Problematic Bard | 7

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The bard just stared at you with a smile, as you just stood there confused. "See me again? You haven't explained who you are though." You stated as he let out a small laugh. "I just came to liyue, how about we go get a drink? I'm sure there's some place to get wine here. If not I could always strum up a melody." He said with his hands on his hips. You narrowed your eyes in irritation, he was good at changing the subject. His tone of voice and leading on sentence almost wanted to make you reply as if the whole topic of who he was wasn't a problem. "I'm not very familiar with the area in Liyue harbor, so if we did we'd both be lost. And stop changing the subject"

He laughed once more. "You really don't recognize me? Not the braids? Or the fact that I'm a bard? My my that's unlike you, after you've been gone for so long too." He said with a smile. His words confused you. Braids? And did he just rhyme? Short bard hm.. oh. Your eyes lit up as you recognized who he was. "Oh Barbatos!" You yelled, as his smile grew wider. You hugged him as he just just hugged back lightly. "Haha, for a second I thought you had memory loss! Oh the sleeping (y/n), only to awaken with no memory, does make for a good song. Though, the times have changed, so if you don't mind I would like to go by Venti now. I walk amongst the mortals as one, so it would be easier if you called me that." He said, as you both let go. "Oh okay, interesting." You said back with a nod.

"How long ago did you wake?" He asked you. "About six or seven days ago." He nodded at your answer. He then displayed a sadden look. "And no one came to tell me? It's as if I'm nothing but dirt now a days" he teased as he looked to the ground. You laughed at what he said, knowing it was only a joke. Believe it or not, back then you and Venti were close. It makes sense, the annoying adeptus that clings on to people, and the annoying bard that even the archons are irritated by. "How come you're out here though? Don't you have a place to stay?" He asked you, which in return made you look to the side. You opened your mouth to say something, but you felt a lack of words. You laughed nervously "I do, I'm staying with Xiao. I just came to get some fresh air." You stated, finally finding the words to say. "Ah that one, how is he doing by the way? Is he handling things well?" He asked.

You nodded. "He doesn't seem to be struggling, though it's not like he tells anyone when he is." You stated, which Venti just nodded back to. "Indeed, though I trust he's in good hands when you're there" you tilted your head at his statement, which lead him to awkwardly move onto a different topic. "Well I believe now is the time we go to liyue harbor. I did manage to get some mora, given that the people of liyue won't give you wine in return for a song..." he said. You smiled "yup let's get going! It's getting dark so we better leave now" you said.


You and Venti finally find a place that only sells wine, sense Venti did not want to bother the restaurants by buying all of their wine. When you got there, Venti bought two glasses, one for you, and one for him, though we all know he's gonna get more. "So, do you wanna tell me he real reason you were out there?" He asked you, before taking a drink of his wine. You looked at him nervously. "Ah, you were able to tell?" You asked back, which he just nodded to. "Anyone would be able to tell, it's not like I'm an airhead or anything" he teasingly stated. You looked at the table. "Me and Xiao just got into a fight, that's all." He looked at you, with a worried look. "Again? Didnt you guys fight a lot before you fell asleep?" He questioned. You nodded.

Xiao and you were similar in a lot of ways. Both of you pushed yourself more than needed, and never told anyone about it, though there was something that made you fairly different. Like he said, you were fragile. While he tried to be harsh and understood fighting more than feeling, you didn't hide your caring nature and helped people. You would easily comfort people, or come to their aid. With being so similar, but at the same time so different, neither one of you understood each other. Xiao had more honor in fighting and didn't care about the karma he had to deal with, while you felt bad about it and wished he'd let you help. And you, you were a complete idiot in the eyes of Xiao.

You always innocently went along with things, and would help anyone, even if it was hilichurls. He felt like he needed to protect you, even if you were as strong as him, the thought of you failing for something foolish always bugged him, and now that you couldn't use your adeptal energy, it scared him even more. "He called me weak, like a flower." You said as you crossed your arms, your brows furrowing as you remembered him saying the exact phrase. Venti laughed at this "that does seem like something he would do. Though, it seems like he hit a nerve this time, huh?" He suggested as you nodded, sinking into your chair in a pouting state. "For some reason, he's never able to keep his cool around you. I would have expected him to be able to do that now that you've been gone for so long, but it would seem his emotions are all over the place."

That was another thing, you worried about his emotions. For the little information he's given you, it would seem you coming back was a big deal for him, but we won't open up so easily. You groaned as you rested your head on the table, feeling stressed. "Ah, it would seem that talking about this isn't helping anything, let's drop it for now." He suggested, which made you nod. "(y/n)?" You heard someone call your name. You looked behind you to see Zhongli. You smiled "oh hey! How come you're here?" You asked him. "I had come to give a coworker of mine some wine. Sense this is the only store that lets you take wine to go, I came here." He stated. "Oh okay, that makes sense. Oh, speaking of which I still haven't paid you back for that one time." You mentioned, as you felt bad about it. He shook his head and raised his hand up.

"No need, you don't need to pay me back. You still seem to be in a difficult situation so I won't bug you about that." He stated. His expression then grew with disgust as he looked to your side, seeing Venti wave at him, a little too happily. "And I see you've found that bard. Now I understand why you've come to a cheap place like this." He stated as you just giggled. You then paused for a second "wait, you know him?" You asked. Venti looked at you confused, then looked at Zhongli. He shook his head at him, in which Venti just nodded. "Yup! He came to one of my performances once when I was in liyue not too long ago." He trailed off, making a lie. Zhongli nodded "his skills are admirable, though it would be better if he could control his addiction." He coldly stated, directing his coldness to the bard, which just made him laugh.

"Well, I have to get some wine and get going now, I hope you two enjoy your time. And don't let him get you too drunk, if that ever happens just come and visit me." He stated, walking off. Venti smiled at you "he's fun isn't he?" You nod at his statement "yea, though I can't help but have the odd feeling that I've met him before. Which is weird cause I've only been awake for about seven days." You explained. "Maybe he just seems similar to someone you once knew. Now I know I said earlier that I'd drop the whole you and Xiao thing but I can't help but ask-" you sigh slightly in which he laughed a bit nervously. "I know I know, I'm sorry. But still, I want to ask, are you planning to go back tonight?"

Venti's question did make you think. "No, not really.." you said in a bit of a mumble. "Then, where will you stay?" He asked worried. You just stayed silent, staring at the table as you didn't know how to answer. Venti noticed this and thought for a moment. "Ah I know! You can stay at the place I'm staying at for the time being. If you want of course." He offered. You thought for a moment, then smiled "okay, I'll take up your offer. I think both me and Xiao need a break, plus I am NOT his dog" you said, the last part sounding with confidence as you crossed your arms. Venti laughed "okay pop off queen" Silence. "Uhm... pop what?" You ask. "It's just a saying" he says back to you with a smile. "Oh okay, I'm not really caught up with slang."


We finally got to 2k reads woohoo! And I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, and I hope to get things out faster, though sadly my schedule is a bit messed up rn

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