Conflit | 6

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Im having too many issues with the bold option for wattpad, so I'm just gonna type normally- I hope everyone was able to get Xiao! And if you haven't yet, don't worry there's still time.


Training had been going well with Xiao. One day he'd make you work really hard, and the next he'd barely make you work a sweat, and just when you think you finally had grasped the understanding of his schedule, he does something unexpected the next day. The thought of a constant cycle of training made you visibly groan. You were currently laying on your bed at the inn, flopped over on your stomach as you ached for a moment of rest. You reached into your pocket to grab the charm you bought a few days ago. You stared at it, your brows furrowed. You didn't know whether to give it to Xiao or not. It looked pretty, which is the whole reason you wanted to get it for him, but the meaning behind it felt like it was an inappropriate thing to give to Xiao.

What Zhongli said about not being able to get the item back if someone else were to buy it went through her head while buying it, so she got it. The charm had no adepti energy from it, so it most likely was a fake and just a family heirloom. But still, was it really appropriate to give to Xiao? You flopped your hand down on your side as you groaned into the sheets. You closed your eyes, making a frustrated sigh as you planned to just forget about it for now. "What are you doing?" You heard a cold and stern voice call out to you. You quickly look up, already recognizing the voice as Xiao's. He was standing over your bed with his arms crossed. "Getting some rest, why?" You asked with a smile. "Don't be stupid I'm not asking that. I mean you moaning and groaning like a sheep in distress. Speak." He said to you. You looked at him as your eyes narrowed and you displayed a saddened look.

You then smiled and shook your head "don't worry about it, it's not anything involving you or my training" you stated, the first thing obviously being a lie. Xiao's brows furrowed as he felt frustrated. "What have I told you about keeping me from things, you need to stop hiding things, it's immature." He said, his voice being cold and violent. Your smile faded as you felt irritated. Why can't he just let it be? Does it hurt him that bad? You sat up, crossing your arms and turning away from him. "I don't remember being your dog, I'm not forced to listen to what you say" you bluntly said as he stammered to put together words, obviously pissed off. "I'm not saying you're a dog, I'm saying you need to stop hiding your emotions, it's not good for you" he stated, slightly yelling. "And you think you're any better?! You hear voices, 24/7, and you constantly suffer in darkness, claiming you deserve it!" You yelled at him, turning to look at him.

"Because I do! I have slaughtered for eons, and this is less than ANY punishment I deserve!" Xiao yelled back. You narrowed your eyes and stepped off your bed, standing in front of him as he stood still. "Stop treating yourself like trash! Yaksha or not, you still have a breaking point! You wanna talk about me pushing back my emotions? Well I'm not the one suffering!" Your voice grew louder with frustration. "Well then STOP being so close to me and the other adepti, it's unnecessary. You say you aren't a dog, yet you cling onto us like a lost puppy. You're an adeptus for crying out loud, act like one! And not only that, but you act all sweet towards mortals and let yourself be fooled, you're nothing but a gentle flower that breaks from the slightly bit of impact! I lectured you on your first day of training and you cried about it, you're fragile and weak when it comes to emotions!" He yelled at you. Your facial expressions softened, as his words hurt you. What he said hit a little too close to home. You furrowed your brows again and walked away, as you started to go down the stairs. Xiao didn't say anything, he just watched you leave then groaned with frustration.

As he was holding his hand to his face in irritation, he heard you stomping back up the stairs. You looked at him with an angry expression, "you wanna know why I was upset so badly? Well here, I was worried about giving you this stupid charm." You yelled, reaching into your pocket and throwing it to the floor. Xiao's expression softened, but you didn't care, you just stomped back down the stairs and left wanshu Inn.


You sat on a cliff, unsure what to do with yourself. You didn't want to see Xiao right now, yet at the same time you barely knew Liyue, or the surrounding area. Not only that, but you were weak, like he said. A weak adeptus? The thought made you disgusted with yourself. You hugged your knees as you felt your hands shake. Technically speaking, you still had power, but it would take a toll on your body. You sighed. You stared at the vision that was attached to your outfit. It was electro. You didn't like not being able to fight, as an adeptus, fighting was your only understanding.

You remembered the time where mortals would hate you for being too weak. You wanted to have conversations with them, and get to know them, but all they wanted was blessings. They were lazy, and in all honesty, you should show hatred towards them. But, that was eons ago, and you knew you had to forget about it. After all, not all mortals are the same, it's not right to see how one treated you and treat the others the same. Xiao's words had you overthinking, and making you remember old memories. You shook off those thoughts and stood up. 'What do I do in the mean time?' You thought.

Why was Xiao so angry in the first place? It's so hard to understand him. One moment he acts like he cares, the next he's cold, and the next he's yelling at you and telling you that it's annoying that you're so clingy. You pouted as you kicked a huge rock in frustration. You then grabbed your foot and hopped around in pain "ow ow ow..." you mumbled before losing your balance and falling on your back. You didn't even bother getting up, or feeling embarrassed, you just stared at the sky. "Why am I so pathetic? I said back then that I could handle leading the battle, when I can't even take care of my emotions." You said to yourself. You didn't even care if you looked stupid talking to yourself.

You felt tears dwell up and fall down on the sides of your cheeks. "And I lost all my strength. Why was I even sleeping for so long? I wanted to see everyone after the battle, and be happy but in reality I just caused them pain. And then I run away because I'm too sensitive... but still.." you felt your voice start to strain and crack up. "Xiao I... I don't understand why he can't just forgive himself.. all I wanted was for him to realize he was more important than me" you stated to yourself, feeling hurt about the fact that he insulted you. You sighed and wiped your tears. You sat up and stared at the mountains in the distance 'technically I can't stay here, I'll most likely end up being killed by some weird creature.' You stood up, getting ready to leave before you halted. You saw a boy with braids that faded into a blue color, and who looked like a bard, staring at you a bit shocked. "(y/n)? You're alive?" He asked. You looked confused "do I know you?" You asked back, which just made him smile. "Well technically you do, but that's not important." He said with a smile "it's nice to see you again"


There's not much going on, but i wanted to leave off with a cliffhanger sooo 🥲 also I apologize for the late chapters, I wanna get them out faster but I don't have the energy

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