"Sorry" | 9

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(y/n) decided to walk back to the home Venti and her were staying at, after all it would be rude to leave without saying anything. She sighed, feeling defeated. Yes it was wrong of her to snap at Xiao like that, but did she really have to apologize? She shook off her thoughts, before opening the door to the rent home. She saw Venti already in the home as she closed the door behind her. "Oh, I didn't know you were already back" she said to him. "Yup! Did you go do something while I was gone?" He asked. (y/n) looked to the side "uh yea, I suppose you could say that." She had cleaned her hand and her nose so there was no more blood. It was getting rather late so she decided tomorrow was most likely the best time to see Xiao, after all, she didn't know if that harbinger would still be around.

Venti smiled. "That's great! Ah, sadly I'm out of mora now so I can't take us drinking this night, so tonight will be much more calm." He stated. She looked at him confused as she questioned him "mora? Then what have you been doing all day? Isn't that what bards do?" Venti smiled nervously "aha, that would be because I was offered rare wine, that was the same price as the mora I had currently on me." (y/n) placed her hands on her hips as her brows furrowed. "And what happened to 'a bard plays twice a day'? Don't you get mora from those performances?"

"It would seem the people of Liyue prefer music that a bard cannot make, alas I suppose I can only play the tunes of mondstadt" he stated sadly. (y/n) looked at him with a dead pan expression "so you didn't play at all?" Venti nodded at (y/n)'s question. She sighed "cant you play more than just a lyre?" She asked. "Oooh, yea I forgot about that" Venti stated as (y/n) looked at him shocked. "How could you be so- Nevermind" she said, as she truly tried her hardest to not insult him. "Well, I'm going to go to sleep now, see you Venti" she said before she heard him whine "ehhh? You're not gonna hang out with me first?" He said, hugging onto her. "I'm extremely tired, sorry Venti" she apologized, trying to pry him off. "We can hang out a bit tomorrow, okay?" She suggested, as he pulled away from her and nodded. "Sounds like a deal! Make sure to wake up early tomorrow okay?" He smiled. (y/n) then nodded and went to her room. Once she closed her door, Venti's smile faded. "Though sadly we won't be able to talk much tomorrow" he mumbled to himself.


(y/n) woke up in her bed, shielding her eyes from the light that peak through her curtains. She turned over on her back and stretched out, sighing as she got up. She walked over to the window and closed her curtains "who the hell opened these" she said as she huffed. She then walked over to her door and opened it. She hoped that she didn't wake up too late, after all Venti seemed like he really wanted to hang out. She closed her door behind her and walked into the living room. She saw Venti sitting and chatting with someone who she didn't expect to see, well atleast not this early in the morning. "Venti? Why's Xiao here?" Venti looked over, smiling when he saw you. "You're awake! I was hopping opening your curtains would wake you up" he said. (y/n) didn't even say anything back to him, she just kept looking at Xiao and then back at Venti. "Oh right, I'll give you guys some alone time now." He said as he left the living room.

Xiao stood up and looked at you as you walked to him. "I apologize about showing up like this. Venti had came to me yesterday and said you were staying with him." He said. She crossed her arms as her brows furrowed. Her feelings about Xiao were still complicated, she didn't understand if she was happy to see him or absolutely infuriated. Not only that, but Venti had lied to her, and went to go chat with Xiao yesterday instead of performing like he told her. She felt like her trust was betrayed. Yes she wanted to go and apologize to Xiao today, but she wasn't happy about it. Nothing was gonna resolve if she stayed away from him, plus if she kept going on her own like that, she would have to keep fighting to protect herself from the dangers of liyue.

"So I'm guessing you have something to talk about, since you're here? Though I do wanna say something first. I'm sorry that I blew up on you like that, and then ran off. It was childish of me, and as an adeptus I should know better." (y/n) stated as her gaze remained at the floor. She then saw Xiao's feet step into her view, and as she looked up, he gently put his hands around her in a hug. (y/n)'s eyes widened with shock as she hesitated for a second to hug back. "Don't apologize I.... I'm so sorry for what I said to you. This whole time I've been worried about your safety, and then I caused you to run away. I said something that triggered past trauma for you, and if anyone had done the same to me I know I would be infuriated." He said softly, struggling to put together words a little.

She was still in shock, this was out of character for Xiao, he seemed gentle. It was weird because his hug had barely any weight to it, as if he felt uncomfortable. "You probably hate being in Liyue, you didn't have to come all this way just to apologize" she said with a little bit of a laugh. "Indeed, the crowds in Liyue are bothersome... but still, this was important to me so I had to suck it up." He said, as (y/n) laughed a little. She figured that Xiao probably doesn't like hugging, and so she tried to pull away, but as she did so, Xiao's grip only got tighter. (y/n) glanced at the side of his head confused. "Xiao?" She questioned. "Uhm.. can we.. stay like this for a bit" he asked. (y/n) felt a smile creep up on her face, she always tried to hug him but he'd never budge, so this was nice. "Of course" she said softly. She felt her heart race a little. Why was she feeling this way?

After a bit, he finally let go. (y/n) cleared her throat as she began to speak "oh uhm also, there's something I need to tell you" she said. Xiao looked at her as one of his brows lifted. "What is it?" (y/n) nervously laughed. "So yesterday I was trying to keep up with training, and well... I came across someone from the fatui-" she started, Xiao already not liking where this is going. "And well, I had to sort of... fight him" she said. Xiao's eyes widened as he heard her say that "a-and I sort of did use too much in order to get away and ended up hurting myself" she said the last part quietly. "You WHAT?" He said, raising his voice slightly. His expression was a mix of anger and worry, before he stopped himself and calmed down. He inhaled then exhaled loudly. "You're coming back to Wanshu inn with me. You need protection right now, especially since you have the tendency to jump into battle." He stated calmly as he crossed his arms.

(y/n) nodded as she looked at the ground, she truly felt powerless right now. "I know staying with me is bothersome, and that training is tiring but it's what you have to do" Xiao said as she looked up at him. "I don't think you're bothersome, in fact I-" (y/n) was interrupted by Venti walking back in "hey guys! I'm guessing you've gotten enough time to talk things out correct?" He smiled as he said that. (y/n) looked at him for a second before grabbing him by one of his braids. "You! You wanna explain why you had to lie to me yesterday? And not only that but you ratted me out?" (y/n) asked sternly. Venti winced a little as she pulled on his hair. "Aha, but I didn't lie to you, I was too busy performing yesterday" he stated, which only made (y/n) tug on his hair more as she knew that was a lie. "You said no one wanted to see you play yesterday, which means you're lying!" She said, tugging more. "Ow ow okay! I was talking with Xiao yesterday because you both felt bad about the situation, and then I learned that you didn't have your adeptal strength so I told Xiao you were staying with me" he stated as he attempted to get his hair out of (y/n)'s grasp.

She let go and crossed her arms. "Can't believe I had to drag the truth out of you, clearly our friendship means nothing to you." She said, huffing in anger. Venti laughed nervously "no no it's not like that I'm sorry! I was just trying to do what was best for you I promise" he said, speaking fast because he was nervous that (y/n) actually felt betrayed. "Anyways, how about we go out and do something? I haven't seen you guys together in awhile" Venti suggested "No. I hate being around people and I need to take (y/n) back, moon carver wants to talk to her." Xiao stated as Venti whined in return. "But- but-" Xiao shook his head at Venti's pleading. "We'll get going now." He said, looking at (y/n) as she nodded.


I was gonna make this longer but I wanna give myself something to write next chapter bejzisksk anyways besties I hope you enjoyed a bit of soft Xiao 🙂

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