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I looked through old purges so...
This was written in 14 minutes please excuse errors.

Endeavor, Shigaraki, Midnight


You knew you made too much noise while coming in. Or maybe, he was just waiting there for you to come in through the window. Regardless, you were totally In trouble now.
"Where were you y/n?" He asked, in a tone that showed that he definitely was upset and not having that shit. Curfew was set at 11pm and here you were coming though the window at 1am. He was very strict, especially about curfew so it was clear that it wouldn't be an easy let off. Especially when you were out drinking and you reeked of alcohol.

"I was at Nobaras house, we were studying." You lied, shuffling slightly. He knew you were lying, that's what you did when you lied, anyway. With a stern expression, he narrowed his eyes, clearly not buying your excuse. The scent of alcohol was unmistakable, and your disheveled appearance only further confirmed his suspicions. He sighed heavily, a mix of disappointment and concern evident in his voice.

"Y/N, I can tell you're not being truthful with me," he said, his tone filled with a mix of frustration and worry. "I understand that you're growing up and want to have your own experiences, but breaking curfew and drinking underage is not the way to go about it."

You swallowed nervously, realizing that your attempt to deceive him had only dug you deeper into trouble. You knew there was no escaping the consequences now. He continued, his voice tinged with both authority and a touch of sadness.

"I set rules and curfews for a reason. It's not to control you, but to keep you safe. You're important to me, Y/N, and I worry about your well-being. Drinking at your age can have serious consequences, and breaking curfew puts you in risky situations."

Guilt washed over you as you realized the impact your actions had on him. It wasn't just about breaking the rules; it was about the genuine concern he had for your safety and future. You looked down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. Enji had often lectured you but hearing the pure disappointment in his voice was kind of.. hurtful?

"I'm sorry," you muttered, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to worry you."

He sighed again, his tone softening slightly. "I know you didn't mean to, but it doesn't change the fact that you made some poor choices tonight. We'll have to address this and figure out a way to prevent it from happening again."

He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "For now, there will be consequences. I need you to understand the seriousness of this situation. We'll discuss them tomorrow when we've both had some time to think. Put your phone on the counter and go to sleep."

You nodded, feeling a mix of relief that he was willing to give you a chance to explain yourself further, and apprehension about what the consequences might entail. It was clear that there would be no easy way out of this, but you were determined to learn from your mistakes and regain his trust.

As you retreated to your room, the weight of your actions settled heavily upon you.

"Hey hun, aren't you late~" Your mom sings as you walk through the door, your overnight bag in hand. "Where were you? You coulda texted!" She was definitely more non caring than she should've been.

You sit down on the couch next to your mom who was laying in her pajamas and eating popcorn. "Mom! I was going to spend the night at this guys house, Kamari. But tell me why he kissed his mom on the lips. and not just no small kiss she SMOOCHED him. I had to get the fuck." You exclaim, having to tell her the blasphemy that you witnessed with your now ex boyfriend. Boy moms.

Your mom's eyes widen in surprise as she listens to your story. She pauses mid-popcorn chew, her expression a mix of amusement and disbelief.

"He kissed his mom on the lips?" she repeats, trying to process the information. "Well, honey, everyone has their own way of showing affection within their family. It may seem strange to you, but different cultures and families have different norms."

You roll your eyes, feeling frustrated by her nonchalant response. "Mom, it's not just about cultural differences. It's about boundaries! Kissing on the lips is just... weird, especially between a grown son and his mother. Like not weird but he damn near made out with her."

Your mom chuckles lightly, setting the popcorn aside. "I stand corrected.What happened then?."

You huff, crossing your arms. "Well, I couldn't handle it. It made me uncomfortable, so I left. I don't want to be with someone who has such an unusual dynamic with their mom. Like what the fuck. "

Your mom nods, her tone becoming more serious. "That's your decision to make, and I support you. I'm very glad you set your boundaries, babe. ."

You sigh, realizing that your mom has a point. "I guess you're right. It's just... I never expected to witness something like that. It threw me off."

She gives you a reassuring smile. "Life is full of surprises, my dear. Sometimes we encounter things that challenge our perspectives. It's all part of growing up and discovering who we are psychically, mentally and sexually!" She giggled and booped your nose with the last part.

Feeling a bit calmer, you lean back against the couch. "Thanks, Mom. I appreciate your understanding."

She reaches over and gives your hand a comforting squeeze. "Anytime, sweetheart. Just remember, I'm here for you, no matter what."

As you settle in, the two of you continue your conversation, discussing relationships, boundaries, and the importance of finding someone who respects your comfort levels. It becomes a heartfelt and insightful discussion, leaving you with a renewed sense of clarity and support from your mom.

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