be better at the work.
You got it up in the end...even if it was just a C minus.

𝙱𝚗𝚑𝚊 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜Where stories live. Discover now