Where was it headed?

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Of course, as promised I will explain the full story of this fanfic.

Y/n learns of her past, that she had previously forgotten. Y/n was a poor mortal with a sister. (This sister was the girl from the nightmares) When they were older, Xiao was enslaved by a god who knew his weakness, and used it to make him kill innocents. Y/n and her sister were one of these innocents.

Y/n was brought back as a adeptus by Morax, and as much as she was kind to everyone she couldn't help but have a grudge against Xiao despite knowing why he did it. Eventually they both began to understand each other and Xiao became Y/n favorite person, and then the person she was in love with.

Back to the present time, Y/n was fuming that everyone knew she couldn't remember and allowed it to happen. They explained that the yakshas were still consuming large amounts of darkness and it would've been dangerous to let them two happen, Xiao understood back then and allowed them to fabricate Y/n's memories.

In an argument between Y/n and Xiao, he finally said this is the reason he wasn't ready to accept his feelings, because they weren't allowed. And then they had a sweet romantic moment wooo yay kissy kissy

Y/n and the other adepti realize that the darkness, and the nightmares are from left over evil from her sister. When she was turned into a god, her sister turned into a darkness that slowly built until she was almost able to get rid of Y/n for good, until Cloud Retainer was able to fight it off. Her sister makes her appearance know, and y/n deals with it by fighting her sister and finally saying goodbye for good when she defeats her.

After this theres a conflict with the Fatui that's solved with a big fight and they finally back off and leave Y/n alone. Also Childe had caught feelings for Y/n, but when he confesses she says she doesn't love him.

Y/n finally decides to go BACK to sleep to recover her memories, and the other adepti respect that and let her do so.

When she comes back, all the mortals are old and the adepti had waited, and Y/n can finally be happy and resolved with her issues. She forgives everyone who ever hurt her and then that was gonna be the end!!

Also there are some smaller details I was building up to that I didn't mention just because this stuff was what was planned and the other stuff I don't remember

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