A talk | 13

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Xiao stared out at the view from the balcony, tapping his point finger against the railing impatiently. He was suppose to be by (y/n) side, but he felt too restless to sit right now. Plus she had been asleep for three hours now. He was questioning his job as a yaksha. He was suppose to fight demons, yet he couldn't protect you from one? Let alone something as simple as a nightmare? He scoffed, feeling angry with himself. He scratched his head, trying to calm himself down, after y'all the last thing he needs is more stress. He continued to look out at the view, hoping it would relax him. He's seen this view so many times, there's no detail or sun set that he hasn't seen.

Xiao sighed as he felt a similar presence, the wind slightly hitting against him in a breeze. "Yahoo~" venti called out to him, as Xiao turns around to face him. "Hello, Anemo archon." He said to him, making Venti let out a small laugh. "Oh Xiao, when will you learn. It's Venti now" he replied back. Xiao didn't respond, he just kept his hands behind his back. He looked back at the view "what do you want this time." Venti hummed at his question, thinking a bit. "It's not like I want something from you, who do you take me for?" He dramatically held his hand to his head, speaking in a hurt tone. "A drunk archon that sits around too much." Xiao replied bitterly, Venti playfully holding his hand to his chest from the harsh 'blow'.

Venti then relaxed his hand and smiled "but no, seriously I'm not here to take anything I promise, I'm just wondering how (y/n) and you are doing, especially about the arguing." Xiao glanced back at him. "We haven't been arguing, we've had our hands pretty full so arguing would be rather inconvenient." He replied, making Venti quirk a brow in curiosity. "You've been busy? With what?" Xiao closed his eyes as he thought of a way to reply "Moon carver and I are trying to figure out why she fell asleep so long ago, and it seems that the truth is more than what it seems. For the little information we have, (y/n) apparently was infected with the same darkness that demons have. It wasn't trying to corrupt her, but rather kill her. (Y/n) also has some other conflict with this mortal that she's not telling me about." Xiao explained. The way he said mortal sounded bitter and cold, but Venti couldn't put his finger on it.

"So it seems like (y/n) must have a lot on her mind right now." Venti stated, in which Xiao nodded. "Not only that but today she had a pretty bad nightmare not too long ago. Sadly I wasn't here to stop it from happening" Venti looked surprised. "A nightmare? What was it about?" He asked, making Xiao shake his head "she couldn't even tell me, it's like she forgot it the second she woke up." Xiao stated. Venti held his hand to his mouth trying to understand the situation. Venti figured it would be better if he avoided this subject, and moved on a little. "But there's been no arguments, that's good! I know it's barely been three days but that feels like a new record!" He said with a happy tone, making Xiao raise a brow. "The record right now is about 300 and something years." Xiao snapped back, making Venti laugh nervously. "Yea but that doesn't count, let's just ignore that part"

Venti looked at him "though, I do feel like there's something we should talk about." He stated, Xiao looked at him with crossed arms, wondering what it was. "Rex lapis. She doesn't even know about the assassination, nor does she know that it was fake and that he's now walking in Liyue as one of her friends, Zhongli." He stated, Xiao narrowing his eyes as he looked at the ground. "I know she's going through a lot right now, but it's concerning when she doesn't even know that her archon is retired. I mean even Rex lapis wanted to keep this from her, and I don't understand why." Venti continued to say, making Xiao nod at his small lecture. "It's my fault she doesn't know, not his." He said, defending Zhongli. "Shes my responsibility and I have to take care of this mess that happened when she fell asleep." Venti sighed at his words

"That's another thing. Stop acting like (y/n) is your property, she's expressed with me before that she doesn't like being your dog, which is what has gotten you into so many arguments. You want to care for her like a baby yet when she tries to help you, you reject her. She's also an adeptus who has worked hard for her place, so you can't use the 'I'm a yaksha' excuse." He explained to him. Xiao looked at him "I'm not acting like she's my property I-" Venti cut him off by putting his finger in front of him "nuh uh, no. You're not gonna disagree with me on this. You're letting your fear get a hold of you, and because of that you're controlling (y/n)." Xiao's gaze fell back to the floor, as he groaned. He felt bad, again. Time and time again he's been doing all of this wrong. He couldn't protect you, couldn't save you, and couldn't even treat you right. "Xiao, normally you aren't like this, so don't beat yourself up about it" Venti tried to comfort him

"But that only makes things worse. Normally I'm able to do everything perfectly fine, but why not for her?" He asked, confused with his own emotions. Venti already knew the answer to his question, but didn't reply. They both heard the slight sounds of foot steps as they turned around to the sound to see (y/n). She blinked as she was still half asleep, trying to unblur her vision. "Oh Venti, how come you're here?" She questioned. Venti ran to her and hugged her tightly "(y/n)! I'm so glad to see you~" he said in a bubbly tone. (Y/n) giggled as Xiao glared "why do you instantly change your personality with her" he asked, venti smiling in return "because if I were to hug you I'd be dead" he responded, Xiao nodding "fair enough."

"What were you two talking about?" She asked them, venti laughing "nothing important! I just thought I'd stop by and say hi." He stated, making (y/n) narrow her eyes. "Well last time you two talked, I got stabbed in the back because you ratted me out." Venti laughed nervously at her reply. "I promise you I had no ill intentions, I just hate to see you guys fight." He said, hugging onto (y/n) tighter with puppy eyes, begging her to forgive him. She sighed, trying to pry him off "okay, I forgive you. It's not like I can hold any grudges against you" she said, making Venti smile. "Well, I really do need to be going now. It's a shame I couldn't talk to you enough (y/n)" Venti said, waving with a smile. (Y/n) looked at him shocked "you're leaving already? But I just started to talk to you" (y/n) started

"I know I know, but I have important things to do! Maybe one day we can meet up and hang out" he requested, (y/n) crossing her arms. "Important things? Like what, drink wine?" Venti chuckled as he walked off "it's not like it'll drink itself after all" he said cheerfully before leaving wangshu inn. (Y/n) groaned "that bard, I swear." She stated, shaking her head lightly. She looked back at Xiao, who was just staring at where Venti exited "what's wrong?" She asked him. He looked at her and shook his head, closing his eyes in a calm matter. "Nothing's wrong, I'm just glad you didn't have anymore nightmares" (y/n) almost forgot about that. Just remembering it made her skin crawl, as she looked at the ground. "No worries (y/n), I'm not gonna talk any longer about it. Though, there is something I want to talk about." He started, making (y/n) glance at him confused. "It's about your training, and where you're staying." He continued, speaking slowly as if not to hurt her feelings. She only grew more confused "you mean my training with you and me being at wangshu inn?" She questioned confused. He nodded "yes, it's just that.. I think it would be better if you did your training with the other adepti."


Next chapter should be the special 👩‍🦯 the wait will hopefully come to an end soon

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