A not so good morning | 1

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You look around, beat down and panting from the battle. An attack on liyue harbor happened, This was before the adepti had agreed to let Morax handle liyue, and before the contract in which the adepti promised to keep liyue safe if Morax were to ever depart.

The adepti had fought against the attack, though one adepti had used too much of her strength. That adepti was you, (y/n). After the battle was done you looked at the burning ground, a feeling of relief washing over you. Your whole body hurt, and with every pant you felt like your lungs were gonna burst. The other adepti were tired out too, though you told them you could take more than them, which was a mistake.

You gritted your teeth as your vision got blurry, your (e/c) eyes looking faded and lacking a light in them. Just as you saw a familiar black haired, mixed with mint green, guy reach out to you, you fell to your knees. You thought you just needed to sit for a moment, but as your body finally ran out of adrenaline and felt a moment of rest, it craved more, desperate from exhaustion. You fell to the ground, not remembering a moment after that.

You heard a voice... a familiar one...

You could hear the pain and restraint in it, as if the person had been in agony for years without end.

Please (y/n)..... wake up.


Cloud retainer spent her days as an adeptus in her domain, as usual. It had been so long sense her friend fought in battle with her, or even looked at her in her eyes. Cloud retainer had long lost hope for them to wake up, though she knew some would detest her want to give up her efforts.

Her went to a part of her domain, a part that no one was allowed to go, even if an adeptus wanted to see it, it had to be a special occasion, for the respect Cloud retainer wanted for this secret area was great indeed. Cloud retainer had been keeping (y/n) contained in there, and though she had been sleeping fine on her own, Cloud retainer made sure to give her strength. How long had it been sense (y/n) had even smiled? Cloud retainer didn't know, for during the battle (y/n) kept her head up for everyone, yet never smiled despite her caring nature.

As cloud retainer's eyes fell on the area where (y/n) normally laid, her bird like body froze. After a moment of silent, her wings flew up as she was in a state of disbelief. She needed to tell the other adepti, that (y/n) had awoken.


Xiao stood out on the balcony of Wangshu inn, looking out into the distance as always. His golden like eyes studying the view with every second. He slightly shifted his head, looking behind him as Cloud retainer appeared. Xiao was definitely surprised, appearing like this was out of character for Cloud Retainer. He had his hands behind his back as he turned to face her.

"Cloud retainer? What's the reasoning behind your appearance here?" He asked, confusion in his voice. Most adepti send messengers, or atleast tell them before hand that they're coming, so this was unexpected.

"One does not know how to say such a statement, for one also doesn't know if it means any good has come but..." Cloud retainer started. Xiao raised a brow, wondering why she wasn't finishing her sentence. "What is it?" He asked again.

"It's.. (y/n). One went in to strengthen her as per tradition, though when one laid their eyes on such, they were... gone.." They finished saying. Xiao's eyes slightly widened. He didn't know what this meant. Did she finally return to the celesta? Did someone steal her from the domain? No, that one wasn't right. Was she... awake?

Xiao felt puzzled for a moment, placing a hand against his chin as he thought. "I... shall go to Mt. Tianheng, where we fought before she fell asleep. I have a feeling we will be able to find her there." Xiao stated, as he stammered a bit, still processing a bit.

"Very well. Oh, and do tell when one gets back if you were able to find her during your seek. One did not wait centuries for her to awake, just to be let down." Cloud retainer said before Xiao nodded, and headed off. Cloud retainer returned to her domain, awaiting the answer. Xiao didn't waste time, if he was gonna travel there, he wanted to do it fast. He eventually got there, the sun almost done setting.

There sat a girl with (h/c) hair, staring out into Liyue harbor. She watched as the darkness arose, and the lights of liyue turned on. She felt a present she was most familiar with, as she turned around, a bright smile spread across her face as she saw Xiao standing there in disbelief. "Xiao!" (y/n) called out, but then quickly shut her mouth with sweat rolling down her face as Xiao's spear flew at her, barely missing her and getting stuck in the tree behind her. "Eek! W-what's wrong Xiao" she said, smiling nervously, looking at him. "Why'd you run off from the domain?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking at her with a stern look. "B-because- actually, why was I in that domain in the first place?" She asked, before her face became puzzled. "In fact.. I have a lot of questions... weren't you injured? Wasn't I injured? And... liyue... along with the surrounding area around it was beat up... and now it's... fine" She questioned, confusion showing in her voice. Xiao's frustration calmed down, as he walked over to her and sat down. He stared at liyue along with her. "That is..... definitely something that's a little hard to explain..." he said, a sigh leaving his lips. He hadn't seen (y/n) in so long, and he had mixed emotions. He didn't understand why she woke up so suddenly, or why she acted so calm about it, or why she fell asleep in the first place. Thinking too much about it made anger grow inside of him, so he shook his head and looked at (y/n). He needed to tell her

"(y/n). After the battle that took place in liyue harbor, you collapsed from exhaustion. You were expected to sleep for a couple of days but... then weeks passed, and then months... years..." Xiao seemed like he was in pain in that last sentence. (y/n)'s worried eyes darted at Xiao, the whole situation making her head spin. She didn't understand, she just couldn't. "What I'm trying to say (y/n), is that.... you've been asleep for awhile, and you had to be moved into Cloud retainer's domain." He said, not sure how to explain it, for not even he knew why you were asleep for that long. (y/n)'s brows furrowed, feeling confused "Xiao... how, how long was I asleep..." Xiao rubbed the back of his neck as a frustrated groan left his mouth, not knowing how to break it lightly. "(y/n), you've been asleep for three centuries."


Aaaaaah, this is my first time writing a fanfic in like, three years. I apologize if it's bad, I'm still learning how to be detailed with my words.
If you liked it so far, make sure to read the next coming chapters !! 🤭

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now