Wangshu Inn | 2

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Last night, Xiao had explained to you that you were asleep for three hundred years. He didn't have much to explain, but he tried to answer your questions as much as possible. Xiao went back to Wanshu Inn, most likely to get some rest sense it was getting late. You, however, couldn't sleep last night. Well- I can't really blame you, you were asleep for centuries. You felt like you were full of energy, not only that, but the whole situation made you restless. One moment you were passing out from exhaustion, and then three hundred years past when you opened your eyes.

You sighed, resting your head on Xiao's spear. Huh? Oh that's right! Xiao left his spear here, when he was trying to send you to your death bed- After a bit of struggle, you finally got it out of the tree. You scratch your head, confused to why that was so hard to get out but then you decided to just brush it off. The spear disappeared in your hand, and you started to head to wanshu inn. As you walked there, you took note of the scenery around. It truly was different, even some hills and mountains seemed different.

It took a bit to get there, but when you finally arrived, you looked around trying to find someone to talk to. You eventually came to the lady in front, she said her name was Verr or something, though you're not good with names. "Are you looking to stay at Wanshu Inn?" The lady asked you, in which in reply you shook your head "oh no, I'm just trying to find someone. Tell me, do you know if Xiao is here?" as you asked, you could see a bit of a nervous expression appear on her face. She was worried this girl might get thrown off a balcony. "Well yes but... he doesn't normally like talking to people" she stated. You smiled brightly and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry don't worry! Me and him are close" You said.

"Ah, okay.. he's up on the balcony, just walk up those stairs." Verr said, taking your hand off her shoulder. "And it's 'him and I'" she corrected. You looked at her innocently "oh okay. Welp, I'm off now miss boss lady!" You stated, walking up the stairs. You made a lot of mistakes, and people would normally correct you, especially Xiao. So, her comment didn't mean much, though Xiao always got on to you about letting mortals talk to you like that. You continued walking up to the stairs until your eyes fell upon a balcony like view. 'Is this the one she was talking about?' You thought. Once you noticed Xiao, you smiled brightly. You jumped towards him trying to tackle him into a hug, but he dodged. Your face landed on the railing as he looked at you with his hands behind his back. "Ow...." you muttered as you rubbed your hurt face. "Why'd you dodge me like that Xiao?" You said in a whining tone.

"I don't remember letting you hug me being a part of my job as an adepti" he said, helping you up. "Yea but still..." you said with puppy eyes, though Xiao didn't budge one bit. "Oh oh! Here!" You said. You then made Xiao's spear appear in your hand as you held it out to him. "You left it stuck in the tree" you said smiling. "Ah.." Xiao utter under his breath. He took his spear and it disappeared. You laughed a small bit "silly Xiao, you shouldn't leave precious things around like that" you stated, and Xiao glanced at you. "Maybe I wanted you to wake up next morning and bonk your head on it, hopefully giving you a concussion." Xiao said. He wasn't serious, though it's definitely easy to make him mad. "Eek! Xiao you're so mean, why would you say that" you whinned. "In my defense,  you're the one that called me 'silly'" he crossed his arms as you chuckled nervously. "Did i?" You asked "don't act innocent."

Xiao then relaxed "anyways, I need to take you to cloud retainer. I promised her that I'd tell her if you had come back or not." He stated. "Whether I came back or not? But it's not like I would be stolen or anything, why would she be worried?" You asked, as Xiao groaned from your ignorance to the situation. Xiao then left with you to start walking to the domain. Xiao had a better pace than you, and was walking farther ahead. You complained along the way and constantly asked him to slow down, though he just replied with denying remarks and insisted you were the one that needed to walk faster. You two eventually got to the domain, and was let in.

You hugged onto Cloud retainer, happy to see her. Ah yes, the actual reason why cloud retainer liked you (friendship wise ofc 😐). Though yes she cared about the other adepti, you always seemed so affectionate and in people's personal space. The adepti didn't understand affection, and only knew how to settle things via fighting, but back then it didn't matter how much they pushed you away, you were like a puppy. "One cannot express how relieved they are that you have awoken, (y/n). It brings great happiness in one's heart." Cloud retainer said. You let go of her and smiled. "Tell me, do you remember anything?" She asked. You nodded "I remember everything before I passed out." You reassured her. She did a quick nod "and does one have any memories of during your slumber?" She asked. You thought for a moment then shook your head "all I remember is waking up and thinking 'wow that sleep felt like a long time'!" You smiled, and Xiao glanced in your direction. "'Felt long' is a bit of an understatement." Xiao stated bluntly as you chuckled nervously.

"So it would seem that when you fell unconscious three hundred years ago, you awoke yesterday morning as if nothing had taken place during such sleep." She stated and you nodded your head. A moment of silence fell as Cloud retainer thought for a moment. "(y/n), one must request that you go back to Wanshu inn and get a meal to eat. One can only imagine your strength is lost." She requested of you. You nodded and smiled "very well, I'll go back! Is there anymore questions you wish to ask me?" Cloud retainer shook her head in response to what you said. You waved bye and exited the domain. Just as Xiao was about to leave with you, cloud retainer stopped him. "Xiao, may I ask of you something" Xiao looked at her as he turned himself back around to face her "what is it?" He asked. "Though (y/n) is able to perform human tasks, it would seem that her adeptus strength is gone. Technically speaking, if she were to try and to use her adepti abilities, such as fight in battle, it would take a toll on her body." She stated. Xiao nodded, though the worry inside him started to grow. "And if she were to try and use her full power, her body wouldn't be able to take it." She finished saying. "Thus one has to ask of you to train her. The only thing she needs is physically strength, so however one wants to train her is up to you." Xiao nodded in agreement "very well, it shouldn't be too hard of a task." Xiao stated. After a small conversation about the state of your body, Xiao took his leave, heading back to Wanshu Inn.


(3rd POV switch)

As Xiao came back, and headed to his normally area. As he glanced around he saw (y/n) laying down, clearly bored. She looked up and smiled when she saw Xiao. "Did you eat?" He asked as she sat up. She nodded with a smile on her face "yup! Oh also, here I made this for you" she said before handing him a plate of Almond tofu. He looked at it "the nice lady up front recommended that I should give you some" he took the plate and looked back at (y/n) "thank you, but you do realize you don't have to make me this right? I only make mortals make it when they want something from me" Xiao said. "Oh? Cant you just let them ask you for something?" (y/n) asked, tilting her head slightly. Xiao sighed "your ignorance about the relationship between humans and adepti never fails to amaze me."

After Xiao finished eating, he placed the place down and looked at (y/n). "Starting tomorrow, I'm going to train you, per Cloud retainer's request" He stated. "But why? I don't remember being weak or anything." Xiao looked up thinking for a moment. "Cloud retainer told me your body won't be use to your adepti abilities, so all I need to do is make you exercise" Xiao said, looking back at her. She nodded lightly then smiled "very well! Oh oh! Are we getting up early in the morning? I get so bored" (y/n) rambled on like a puppy, in which Xiao just groaned. "Well, I'll tell Verr that you'll be staying here, I'm sure she won't mind" he said as he got up and started to walk down stairs. "Who?" "The 'nice lady up front'. idiot."


I hope you guys liked this! Also (y/n) and Xiao's relationship is basically where (y/n) is a ball of energy and Xiao is the "I'll kill you" but doesn't actually want to, type of person

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