Moon Carver | 14

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(Y/n) sat staring at the view of liyue, sitting at Mt. Aozang. She sighed, feeling nothing but boredom. Cloud retainer walked up to her and smiled "you're doing well on your training, (y/n). You're able to use a little bit of your power now but not a lot, so I think it would still be a good idea if you stayed here" she stated right next to her. (Y/n) had a bored expression as she stared off at liyue, but turned around with a bright smile to face her. "Okay! I'll keep trying my hardest" she exclaimed with a happy tone, making Cloud retainer hum in response. "Good, that's what I expect from an adeptus after all" (y/n) nodded to her statement "the last thing I want is to disappoint you, especially moon carver"

"He's stern but he was a good motive, surely you understand that well enough, having been stayed with Xiao." Cloud retainer said with a light tone, (y/n) looking at the ground. She smiled at her and nodded "of course, after all Xiao is one of the meanest adepti that I know." She said back to cloud retainer, making her laugh a little. "Well I have to get going, I have something to do at the moment. I hope you do enjoy your break, soon you'll have to go back to training." Cloud retainer told her, as (y/n) nodded. She watched as cloud retainer left, and went inside her domain. (Y/n) sighed, a bitterness in her heart. She couldn't help but feel that emptiness, and feeling like she misses Xiao. Is this how he felt when she fell asleep? She rested her head against a tree, letting the shade of the leaves block her eyes from the sunlight. She heard slight footsteps in the grass as she peaked her eyes open. She saw a figure with blue hair and horns.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" The figure spoke out with a soft tone. (Y/n) squinted her eyes, trying to recognize them. Her face lit up as she stood up, noticing who it was. "Ganyu?" (Y/n) stated, the person smiling back. "So it is you, I haven't seen you in so many years. I tried to get a day off so I could see you, though it took longer than I wanted" Ganyu said. (Y/n) hugged her tightly "look how much you've grown! It's like you're a whole three inches taller than the last time I saw you" she exclaimed, Ganyu feeling embarrassed and trying to pry her off. "(Y/n) stop it already, I was at least nine hundred years old when we last met, I didn't grow at all-" she said in a bit of quiet tone. (Y/n) laughed then let her go "sorry sorry, I was just teasing" Ganyu fixed her outfit as she huffed at what she said. "Didn't you mention something about a day off? Are you working with mortals?" (Y/n) questioned. "Ah, yes. I'm a secretary for a nice lady named Ms. Ningguang" she said with a hand over her chest. "I don't expect you to know what I mean, or who she is though"

(Y/n) let out a small laugh "yea, I'm pretty clueless to whatever you just said." Ganyu laughed back. "Wait so you have the whole day off? Can we go to liyue harbor?" (Y/n) asked her, making Ganyu display a bit of a nervous expression. "Didn't Cloud retainer tell you to stay here? And plus you have training soon." She stated, making (y/n) sigh. She shook her head and smiled "it should be fine! It's not like they have anything to do, so me being a little late to training won't send them into a rage or anything" she stated, waving her hand in a reassuring way. Ganyu hummed as she thought for a moment, truly not agreeing with what (y/n) was saying. "Well.. alright fine, we can go to liyue harbor, but we have to get you back before sunset, got it?" Ganyu stated, making (y/n) jump in joy "yay! Alright c'mon, let's get going" she said, grabbing onto Ganyu's hand and leaving Mt. Aozang, a little too excited. "Ah! (Y/n), slow down! I think I might trip if you don't!"


Finally you and Ganyu arrive at liyue harbor, you inhaling and exhaling happily. "Finally I get to come back here!" You exclaim, Ganyu looking at you with a smile. "So you like it in liyue harbor too huh? Most of the adepti hate being around mortals, so their worlds are pretty divided." Ganyu stated, making you nod. "Yea, especially since what happens to mortals if they're in the adepti realm for too long" you said. You and Ganyu talk about random topics as you cross the bridge that connects liyue harbor to the rest of liyue. "I should probably say hi to Mr. Zhongli" you mumbled, looking around. You didn't know if he was off work or not, and felt like he wouldn't appreciate you bothering him during work. "You know Zhongli? The man that works at the funeral parlor?" Ganyu asked you, looking at you. You nodded "yes! I met him one day when I was with this nice traveler" you told her. "Oh is that so? Well that's nice. Also, sadly Zhongli is not off of work yet, he doesn't get off until quite late, so maybe some other day" she stated to you, making you frown.

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