The end

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Hello, to all the readers of Sleeping Adpetus! Thank you all so much for your nice comments

Sadly, I have bad news today. I've tried keeping this fanfic running until I finished it, but I can see now that I can't do that. I no longer play genshin, and I'm almost completely out of the fandom. I made this fanfic three years ago now and it's been taxing to update something I have no interest in.

I know a lot of you guys loved this fanfic, and I thank you so much!! When I made this I didn't think I'd get many reads, let alone likes. I've never really gotten any recognition for the things I do on the internet and this has been a crazy experience for me.

I know a lot of you are curious as to where the story was going, and I apologize for ending it like this.

I will, in a separate chapter, explain the plot I was going for.

I actually really liked my plot, but hated how I delivered it.

As for me, I'm an artist! I rarely write which is one of the reasons my updates took so long. My art accs are quinnsquid on TikTok and insta if anyone cares to check that out.

I will write other stories, most likely completely unrelated to main characters of genshin, so if you'd like to see that you can.

Once again, I'm sorry the fanfic is ending, and I hope you all have a wonderful day

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