Tofu date! | 10

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When (y/n) and Xiao got back to Wanshu inn, (y/n) flopped down onto her bed and sighed in relief, a smile appearing on her face. "Finally.. this bed is so much more comfortable than the one at Venti's house" she said to herself. She felt herself get pulled up by her shirt, her looking at Xiao with an irritated look. "What is it now" she whined, making him quirk a brow. "Did you forget that we have to go and talk to moon carver? We only came here to get something to eat." He stated, making (y/n) whine. "But- but-" Xiao shook his head at her words. "You shouldn't have laid down in the first place if you were gonna act this way." He coldly said.

(y/n) got up sighing, but then shook it off. "So what are we gonna be eating?" She asked. Xiao looked at her for a second, before his expression lightened up as if he remembered something. "Oh, I forgot that there's a bunch of dishes you're unfamiliar with since you missed out on a lot. I was confused for a second, seeing as that you normally are a pig when it comes to food." He said, in which in respond (y/n) grabbed the nearest object and threw it at him, it being the pillow on her bed. He looked at her as her face was red. "Don't call me a pig! How rude, you've been alive since the archon war and you don't even know how to talk to a lady." She said, crossing her arms. Xiao resisted the urge to laugh, as only a small snort came out in return. (Y/n) looked at him, surprised by him finding it funny. He then cleared his throat. "Well let's head down to Yanxiao, I'll get you almond tofu, I'm sure you'll like it." He said, making (y/n) smile with her eyes squinted shut. "Sounds nice!"

Xiao and (y/n) walked down to the kitchen and then Xiao turned to her. "Just sit here I'll talk to Yanxiao." He stated to (y/n), her nodding as she sat down at a small table. She quietly hummed a melody as Xiao talked to the chef. It didn't take him long to come back, as he wasn't one for conversations. He sat down in the chair across from her. "So do you know what moon carver wants to talk about?" (Y/n) asked, Xiao shaking his head and closing his eyes. "All he said was that he wanted to talk to you. When you first awoke, for some reason he said he didn't want to see you, and now he does." He stated.

(Y/n) tried to understand why moon carver would want that, but it's not like thinking about it will get her anywhere. For some reason moon carver never really seemed to like her. Maybe it was because she had no respect as an adeptus, or the fact that she didn't know how to stay away from humans, either way he didn't like (y/n). "Are you alright?" Xiao spoke out, catching (y/n)'s attention. She looked at him and nodded "yea, I'm fine. Just simply thinking about moon carver." She stated. Xiao understood her frustration. (Y/n) was a happy person, yet no matter what she tried, she never seemed to get on moon carver's good side. "I can imagine the situation between you and moon carver will be difficult, and most likely awkward, but whatever he wants to talk about I'm sure is important, so just bare with me okay." He said. Xiao was being oddly kind, but (y/n) appreciated it. She smiled warmly "thank you Xiao." She replied back before Yanxiao came over with the food.

(Y/n) said her thanks to him, and though Xiao didn't say anything either Yanxiao already knew he didn't mean to be rude. (Y/n) stared at the plate of almond tofu, picking up a piece with her chopsticks and squishing it gently between the two pieces. It definitely had an interesting looking texture, and the sweet smell coming off felt a little suffocating. "Well? You shouldn't play with your food (y/n)." Xiao spoke out before taking more bites of his own plate. (Y/n) looked back at the tofu in between her chopsticks before taking a bite out of it. "How is it?" Xiao asked, (y/n) taking a moment to process the flavor. "The texture is really nice, but the amount of sweetness is a bit overwhelming." She said, covering her mouth to speak as she swallowed the last bits of tofu that was in her mouth. "I figured as much, you never really seemed like the type to like sweet foods." He said "but you said that you thought I'd like it." (Y/n) said with confusion, making Xiao chuckle quietly. "Well I suppose that's what you get for trusting me." He said, making (y/n) whine.

"Now hurry up and finish eating, you know moon carver is an impatient person." He stated, before she nodded sadly and forced herself to eat the almond tofu. She stopped for a moment and smiled. "Hey, would you consider this a date?" She said, resting her head on her palm and smiling widely. Xiao narrowed his eyes "date? Are you delusional?" He asked in a cold and bitter tone. (Y/n) sighed sadly, taking another bite of her almond tofu "you're no fun."


(Y/n) and Xiao had finished eating and made their way to where Moon carver stayed now a days. (Y/n) felt nervous, as she looked at the ground and fidgeted with her hands. Xiao noticed this and bumped her on the shoulder, making her stop.

"Moon carver, we've arrived." Xiao spoke out. Moon carver then appeared, looking at the two. "Conquerer of demons, thank you for bringing (y/n) and accompanying her." He stated his thanks, which just reminded (y/n) of how much he talked like a grandpa. "It's about the night she had fallen asleep. As I expected, she was only suppose to rest for a few days, but ended up sleeping for centuries. I did more investigating, and found out why. (Y/n) wasn't suppose to be sleeping at all, in fact, she had been corrupted with some kind of darkness." He stated. Xiao grew a serious expression "you mean the darkness that demons usually hold?" Moon carver nodded at his question. (Y/n) looked confused, how does any of this make sense?

"But, I didn't turn into some corrupt monster like other demons, so how did I have any darkness?" (Y/n) questioned, making Moon carver turn his head towards her. "I don't know exactly how you got it, or why it didn't fully corrupt you." He stated, making Xiao speak up "but then if that's not the case, why was it there?" He asked.

Moon carver looked at him. This part he was certain about, after all all the signs were there. The only reason why the corruption didn't work was because of Cloud retainer, which she had admitted. Cloud retainer came to him a few days prior to this little meeting. She had confessed that while making sure (y/n) still had strength, it was almost as if there was a plague of darkness. She had gotten rid of the darkness awhile ago, and she admitted she should've told Xiao. "The reason why is was there is quite odd, not even I know who did it to her but-" moon carver started, pausing for a second. "It was there to try and kill her."


I'm so sorry it took so long for me to upload another chapter 😰 I was originally writing a 10k thanks chapter where it was at the lantern rite, but I was only 1/4 done with it and I had ZERO motivation, so I deleted it. I apologize about not being able to upload anything for 10k, buuutt maybe I can do something spicy for 20k 🤭

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