first training day | 3

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Literally an hour after making the last chapter, I was forced to work out, such great coincidences 🥲


After finally getting (y/n) to shut up yesterday, Xiao went to sleep. He woke up the next morning and got ready to train (y/n). After he finished his morning routine he went to go check on her. She was passed out asleep. You'd think she'd at least be able to wake up early after three hundred years of rest. Xiao couldn't help but get anxious seeing her sleep so soundly, he worried she might not wake up again. He crossed his arms as he stared at her "(y/n), wake up." He demanded. "Nnngh..." (y/n) groaned, snuggling into her bed more. The more Xiao told her to wake up the more she grumbled noises. He sighed and picked her up from her bed. (y/n) rubbed her eyes, still half asleep "Xiao.. five more minut- AHH" Xiao threw her off the balcony.

She was able to grab onto a branch of the tree wanshu inn was built on. She caught her breath, feeling her heart race. Xiao waited for her to come back, and eventually she did. "Xiao! Why did you do that" she whined loudly. "You weren't waking up. Not to mention, you were the one that wanted to wake up early, yet you were the one sleeping in." He stated with his arms crossed. (y/n) huffed "couldn't you have like, just taken the blanket off, or shoved me a little, or maybe given me more time to sleep" she suggested. Xiao raised a brow "you really want me to shove you awake?" (y/n) chuckled nervously "ahah maybe the second one isn't that much of a good idea.."

"Anyways, go get ready. Once you're done, we'll go out and start your training." He said, as he relaxed his arms and walked away. (y/n) puffed out her cheeks in a pout. "Maybeee I can get two more minutes of sleep-" she got interrupted by Xiao downstairs "don't even think about it."


Once she was done getting ready, Xiao and her traveled near Qiongji Estuary, sense it was close to Wanshu Inn. (y/n) looked at the area around them, taking it how nice it looked. She smiled as she turned around to face Xiao. She put her hands on her hips and huffed "okay! What's first?" She asked. "We run for 10 miles." Xiao stated as (y/n) looked at him blankly. "10 miles? Without stopping?" She restated and Xiao just nodded. "Oh, aha, that should be easy right? I got this" Xiao just stayed silent for a moment "well? Get going" he finally said. "Ah right" (y/n) then started to run as Xiao kept up with her.

(y/n) was already tired by the third mile. She stopped for a moment to get some air. She placed her hands on her knees as a bit of sweat fell. "What are you doing? Keep going." Xiao said as he stopped and looked at her. "Cant we slow down? I don't think I can do this for 10 miles.." (y/n) said as she rose back up. "Cloud retainer said you lost your ability to withstand adepti strength, and you're not gonna be able to get it back if you half-ass it." (y/n) quietly whined. "But-" "no buts. C'mon" Xiao interrupted her. (y/n) nodded sadly and kept jogging.

Xiao had zero trouble keeping up, in fact he wasn't even tired. He had to move at way faster speeds than this. One the 10 miles were done, (y/n) fell to the ground exhausted. Xiao bent down and looked at her "(y/n) that was just the warm up, get off the ground" he said. "Noo, I'm exhausted" she complained. "I was even exhausted before I woke up, can't I get a small break" she whined. "You had enough of a 'break' you were asleep for three hundr-" before Xiao could finish, (y/n) got off the ground. "I don't even remember anything during that time!" She yelled, which caught Xiao off guard. "One moment I felt like I could relax after a long battle and the next I woke up with all of this new information! Like how I was asleep for three hundred years, and now I can barely recognize Liyue, and now I have to exhaust myself again!" She complained in a serious tone. Xiao stayed quiet "it's completely unfair and I just wish you'd stop making 'me sleeping for three centuries' an excuse!" She yelled. Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Weren't you the one that said you could handle the battle? We both know you're at the same power level as me, yet you decided to do it all on your own." Xiao stated. He didn't sound cold, but rather hurt. "You've always done that. You've always smiled and sucked up your own pain, not realizing how concerned me and the other adepti would get." He said sternly. (y/n) stayed quiet, not understanding. "While trying to act like you were fine to put a smile on our faces, in reality you were being selfish." Xiao said. "Then not only that you fell asleep. None of us even thought you were gonna wake up!" He slightly raised his voice. "And then after that, you came back with that stupid smile of yours." (y/n) looked at the ground, no longer being able to look at the sadness in his eyes. He felt bad for yelling at you like that, but he just crossed his arms and sighed. "Now c'mon, you had enough strength to stand up, so let's go climb up these mountains. After that we'll do simple stuff like push ups." He said, changing the subject. (y/n) just silently nodded. Though it seemed like he was just scolding her, she could hear the pain in his voice.

After that, (y/n) pretty much went along with any exercise she gave him. She would stop to breathe sometimes, getting yelled at by Xiao in the process. She didn't whine for any of it, which made Xiao worry. Eventually, they walked back to Wanshu Inn. Once they got there Verr had spoken out to (y/n). "A-ah you're back! I wanna deeply apologize to you, (y/n). I didn't know you were an adeptus" she said. (y/n) gave her a reassuring smile. "It's fine, I didn't really mind" Xiao sighed and face palmed, she really didn't care about how mortals treated her. Once (y/n) and Xiao walked up the stairs, (y/n) spoke quietly "I'm gonna go to bed now, cya" she said. Before she could go farther up the stairs, Xiao grabbed her by the shirt and dragged her back over to the balcony. He let go and crossed his arms. "It's easy to tell when you're mad." He said. (y/n) just sat on the floor like a child, crossing her arms. "What? Do you want a 'stupid smile'?" She asked him. He sighed and sat down next to her.

"Look, I didn't mean it like that it's just... it's frustrating when all you do is deny your feelings. Because I know you're just trying to do it to make us feel better, and it just makes it worse because we greatly care about you (y/n), not our own emotions." He said, trying to not scold her. "Next time I'll try not to snap on you like that. I can only imagine how stressful this situation is for you." (y/n) looked over to him as he put a hand over her shoulder. A smile slowly came on her face as she wrapped her arms quickly around Xiao, hugging him. "You're so nice Xiao! What would I ever do without you" she said happily. Xiao sighed as he tried to pry her off of him "you'd most likely die" he said. She pouted "whaat? I'm not that helpless!" Xiao eventually got her off of him. "Now go sleep. I won't make you exercise tomorrow cause I know you'll be sore." Xiao stated. (y/n) nodded and before she got up, she looked at him "can I have oneee more hug?" She asked, in which Xiao coldly looked at her with denying eyes. She sighed in defeat as she went to bed

The sleeping adeptus // Xiao x reader Where stories live. Discover now